Adaptive immunity - T-Cell receptors & MHC proteins Flashcards
What are the 2 types of T-cells /T-cell receptors and how are they defined
- only expressed on membranes, not as soluble proteins
- T helper cells (CD4 +ve)
- Augment immune responses
- T cytotoxic cells (CD8 +ve)
- Specifically kill infected host cells
- act a bit like NK cells but much more specific
- only kill host cells infected with a particular pathogen that they can recognise with their specific T-cell receptors
- Receptor structure on both subpopulations is the same!
Describe the basic structure of the T cell receptor
- Broadly fab-like structure
- TCR consists of an 𝛼 and 𝛽 chain
- Each chain has a Variable and Constant region
Extracellular domains of the T cell receptor are homologous to the variable and constant regions of immunoglobulins.
- each V region contains 3 CDRs (hyper variable)
Extracellular domains of the T cell receptor are homologous to the variable and constant regions of immunoglobulins.
- Stalk segments under constant regions connected by disulfide bonds
- Transmembrane region
- Cytoplasmic tail
- As the TCR is at the membranes of T cells, it has hydrophobic aa residues on c-terminus of the chains
- A subset of T cells (1-5%) express 𝛾 𝜹 (gamma delta) receptors (chains) instead of 𝛼 𝛽
- less diverse
- V𝛼 and V𝛽 domains each have 3 CDRs (1-3)
CDR3 regions of 𝛼 and 𝛽 chains are the most variable
- same as for antibodies:
- CDR3 loop region is the most variable
- same as for antibodies:
Can the T- receptor signal by itself?
explain your answer
Expression of the T-cell receptor on the cell surface requires association with additional proteins.
- when it recognises antigen it has to associate with additional proteins for signalling to occur. it can’t signal by itsself
- these proteins are known collectively as CD3
- this gives rise to the T-cell receptor Complex containing:
- The T cell receptor complex:
- 𝛼 and β subunits (TCR)
- which have to associate with →
- CD3 subunits (ε, δ and γ) and ζ
- E + D, E+Y and 2 Zeta stalks
- 𝛼 and β subunits (TCR)
- Required for optimal cell surface expression and signalling
- CD3 subunits contain ITAMs (Immunoreceptor Tyrosine Activation Motifs) in their cytoplasmic regions
- also found in alpha and beta chains that interact with B cell receptors
- antigen binding → ITAMs phosphorylated → downstream signalling
- when it recognises antigen it has to associate with additional proteins for signalling to occur. it can’t signal by itsself
Draw a diagram of the T-cell receptor complex
see lecture notes: 4th tog
Describe the TCR genes
- Similar to antibody receptor genes: 2 genes loci for alpha and beta chains
- Chromosome 14:
- contains alpha 2 exons,
- V region and many J regions and c domains
- a bit like the light chain of antibodies
- Chromosome 7
- V segments, J segments and D segments and c domains
Does somatic V(D)J recombination occur in T cells? if it does, explain its similarities
exact same as B cell gene rearrangement
only difference is that it occurs in the thymus and not the bone marrow
Describe the diversity of T cell receptor genes
T cells generally have more gene segments than B cells, creates bigger junctional diversity compared to B cells.
- Multiple copies of V region gene segment [Vn x Jn/Vn x Dn x Jn]
V𝛼 ~70 segments, J𝛼 61, V𝛽 = 52, D𝛽 2, J𝛽 13
whereas for B cell its: max 6, 23, 40 - 𝛼 x 𝛽 chain combination [Va x Ja] x [Vb x Db x Jb] =~6*10^6
- Junctional diversity = ~2*10^11
- Concentrated in the CDR3s of TCR 𝛼 and 𝛽 chains
- i.e. these are the most variable
- CDR1 and 2 are encoded in germline
- CDR3 is the VJ/VDJ join so is very diverse
- Total diversity = ~10^18
- Concentrated in the CDR3s of TCR 𝛼 and 𝛽 chains
Compare the differences in diversity of B and T cell repertoire
B-cells undergo somatic hypermutation which T-cells don’t, however:
The T-cell repertoire is more diverse because T cells generally have more gene segments than B cells -> creates bigger junctional diversity compared to B cells
T-cell repertoire: 10^18
B-cell repertoire: 10^14
What is the main big difference between B-cell antibodies and TCRs?
The V regions of TCRs do NOT undergo somatic mutation!!
Why do V regions of TCRs not undergo somatic hypermutation
- why?
