Adjectives for describing people Flashcards
able or willing to change in order to suit different conditions:
The survivors in this life seem to be those who are adaptable to change.
friendly and easy to talk to:
He struck me as an affable sort of a man.
She was quite affable at the meeting.
having a strong wish to be successful, powerful, or rich:
an ambitious young lawyer
He’s very ambitious for his children (= he wants them to be successful).
relating to behaviour between people that is pleasant and friendly, often despite a difficult situation:
His manner was perfectly amicable, but I felt uncomfortable.
intelligent and quick to learn:
They were bright children, always asking questions.
She was enthusiastic and full of bright ideas and suggestions
willing to accept many different types of behaviour, beliefs, or choices in other people:
My grandparents were surprisingly broad-minded.
He is broadminded about the different forms families can take.
We are supposed to be a broad-minded society.
serious about your work and putting a lot of effort into doing it in a careful way:
Greg Smith is a conscientious and dedicated worker who will be an asset to your company.
Jane is a conscientious worker who always completes her tasks on time and to the best of her ability.
The doctor was praised for his conscientious approach to patient care, taking the time to listen to their concerns and providing thorough explanations.
The teacher’s conscientious grading policy ensured that each student received fair and accurate assessments of their work.
The company’s conscientious recycling program aimed to reduce waste and promote sustainable practices.
The athlete’s conscientious training regimen included regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and adequate rest to optimize their performance.
The editor’s conscientious attention to detail ensured that the manuscript was free of errors and ready for publication.
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pleasant and friendly in manner or attitude:
The talks ended on a convivial note.
a convivial atmosphere/host
polite and showing respect:
Although she often disagreed with me, she was always courteous.
able to make decisions quickly and confidently, or showing this quality:
You need to be more decisive.
a decisive repl
The company’s decisive action to cut costs and streamline operations saved it from bankruptcy.
The coach’s decisive decision to switch the team’s formation at halftime completely turned the game around.
The CEO’s decisive leadership during the crisis helped to calm employees and restore confidence in the company.
The judge’s decisive ruling put an end to the long-standing legal dispute and allowed the parties to move on.
The politician’s decisive stance on the issue earned her the respect and support of many voters, even those who disagreed with her position
acting in a way that does not cause offence:
Ask him nicely - be diplomatic.
relaxed and not easily upset or worried:
an easy-going attitude/manner
a friendly, easy-going type of guy
(esp. of people and their behavior) very energetic, and showing the happiness of being alive:
He is an exuberant dancer.
Young and exuberant, he symbolizes Italy’s new vitality.
honest, sincere, and telling the truth, even when this might be awkward or make other people uncomfortable:
a full and frank discussion
There followed a frank exchange of views.
The magazine, which gives frank advice about sex and romance, is aimed at the teenage market.
(of people) liking to be with other people:
Emma’s a gregarious, outgoing sort of person.
lly is known for being gregarious, always engaging in conversations and making new friends wherever she goes.
The party was a huge success, thanks to the gregarious nature of the host, who ensured that everyone felt welcome and included.
John’s gregarious personality made him the perfect candidate for the job of salesperson, as he easily built rapport with customers and closed deals.
The gregarious behavior of the monkeys in the jungle was a sight to behold, as they socialized and played with each other throughout the day.
able to know or understand something because of feelings rather than facts or proof:
Good agents are certainly extroverted, but are grounded, rather than intuitive.
very good at thinking of new and original ideas:
He is very inventive, always dreaming up new gadgets for the home.
not usually talking about or making obvious your own abilities and achievements:
He’s very modest about his achievements.
using ideas and methods that have never been used before:
pioneering techniques
a pioneering surgeon
being the first to do or use a particular new idea:
pioneering research/work/study
a pioneering technique/treatment/technology
having a calm appearance or characteristics:
a slow-moving and placid river
the placid pace of village life
She was a very placid (= calm and not easily excited) child who slept all night and hardly ever cried.
Taking action by causing change and not only reacting to change when it happens:
Companies are going to have to be more proactive about environmental management.
a proactive approach/role
able to react quickly and skillfully
able to reply in a clever or funny way without thinking for a long time
skilled at solving problems and making decisions on your own:
She’s a very resourceful manager.
