Adaption Flashcards
Context hypotext
M metonym for mankind “he tells himself that he Is the only one, I am the only one” to have the tiger, speaking to a small 1999 audience (selfish, ill concerned about the bigger picture)
Context hypertext
sunlight on Martin as he scatters the ashes, he is much more likeable and relatable to a more climate concerned audience.
Redemption hypotext
metaphor of M for mankind too busy ‘wanting to reach his buried coffee’, a distraction from ‘night falling’ (night = the end of the world)
Redemption hypertext
M cremates tiger “what you want is gone forever.. I’m going to see the sights”: m refuses to be ‘the hunter’ and sees the sights, enforced further by the embrace from Bike at the school.
Gender hypotext
Lucy sent to “an institution with a nice view of the harbor”, a weak and sickly (dabbles in prescription drugs) human in a bigger climate crisis, blamed by Mrs Mindy for her kids “And Lucy! That Lucy didnt even hear it - those pills of hers”.
Gender hypertext
Lucy awoken by M in a white nightdress, costume choice a reference to a sleeping beauty, is then washed by M to recreate her as a changed and cleansed person, she is killed in film as well.
Extinction hypotext
“unholy strangled hissing roar”, careful and militaristic dissection, “Snap, on go the translucent rubber gloves” taking 10 viles of blood and ovaries “the motherlode safely packed away”
Extinction hypertext
Martin cries after hunting the tiger, kneels and picks it up like a sick child (mid shot)