- maybe its too dangerous
- if T cells somaticly mutate, you might get receptors recognising own tissues
- B cells the same may occur but B cells need T cells
- or they may not just need that high affinity generation
- real answer: we don’t know for sure
- maybe its too dangerous
Do B and T cells recognise the same antigen? what type of pathogens are they important for dealing with
- B and T cells recognise different types of antigens
- B cell immunity is particularly important in defence against extracellular pathogens
- generally true
- can bind to structures on surface of pathogens or surface of viruses etc.
B cells recognise free, “native” antigens
- i.e. non-cell associated antigen (unprocessed antigens)
T cells don’t recognise free, “native” antigens
How do T cells recognise antigen?
- T cells also important in dealing with intracellular pathogens
- How can T cells recognise intracellular antigens? TCR can’t look inside the cell so how?
- samples of whatever is inside a cell is displayed on the surface so a T cell wit hthe right receptor can recognise wether or not a cell is infected. so how do they do this?
Major Histocompatibility proteins (MHC)
- Display bits of whatever is inside the cell on the surface.
- If infected, T cell will recognise the non-self presentation i.e. antigen
- So T cells don’t recognise native antigens, only processed antigens!!
- antigen must be processed (degraded into smaller peptides)
- antigen binds to MHC and MHC brings it to the cell surface and presents it
- Protein → peptide → MHC → cell surface → T cell recognition
- T cells recognise “cell-associated, processed antigen
NB! B cells antibodies react to naive unprocessed antigen, whilst T cells and their TCRs recognise “cell-associated” processed antigen!!!
- T cells require antigen to be presented to them
Describe the genes and nature of said genes that encode MHC and their importance
- T cells require antigen presentation by cells expressing Major Histocompatibility proteins (MHC)
- Discovered during research on graft rejection. Encoded by the genes of the Major Histocompatibility Complex Chromosome 6 (in humans)
- also known as HLA molecules in humans (human leucocyte antigen). the genes!! not the protein
- **e.g. HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C
- 3 gene loci coding for 3 different MHC proteins!
very polymorphic
- e.g. > 1400 alleles of HLA-B locus in the human population. Alleles may differ by up to 20 a.a. substitutions
- so when you match for transplant, you try to match these genes as close together as possible to avoid graft rejection
- major role in antigen presentation and initiation of T cell responses
Describe the concept of MHC restriction
- T lymphocytes can only recognise antigen in the context of self-MHC molecules
- this is known as MHC restriction
- Experiments with inbred mouse strains and virally infected cells (had the same MHC proteins on their surfaces)
- Mouse Strain A and mouse strain B immunised with Virus, T cell from the mice were isolated and cultured in vitro with cells infected with the same virus
- if you took T cells from mouse strain A and mixed with cells from mouse A → would kill mouse A infected cells
- if you took T cells from mouse strain B and mixed with cells from Mouse B → T cells can’t kill infected cells from mouse A
- SO T cells will only recognise antigen thats being presented to them by ?? (31 min)
- why did this happen? → 2 ideas
- 2 receptors on T cells – one (TCR) for antigen, one for MHC?
- 1 thats recognised antigen, and one recognising MHC
- 1 receptor on T cells (TCR) – recognises antigen + MHC?
- only 1 receptor on t cell that recognises antigen and MHC
- 2 receptors on T cells – one (TCR) for antigen, one for MHC?
x-ray crystallography proved answer
- Unknown peptide antigen bound as part of the structure
- At the tip of the molecule in a groove, there was a peptide → proved that T cells recognise MHC and foreign peptide.
- MHC, they bind foreign peptide and transport it to the cell surface
Describe the structure of a TCR binding MHC1+peptide
- FAB with CDRs in the middle, MHC protein on the bottom. Peptide in yellow
- Crystallographic studies demonstrated:
- **(1) MHC binds peptide
- (2) TCR recognises complex of peptide + self-MHC
- The loops
- CDR1 and CDR2 of T cell receptor bind self MHC
- CDR1 and CDR2 inherited in germline so less variable
- CDR3 binds to the peptide
- hypervariable
- CDR1 and CDR2 of T cell receptor bind self MHC
- Another explanation idea for why somatic mutation doesnt occur in T cells: This may that if T cell receptor genes mutated → you would loose recognition of self MHC if these CDRs mutate
- CDR1 and CDR2 bind self MHC (germline-encoded)
- CDR3 binds peptide (variation introduced by junctional diversity)