The resourceful entrepreneur found creative ways to bootstrap her business without external funding.
In the wilderness, a resourceful person knows how to make use of the natural resources around them to survive.
My neighbor is so resourceful, she can fix anything with just a roll of duct tape and some ingenuity.
The teacher was impressed with her resourceful students who came up with a unique solution to a difficult problem.
During the pandemic, many people became more resourceful in finding ways to stay connected with loved ones despite social distancing measures.
able to change easily from one activity to another or able to be used for many different purposes:
He’s a very versatile young actor who’s as happy in highbrow dramas as he is in TV comedies.
A leather jacket is a timeless and versatile garment that can be worn in all seasons.
not friendly or willing to take part in things:
She seemed rather aloof when in fact she was just shy.
He stood aloof from the rest of the group, observing them quietly.
She was perceived as aloof because she didn’t talk much at social events.
The boss was aloof and distant, making it difficult for employees to approach him.
The cat was aloof and didn’t like to be petted by strangers.
He kept himself aloof from the political drama in the office.
She felt aloof and disconnected from the rest of the world after the breakup
wishing to fight or argue:
a belligerent person
a belligerent gesture
Watch out! Lee’s in a belligerent mood.
The belligerent attitude of the customer made it difficult for the salesperson to resolve the issue peacefully.
The belligerent tone of the politician’s speech incited the crowd and led to a violent protest.
The belligerent behavior of the opposing team caused tensions to rise on the field and almost led to a physical altercation.
The belligerent actions of the country led to a full-scale war, causing immense damage and loss of life.
Despite warnings from the authorities, the belligerent protestors continued to disrupt the peace with their aggressive chanting and gestures.
thinking that you are more important or more intelligent than you really are:
She’s so bigheaded!
Ever since he won that award, he’s become so big-headed that he won’t even talk to his old friends anymore.
She’s a talented musician, but she’s also very big-headed about her skills.
He’s always bragging about his accomplishments and acting like he’s better than everyone else - he’s such a big-headed jerk.
Don’t get too big-headed about your success - remember that it takes hard work and dedication to achieve your goals.
His big-headed attitude is really starting to annoy his coworkers - nobody wants to work with him anymore.
unkind, cruel, and without sympathy or feeling for other people:
It might sound callous, but I don’t care if he’s homeless. He’s not living with me!
without sympathy or feeling for other people:
As callous as it may sound, trying to help some students is a waste of time.
arguing and complaining a lot:
He’s getting a bit cantankerous in his old age.
He’s always in a bad mood and argues with everyone. He’s a cantankerous old man.”
“I don’t know what’s wrong with her today, but she’s being really cantankerous and snapping at everyone.”
“He’s never satisfied with anything and always complains. He’s the most cantankerous person I know.”
“The old, cantankerous dog growled at anyone who came near him.”
“She’s always been a bit cantankerous, but lately, she’s become unbearable to be around.”
A clingy person stays close to and depends on a person who is taking care of them:
Jimmy is a very clingy child.
My friend’s boyfriend is so clingy that he always wants to be with her, even when she’s hanging out with her friends.
The toddler was being very clingy and wouldn’t let go of his mother’s leg, even when she tried to walk away.
I find it difficult to date someone who is too clingy, as I value my independence and alone time.
My dog is very clingy and always wants to be near me, even when I’m busy working.
The new employee is very clingy and keeps asking me for help with every little task, which is becoming overwhelming for me
believing that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere:
She has a pretty cynical view of men.
I’ve always been deeply cynical about politicians.
used to say that someone’s feelings or emotions are used to your own advantage:
She works in that most cynical of industries - advertising.
He praises my cooking but it’s just a cynical ploy to get me to make him dinner.
A detached person does not show any emotional involvement or interest in a situation:
She seemed a bit detached, as if her mind were on other things.
Throughout the novel, the story is seen through the eyes of a detached observer.
Prices are rising so fast that people can’t afford detached houses.
If you are dogmatic, you are certain that you are right and that everyone else is wrong.
He has written a stimulating but dogmatic book.
Sarah’s boss was so dogmatic in his opinions that he refused to consider any other viewpoints.
