Adjective Agreement Practice Flashcards
Provide the correct form of the adjective!
deus (attonitus a um)
deus attonitus
astonished god (nom. sing.)
Provide the correct form of the adjective!
dominam (novus a um)
dominam novam
new mistress (acc. sing.)
Provide the correct form of the adjective!
rex (nobilis -e)
rex nobilis
noble king (nom. sing)
Provide the correct form of the adjective!
regem (nobilis -e)
regem nobilem
noble king (acc. sing)
Provide the correct form of the adjective!
reges (attonitus a um)
reges attoniti
astonished kings (nom. or acc. plural)
Provide the correct form of the adjective!
marito (fidelis -e)
marito fidelī
faithful husband (dat. or abl. sing)
Provide the correct form of the adjective!
dona (novus a um)
dona nova
new gifts (nom. or acc. plural)
Provide the correct form of the adjective!
custodem (nullus a um)
custodem nullum
no guard (acc. sing)
Provide the correct form of the adjective!
puellis (fortis -e)
puellis fortibus
brave girls (dat. or abl. pl)
Provide the correct form of the adjective!
agricolas (aeger -gra -grum)
agricolas aegros
sick farmers (acc. pl.)
Provide the correct form of the adjective!
iuvenibus (fessus a um)
iuvenibus fessis
tired youths (dat. or abl. pl.)
Provide the correct form of the adjective!
gladiatori (attonitus a um)
gladiatori attonito
astonished gladiator (dat. sing.)
Provide the correct form of the adjective!
deos (difficilis -e)
deos difficiles
difficult gods (acc. pl.)
Provide the correct form of the adjective!
dominas (attonitus a um)
dominas attonitas
astonished mistresses (acc. pl.)