Adjektiv 2 Flashcards
What preposition is used with ‘abhängig’?
von + D
‘Abhängig’ means dependent.
What preposition is used with ‘angewiesen’?
auf + A
‘Angewiesen’ means reliant.
What preposition is used with ‘arm’?
an + D
‘Arm’ means poor or lacking.
What preposition is used with ‘bekannt’?
mit + D
‘Bekannt’ means known.
What preposition is used with ‘beliebt’?
bei + D
‘Beliebt’ means popular.
What preposition is used with ‘bereit’?
zu + D
‘Bereit’ means ready.
What preposition is used with ‘besorgt’?
um + A
‘Besorgt’ means concerned.
What preposition is used with ‘bezeichnend’?
für + A
‘Bezeichnend’ means characteristic.
What preposition is used with ‘charakteristisch’?
für + A
‘Charakteristisch’ means characteristic.
What preposition is used with ‘dankbar’?
für + A
‘Dankbar’ means grateful.
What preposition is used with ‘einverstanden’?
mit + D
‘Einverstanden’ means in agreement.
Ich bin mit dir einverstanden.
What preposition is used with ‘entsetzt’?
über + A
‘Entsetzt’ means horrified.
What preposition is used with ‘erfüllt’?
von + D
‘Erfüllt’ means filled.
What preposition is used with ‘erstaunt’?
über + A
‘Erstaunt’ means amazed.
What preposition is used with ‘fähig’?
zu + D
‘Fähig’ means capable.
What preposition is used with ‘fertig’?
mit + D
‘Fertig’ means finished.
What preposition is used with ‘frei’?
von + D
‘Frei’ means free.
What preposition is used with ‘freundlich’?
zu + D
‘Freundlich’ means friendly.