Addresses & Hardware Flashcards
A computer, typically one on a network. A host can also be referred to as a machine or a system.
A network device that controls and filters data between networks, either wired or wireless. It is a specific type of “gateway”, a device that acts as a gate between two networks.
Web Server
A computer that delivers files and web pages across a network to requesting clients.
A way for a computer to identify specific programs and manage their activity. In an IP address, the port appears after a colon at the very end of the address such as :21, :80, and :443
Main Port Numbers
20/21 - FTP
25 - SMTP
80 - HTTP
443 - HTTPS
Domain Name
Typically, the last two elements of a URL. With domain names, organizations can build URLs. is a good example of this with,, and all having the same domain name.
IP address
An identifying number for hosts and servers on the internet. It uses the Internet Protocol (IP) and is of the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn (IPv4) or hhhh:hhhh:hhhh:hhhh:hhhh:hhhh:hhhh:hhhh (IPv6)
DNS (Domain Name System)
A service that converts domain names to IP addresses and the reverse.
MAC (Media Access Control) address
A unique numeric code that is assigned to networking hardware components (typically a network interface card or NIC) that is built into computers and mobile devices. The code is assigned by the manufacturer, includes their unique identification number, and never changes.
(hex) a base-16 number system. The extra digits are represented by the letters a through f, so all digits in hex are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f.
OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier)
The first half of the MAC address, designating the manufacturer of the network device. Each manufacturer has their own, individual OUI for each device they produce.
NIC (Network Interface Card)
A physical component on a computer or device that provides connectivity to a network.
IEEE (Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)
Best known for developing standards in the computer and electronics industries.
A way for a computer to communicate with all hosts on a network using one message. It’s similar to someone standing in a crowded room and shouting out their friend’s name to begin a conversation (Broadcast MAC address is ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
Used to establish and maintain connections over a computer network
TCP handshake
A three-way communication method using SYN (synchronize), SYN-ACK (synchronize=acknowledge), and ACK (acknowledge) to establish a connection between hosts
TLS (Transport Layer Security)
Security protocol that uses encryption at a lower level of abstraction, encrypting data at the packet-level