The professor’s dogmatic approach to teaching left little room for discussion or questioning.
Many people found the politician’s dogmatic speeches to be arrogant and dismissive of opposing views.
The religious leader’s dogmatic interpretation of scripture led to a lot of conflict and division within the community.
not easily satisfied, or having very high standards about particular things:
All my children were fussy eaters.
He’s so fussy about the house - everything has to be absolutely perfect.
“Why am I still single?” “You’re too fussy - that’s your problem!”
Adjective to describe a person or their behavior:
My aunt is very fussy about the cleanliness of her house.
The restaurant manager was fussy about the presentation of the food.
Adjective to describe something that is difficult to satisfy or please:
The baby is fussy and won’t stop crying.
Our boss is fussy about the quality of our work.
easily deceived or tricked, and too willing to believe everything that other people say:
There are any number of miracle cures on the market for people gullible enough to buy them.
He was so gullible that he believed the stranger’s story about winning the lottery and gave him all his money.
The con artist took advantage of her gullibility and convinced her to invest in a fake business venture.
Don’t be so gullible, the internet is full of fake news and misleading information.
She fell for the prank and spent the whole day looking for the “invisible ink” that her coworkers told her about.
His gullibility led him to buy a “miracle” weight loss pill that turned out to be a complete scam.
showing behaviour in which you do things suddenly without any planning and without considering the effects they may have:
Don’t be so impulsive - think before you act.
an impulsive man/decision/gesture
indecisive about
not good at making decisions:
He is widely thought to be an indecisive leader.
Mary was indecisive about what to wear to the party, she changed her outfit several times before finally settling on something.
John was indecisive about which restaurant to go to for dinner, he spent hours researching reviews online and asking friends for recommendations.
The company’s management team was indecisive about whether to expand the business or not, they debated the pros and cons for weeks before finally making a decision.
believing that having money and possessions is the most important thing in life
not willing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own:
narrow-minded opinions/views
a narrow-minded person
without energy and effort:
The U.S. number-one tennis player gave a disappointingly lackluster performance.
not very good:
The film’s plot is predictable and the acting is mediocre.
Parents don’t want their children going to mediocre schools.
different from what most people consider to be normal and acceptable
deviant behaviour/sexuality
The police officer suspected that the suspect had deviant behavior, which led to his arrest.
Some people consider tattoos and piercings to be deviant forms of self-expression.
The study found that children who exhibit deviant behavior early on in life are more likely to engage in criminal activity later on.
The therapist worked with the patient to help them overcome their deviant thoughts and behaviors.
The school administration was concerned about the deviant behavior of some of the students and implemented a new disciplinary policy
very clever, exciting and interesting
a scintillating performance
Statistics on unemployment levels hardly make for scintillating reading.
The scintillating fireworks display lit up the sky with bursts of vibrant colors and shimmering lights.
Her scintillating performance on stage captivated the audience and earned her a standing ovation.
The scintillating conversation between the two intellectuals was filled with thought-provoking ideas and insights.
The diamond ring shone with scintillating brilliance in the sunlight, catching the eye of everyone who passed by.
The scintillating waves in the ocean reflected the sunlight, creating a beautiful and mesmerizing sight.
(1) You were scintillating on TV last night.
(2) a play full of scintillating dialogue.
(3) Statistics on unemployment levels hardly make for scintillating reading.
(4) You can hardly expect scintillating conversation from a kid that age.
seeming to be dishonest; looking guilty about something
SYNONYM furtive
shifty eyes
to look shifty
“I don’t trust that salesman. He seemed shifty and wouldn’t look me in the eye.”
“Whenever I ask him a direct question, he gives me a shifty answer. I can never tell if he’s telling the truth or not.”
“The politician’s shifty behavior during the debate made me question his integrity.”
“The detective noticed the shifty behavior of the suspect and knew that he was hiding something.”
“I always feel uneasy when I’m around that shifty-looking guy. I think he’s up to no good.”
(of a person, especially a woman)
thin and attractive
She looked svelte in her new dress - it was the perfect cut to show off her curves.”
“After months of dieting and exercise, he was finally able to fit into his svelte suit for the wedding.”
