Additional Finals Review (Chapters 3-5) Flashcards
Describe the first two main processes used to improve social perception.
By improving one’s awareness of perceptual biases (via training) it can help reduce biases and make people more mindful; however, this training sometimes reinforces biases. Improving self-awareness (review Johari Window, pp 57-58) allows you to find information known to others but not you improve awareness of your perceptual limitations. People near you are good sources of information about many of your traits and behavior and they can offer you feedback on your behavior and reduce your blind area.
What is the last process used to improve social perception and what practice within it can help reduce stereotyping?
Mutual interaction (founded on contact hypothesis). When people work towards a common goal that requires cooperation and reliance on one another, you reduce perceptual biases because you gain a more personal understanding of others in the group. Reduces reliance on stereotypes since we have better knowledge about individuals and their unique attributes. This closeness improves empathy towards others (understanding and being sensitive of feelings, thoughts and situations of others). Reduces fundamental attribution error by improving our sensitivity to external causes of others’ performance.
What are the 5 ways to build affective commitment?
Justice and support, shared values, trust, organizational comprehension and employee involvement.
Describe justice and support.
Affective commitment higher in orgs. that fulfill obligations to employees and abide by humanitarian values (fairness, courtesy, forgiveness and moral integrity.) Relate to organizational justice. Supporting employee well-being leads to higher emp. loyalty.
Describe shared values.
Person’s identification with organization is highest when employees believe their values are congruent with its dominant values.
Describe trust.
Positive expectations one has of another. Must demonstrate it to receive it. Identify with and feel obliged to work for an org only when they trust leaders.
Describe organizational comprehension.
How well employees understand org, strategic direction, social dynamics, and physical layout. Difficult to identify with or feel loyal to something you don’t understand well. Lack of information produces uncertainty and people want to distance from that. Help employees develop a reasonable and clear mental model of organization.
Describe employee involvement.
Strengthens employee’s psychological ownership and social identity with organization. Feel they are part when participating in decisions that guide future. Giving this power is a demonstration of company’s trust in employees.
Explain the E-to-P part of Expectancy Theory.
Individual’s perception that his or her effort will result in a particular level of performances. Employees may believe they can undoubtedly complete tasks (probability = 1) or think even their highest effort will not result in this (probability = 0). Usually in between.
Explain the P-to-O part of Expectancy Theory.
Perceived probability that a specific behavior or performance level leads to a certain outcome. In some cases, employee might believe complete a task leads to a definite outcome (p = 1) or that successful completion has no effect on outcome (p = 0). Usually in between.
Explain the outcome valences part of Expectancy Theory.
Anticipated satisfaction or dissatisfaction individual feels towards outcome. Ranges negative to positive. Positive valence when consistent with our values and satisfy needs; negative when they oppose values and inhibit need fulfillment.
How can managers influence E-to-P?
Objective - Increase employee’s belief that they can perform job successfully.
Applications - Select people with req KSAs, provide req training and clarify job reqs, sufficient time/resources, assign few or simple tasks until mastery, examples of similar employees who were successful, coaching for employees who lack self-confidence.
How can managers influence P-to-O?
Objective - To increase employee’s belief that his or her good performance will result in cert (valued) outcomes.
Applications - Measue performance accurately, clearly explain outcomes of successful performance, describe how employee’s rewards were based on past performance, provide examples of other employees whose good performance resulted in higher awards.
How can managers influence outcome valences?
Objective - To increase the employee’s expected satisfaction with outcomes resulting from desired performance.
Applications - Distribute rewards employees value, individualize rewards, minimize presence of countervalent outcomes.