Adjectives Flashcards
To learn how to make adjectives agree and their irregular forms.
To make a REGULAR adjective (end in -u, -i, -é, -t) into the.. feminine singular; masculine plural; feminine plural; form, you must add what?
E.g. petit:
1) -e (petite)
2) -s (petits)
3) -es (petites)
Adjective ending in -e into the.. feminine singular; masculine plural; feminine plural; form, you must add what?
E.g. jaune:
1) nothing! (jaune)
2) -s (jaunes)
3) -s (jaunes)
Adjectives ending in -s into the... feminine singular; masculine plural; feminine plural; form, you must add what?
E.g. gros
1) -se (grosse)
2) nothing! (gros)
3) -ses (grosses)
Adjectives ending in -on into the... feminine singular; masculine plural; feminine plural; form, you must add what?
E.g. bon
1) -ne (bonne)
2) -s (bons)
3) -nes (bonnes)
Adjectives ending in -eux into the... feminine singular; masculine plural; feminine plural; form, you must add what?
E.g. heureux
1) -euse (heureuse)
2) nothing! (heureux)
3) -euses (heureuses)
Adjectives ending in -er into the... feminine singular; masculine plural; feminine plural; form, you must add what?
E.g. premier
1) -ère (première)
2) -ers (premiers)
3) -ères (premières)
Adjectives ending in -f into the... feminine singular; masculine plural; feminine plural; form, you must add what?
E.g. sportif
1) -ve (sportive)
2) -fs (sportifs)
3) -ves (sportives)
Adjectives ending in -el into the... feminine singular; masculine plural; feminine plural; form, you must add what?
E.g. personnel
1) -le (personnelle)
2) -s (personnels)
3) -les (personnelles)
Adjectives that end in er or et need a grave accent:
Ending: er > ère
Ending: et > ète
E.g. cher
1) -ère
2) -s
3) -ères
E.g. complet
4) -ète
5) -s
6) -ètes
Adjectives ending in -c into the... feminine singular; masculine plural; feminine plural; form, you must add what?
E.g. blanc
1) -che
2) -cs
3) -ches
Adjectives ending in -eur into the... feminine singular; masculine plural; feminine plural; form, you must add what?
E.g. flatteur (flattering)
1) -euse (flatteuse)
2) -eurs (flatteurs)
3) -euses (flatteuses)
Adjectives ending in -al into the... feminine singular; masculine plural; feminine plural; form, you must add what?
E.g. idéal
1) -e
2) -aux
3) -ales
beautiful; beau into the... after a vowel/H feminine singular; masculine plural; feminine plural; form, you must add what?
1) bel
2) belle
3) beaux
4) belles
new; nouveau into the... after a vowel/H feminine singular; masculine plural; feminine plural; form, you must add what?
1) nouvel
2) nouvelle
3) nouveaux
4) nouvelles
crazy, fou into the... after a vowel/H feminine singular; masculine plural; feminine plural; form, you must add what?
1) fol
2) folle
3) fous
4) folles