“The sleek, svelte design of the new sports car was a hit among car enthusiasts.”
“She had always admired the svelte figures of ballerinas, so she decided to take up dance classes to achieve a more toned physique.”
“The new line of athletic wear promised to make customers look svelte and feel comfortable during workouts.”
happy and cheerful
a cheery remark/smile/wave
He left with a cheery ‘See you again soon’.
The telephonist at the other end was cheery and casual.
very interesting because of being unusual or mysterious:
an intriguing possibility/question
She has a really intriguing personality.
Unruly people are difficult to control and often do not obey rules:
an unruly class of adolescents
The unruly crowd surged forward, pushing and shoving as they jostled for a better view of the concert stage.
The unruly children ran wild through the playground, ignoring the teachers’ calls to line up.
The unruly dog barked incessantly, disturbing the peace of the quiet neighborhood.
The unruly hair refused to be tamed, sticking out in all directions despite the efforts of the hairbrush.
The unruly student disrupted the classroom with constant interruptions and disrespectful behavior.
The unruly vines grew unchecked, tangling themselves around the trees and blocking the path.
only interested in yourself and your own activities:
Robert is a self-centered, ambitious, and bigoted man.
Adept at
having a natural ability to do something that needs skill:
She’s very adept at dealing with the media.
Tamsin Palmer gave a technically adept performance on the piano.
She was adept at playing the piano and could effortlessly play complex pieces.
The software engineer was adept at debugging code and could find and fix errors quickly.
The chef was adept at creating unique flavor combinations and could turn even the simplest ingredients into a delicious meal.
The basketball player was adept at dribbling the ball and could maneuver around defenders with ease.
The graphic designer was adept at using various design tools and could create stunning visuals that captured people’s attention.
famous, respected, or important:
an eminent historian
holding tightly onto something, or keeping an opinion in a determined way:
The baby took my finger in its tenacious little fist.
There has been tenacious local opposition to the new airport.
Despite facing numerous obstacles and setbacks, the tenacious athlete refused to give up on his dream of winning a gold medal at the Olympics.
The young entrepreneur displayed a tenacious spirit by persisting with her business idea even when others doubted her ability to succeed.
After being rejected by several publishers, the aspiring author remained tenacious in her pursuit of getting her book published, and eventually succeeded.
Despite her age, the elderly woman showed a tenacious attitude towards her recovery from a serious illness and worked hard to regain her health.
The detective was tenacious in his pursuit of the suspect and refused to give up until he had solved the case.
making clever, secret plans, often to deceive others:
a secretive and scheming politician
She is a clever, scheming woman, skilled at lying.
The scheming businessman devised a plan to drive his competitors out of business by undercutting their prices.
The scheming politician worked behind the scenes to undermine his opponent’s campaign by spreading false rumors.
The scheming student plotted to cheat on the exam by hiding notes in the bathroom stall.
The scheming employee conspired with a rival company to steal trade secrets from his current employer.
The scheming friend manipulated others for personal gain, often lying and using deceitful tactics to get what they wanted.
friendly and pleasant:
congenial company/surroundings
The new employee was very congenial, making friends quickly and fitting in well with the team.
The hostess was very congenial, welcoming guests with a smile and making sure everyone was comfortable.
The vacation spot had a very congenial atmosphere, with friendly locals and a relaxed vibe.
The manager was very congenial, always willing to listen to his employees’ concerns and help them find solutions.
The neighbors were very congenial, often inviting each other over for backyard barbecues and holiday parties.
The work environment was very congenial, with everyone working together towards a common goal and supporting each other.
Cunning people are clever at planning something so that they get what they want, especially by tricking other people, or things that are cleverly made for a particular purpose:
a cunning plan/ploy
He’s a very cunning man.
The fox is known for its cunning ability to outsmart other animals and steal their food.
The thief used his cunning to plan the perfect heist and escape undetected with the valuable goods.
The politician’s cunning tactics included spreading false rumors about his opponent to gain an advantage in the election.
The detective admired the killer’s cunning tactics, but was determined to bring him to justice.
The business mogul used his cunning negotiating skills to secure a deal that was favorable to him and his company.