Additional questions that can be asked on review Flashcards
Mnemonic for reviews - double check what the question is asking
* Health changes
* Attitude to risk changes
* Legislation changes
* Fund performance need review
- Portfolio needs rebalancing
- Altered personal circumstances/Job changes
- State benefit rules change
- Taxation rules change
- Need for capital - needs and objectives changes or order of priority
- Income changes - payrise, reduction affect dispoable income
- New product available
- Extra money to invest - inheritances/windfall
State 7 factors an adviser should** take into account** when **reviewing Tom and Sally’s investments **at the next annual review
- Asset allocation of savings and investments and whether they continues to match Tom’s and Sally’s medium ATR and rebalancing
- Diversification of the investments
- Performance of the investments/Are the investment on track to meet meet objectives
- Any changes to medium ATR or CFL
- Any changes in cirumstances or needs and objectives
- Availabe and used annual exemptons and allowances
- Changes in legislation or taxation
- Changes in Tom and Sally’s tax position
- Any bond withdrawals
- Income requirement or expenditure change