Adjectives and Adverbs (Chapter 2) Flashcards
What are general rules regarding adjectives?
Every adjective must agree in number and gender with the noun it describes.
Most adjectives add e to the masculine form to form the feminine. The final consonant is then pronounce in the feminine form and other pronunciation changes may also occur
How is the feminine formed for an adjective that ends in a mute e?
There is no change.
Célèbre (famous)
Désagréable (unpleasant)
Mince (thin)
Gauche (left)
Honnête (honest)
and many others
Which adjectives double the final consonant before adding e?
Adjectives ending in:
-et and some ending in s
pareil/pareille (similar)
muet/muette (silent)
gras/grasse (greasy)
las/lasse (tired)
épais/épaisse (thick)
nul/nulle (no)
paysan/paysanne (peasant)
sot/sotte (stupid)
tel/telle (such a)
How do some adjectives that end in et form the feminine version?
Some change the et to ète:
complet/complète (complete)
concret/concrète (concrete)
inquiet/inquiète (worried)
discret/discrète (discreet)
secret/secrète (secret)
How is the feminine formed for an adjective that ends in er?
They change the er to ère:
cher/chère (expensive)
entier/entière (entire)
étranger/étrangère (foreign)
fier/fière (proud)
dernier/dernière (last)
leger/legère (light)
premier/première (first)
How is the feminine formed for adjectives that end in x?
What are 3 exceptions?
Most change to se:
amoureux/amoureuse (in love)
courageux/courageuse (courageous)
ennuyeux/ennuyeuse (boring)
jaloux/jalouse (jealous)
peureux/peureuse (fearful)
sérieux/sérieuse (serious)
3 exceptions are:
Doux -> douce (sweet)
Faux -> fausse (false)
Roux -> rousse (reddish brown)
How is the feminine formed for adjectives that end in eur?
If the adjective is derived from a verb, eur becomes euse:
flatteur/flatteuse (flattering)
menteur/menteuse (lying)
moqueur/moqueuse (mocking)
Otherwise the eur becomes ice:
créateur -> créatrice (creative)
There are many exceptions which just add an e:
meilleur (best)
majeur (major)
mineur (minor)
How is the feminine formed for adjectives that end in f?
The f becomes ve
bref/brève (brief)
neuf/neuve (new)
vif/vive (alive, lively)
How is the feminine formed for adjectives that end in c?
What are 2 exceptions?
The c becomes che:
franc/franche (frank)
sec/sèche (dry)
grec -> grecque (Greek)
public -> publique (public)
Name 5 adjectives that are completely irregular in the feminine?
aige/aiguë (sharp)
long/longue (long)
favori /favorite (favourite)
malin/maligne (sly)
frais/fraiche (fresh)
Name 5 adjectives that have 2 forms in the masculine?
Some adjectives have 2 different masculine forms depending on whether the word following it begins with a consonant or a vowel/silent h. These are:
-beau/bel (m) and belle (f)
-nouveau/nouvel (m) and nouvelle (f)
-vieux/vieil (m) and vieille (f)
-fou/fol (m) and folle (f) (crazy)
-mou/mol (m) and molle (f) (soft)
C’est un beau garçon
C’est un bel homme
(but note - Cet homme est beau)
C’est une belle femme
How do most adjectives form the plural?
What re the 3 groups of exceptions?
Most add an s to the masc/fem form of the adjective
Exceptions are adjectives ending in:
-s or x
-eu or eau
How do adjectives ending in s or x form the plural?
In the masculine plural they do not change:
frais -> frais
gros -> gros
heureux -> heureux
The feminine plural adds an s (because in the fem form, they no longer end in an s or x anyway)
fraiche -> fraiches
grosse -> grosses
heureuse -> heureuses
How do adjectives ending in eu or eau form the plural?
They add an x
beau -> beaux
Le livre est beau. Les livres sont beaux.
nouveau -> nouveaux
hébreu -> hébreux
The feminine plural adds an s (because in the fem form, they no longer end in an s or x anyway)
belle/nouvelle -> belles/nouvelles
bleue -> bleues
How do adjectives ending in al form the plural?
What are 5 exceptions:
-al becomes aux:
Légal - légaux
Loyal - loyaux
Médiéval - médiévaux
royal - royaux
L’ami est loyal, les amis sont loyaux
5 exceptions are:
banal - banals
fatal - fatals
final - finales
natal - natals (native)
naval - navals (naval)
Note the feminine plural is regular:
Loyale - loyales
Fatale - fatales
What is the rule re agreement of the adjectives demi, mi (mid) and nu (bare)?
- Demi and mi don’t change with the gender or number if attached to a noun with a hyphen:
Une demi-heure
Des demi-frères
la mi-septembre (in mid Sept)
les yeux mi-clos (half-closed eyes)
but: une heure et demie (as not attached as above)
- Nu doesn’t change with the gender or number if it precedes a noun with an article:
Nu-pieds (barefoot)
but: les pieds nus (not preceding)
What is the rule re agreement of the adjectives ci-joint and ci-inclus?
They don’t change with the gender or number if they precedes a noun:
Vouz trouverez ci-joint les documents que vous m’avez demandés. (You will find the documents you requested attached)
but: Vous trouverez deux documents ci-joints (You will find 2 documents attached)
What is the rule for adjectives describing the word gens?
If the adjective appears before gens, it is feminine
Les bonnes gens (good people)
If the adjective appears after gens, it is masculine
Les gens âgés (old people)
Note you can’t choose where to put it, some adjectives go before the noun and some go after it by convention.