Addiction Week 2 Flashcards
Operant Conditioning Skinner
Process by which various rewards and punishments increase or decrease the likelihoof of an individual repeating a particular action in the future
Positive reinforcement
Increases probability of a behavior by giving a reward
E.g. risk of losing 400 euros but you do win and get 14.000 which is immediate reward
Negative reinforcement
Increases probability of a behavior by removing unpleasant stimulus (discomfort)
E.g. Smoker stops smoking and experiemces withdrawal. These feelings are removed when they smoke another cigarette
Decreases probability of a behavior
Reinforcements and punishments are stronger when they are closely linked in time with actions (contiguity)
Classic conditioning Pavlov
Pprocess by which humans learn to associate stimuli that frequently co-occur together irrespectively of whether the stimuli are causally linked in any way.
Unconditioned response UCR
Reflex already elicited by a stimulus (salivating at the sight of food)
Unconditioned stimulus UCS
A stimulus that can elicit the response ( such as food which can elicit salivation)
Neutral stimulus NS
Stimulus that doesn’t elicit the response (ringing a bell does not cause salivation)
Conditioned stimulus CS
Conditioned response CR
CS= a new stimulus and neutral stimulus that when paired with UCS will produce the response NS -> CS
CR= the new name for the UCR when response is conditioned to the CS
Repeatedly presenting the CS alone until the CS ceases to elicit a response ( when the CS continually fails to elicit the CR)
Conditioned withdrawal
Environment stimuli aquires the ability through classical conditioning to elicit many of the signs and symptoms of pharmacologocal withdrawal
Drug opposite conditioned responses
Responses to conditioned stimuli as if the body is anticipating the arrival of the drug and the effect it will produce so that it minimizes the intensity of the effect
Can mimic withdrawal symptoms
Can be classed as a form of tolerance
Conditoned withdrawal
after a few as seven pairings between mild opiod withdrawal symptoms (UCR) and neutral stimuli (peppermint spray CS) humans begin to show signs of withdrawal (CR) when exposed to the CS alone
Conditioned tolerance
Drug opposite conditoned responses counteract the anticipated effects of the drug so that when the drug is administered the individual will demonstrate conditioned tolerance
1) Drug like conditioned responses
2) needle freak phenomenon
1) when the conditoned response is in the same direction as the observed drug effect
2) injecting an inert substance instead of for example heroin will produce the same effect as the drug yet milder
Social learning theory Bandura
Understanding human behavior in terms of both internal and external causes (as opposed to learning theory which is focused on enviromental influences)
Reciprocal determinism= environment can affect use but we can also influence our envitonment
Learning happens in social context
Key concepts of social learning theory
Past learning does not determine what we do in the next situation
Reinforcements and punishment are indirect factors
Expectation of reinforcement or punishment is powerful enough