adaptations at birth Flashcards
placental function
- fetal homeostasis
- gas exchange
- nutrient transport to fetus
- excretion of waste products
- acid base balance
- hormone production
- transport igG
shunts in fetal circulation
ductus venosus (umbelical vein to ivc) foramen ovale(right to left atria) ductus arteriosus(pul. artery to aorta)
Preparation for birth
- production of surfactant(by type 2 pnumocytes)
- accumulation of glycogen for starvation
- brown and subcutaneous fat accumulation for insulation
- swallowing of amniotic fluid for lung expansion
during labour and delivery
increased catecholamines/ cortisol for stress of labour
- stops production of lung fluids
- vaginal delivery squeezes 30% of lung fluids out and rest is absorbed by babies lymphatics
steps in circulation transition
pul. vasc resist drops-> systemic vasc resis rises-> oxygen tension rises ->decrease in circulating prostaglandins-> duct constricts-> closure of foramen ovale
fate of ligaments
foramen ovale(FO)-> closes/persists as PFO
ductus arteriosus-> ligamentum arteriosus /PDA
ductus venosus-> ligamentum teres
persistent pulmonary hypertension(PPH) measurement
preductal and postductal(right hand always preductal and otherlimbs postductal ) difference greater than 3% high suspicion
management of PPH
- ventilation
- oxygen
- nitric oxide- dilates pulmonary vasculature
- sedation- if baby not fully sedated can cause hyperventilation leading to pnuemothorax
- ionotropes
- ECLS(membranous oxygenation )
important functions in the first few hours
- thermoregulation
- glucose homestatsis
- nutrition
heat loss through
babies need help with thermo regulation
low stores of brown fat
low subcutenous fat
large surface area:vol ratio
glucose homeostasis in neonate
placental glucose supply cutoff very less oral intake drop in insulin peak in glycogen hepatic glycogen stores used in gluconeogenesis ability to use ketones as brain fuel
breast feeding
ideal source of baby nutrition
colostrum contains IgA,cellular immunity and growth factors
fetal haemoglobin(hb)
adult hemoglobin synthesized slower than fetal hb brokendown leads to physiological anemia
neonatal jaundice
Liver enzyme pathways present but immature
Physiological Jaundice
Breakdown of fetal haemoglobin
Conjugating pathways immature
Rise in circulating unconjugated bilirubin
Generally not harmful unless very high levels
Early or prolonged jaundice may be pathological
treatment of neonatal jaundice
blue light therapy converts bilirubin into