AD1-21may12nov//2022//28abr Flashcards
But let´s move on!
¡Pero avancemos! ¡Pero sigamos adelante! written as imperative avanzar seguir
I am going to tell you/talk to you/speak to you about my experiences living in Comalapa.
Voy a hablarle de/sobre mis experiencias viviendo en Comalapa.
There was a lot of stony ground in Sweet.
Había mucho pedregal en Sweet.
el pedregal - noun - stony ground
think Pedro and a gal on the stony ground, but with an e
pedregoso-a (adj) terreno pedregoso
the rocky/stony ground
el pedregal - from piedra - noun
wikipedia said in México, used to mean lava field
see Pedro and a gal on the stony ground -
e e a, two e´s and an a
and therefore/hence/so
However, I don´t like the word therefore in Spanish.
y por lo tanto
therefore - por lo tanto, por consiguiente
however - no obstante, sin embargo
Sin embargo, no me gusta la palabra por lo tanto en español.
However, I don´t like the word therefore in Spanish.
por lo tanto/por consiguiente
Sin embargo, no me gusta la palabra por lo tanto en español.
because of this/that
por esto/eso
The Death Valley Desert is a dry and inhospitable place.
The death of a language is a tragedy.
El desierto del Valle de la Muerte es un lugar seco e inhóspito.
inhóspito - adj
La muerte de una lengua es una tragedia.
the rattlesnake
la serpiente de cascabel o la cascabel
snake is also la culebra
but el cascabel=bell, rattle
helmet is casco
think of rattlesnakes with helmets on and rattling their rattles like a bell
think of a bell that has like a casing - a casca
see those rattlesnakes in Sweet with bells on making a sound like casca casca casca
the snake
la serpiente - la culebra
the viper
la víbora (bee-boh-rah)
See it would BE BORING to be a viper
the snake, serpent, viper are all feminine!
A long time ago I saw two rattlesnakes among the rocks next to Mike´s study.
Hace mucho tiempo, vi dos serpientes de cascabel entre las rocas al lado del estudio de Miguel.
al lado de = preposition (Me gustaría un asiento al lado del pasillo.)
junto a = adj
El carro junto a la calle es viejo. (The car next to the street is old.)
Quiero un asiento junto al pasillo. (next to the aisle)
rough, rude, coarse, harsh, sharp, tough
rudo - adj
The Aztecs were so tough that they ate rattlesnakes.
Los aztecas eran tan rudos que comían serpientes de cascabel.
The pigsty in Garden City was a muddy place.
La pocilga en Garden City era un lugar fangoso.
fangoso - adj
think of a poor seal in the garden - pocilga
think of a huge bear with fangs living in the pigsty, think of the fangs of a bear - fangoso
We planted two rows of carrots in the garden.
Sembramos dos hileras de zanahorias en el jardín.
think lines of thread - hilo but it is hileras, la hildera also la fila AND la hilera - both feminine
Our seats are in row twelve. Nuestros asientos están en la fila doce.
el surco = the furrow
Joe is not an average farmer.
Joe no es un agricultor promedio. adj
La edad promedio en GV es probablemente alrededor de cincuenta.
also used as a noun El promedio naciónal
pro = in favor of
medio = half/middle
thank in favor of the middle .
it´s extremely, exceedingly, highly important
es sumamente importante
to pull
to carry
Carry this for me please.
He carried a heavy load.
jalar = to pull
Ray jaló la cuerda. Ray pulled the cord.
Lleva esto por mí, por favor.
Cargó una pesada carga.
cargar (to carry, wear, also to load, to charge)
llevar - also to carry
- to weaken
- to reduce-decrease-bring down-to make smaller
- debilitar
- disminuir (dees - mee -nweer)
reprimir - to repress
deprimir - to depress
Presiona el botón (press the button)
Prices have dropped a lot and this weakens their position in the market.
Los precios han disminuido mucho y esto debilita su posición en el mercado.
disminuir = dees - mee - nweer
el o la emprendedor (e - e- e - o)
emprender = em - pren - dehr (Aunt Em, Emma)
emprender - to undertake, start-up, embark on
Estoy a punto de emprender mi viaje a Guate.
I´m about to undertake/embark on my journey to Guate.
impresario = business man-woman
to defeat, conquer, overcome
Como dijo Julio César: “Vine, vi y vencí”.
Like Julius Caesar said: “I came, I saw, and I conquered.”
to lay seige to, to beseige, to surround
Las tropas asediaron el poblado. Troups beseiged the village.
el poblado = settlement, town, village
la población = the population
asses say D R in the Dominican Republic
acceder - to agree-to access
the plague
la peste, la plaga
Hay quienes piensan que el COVID es una plaga.
stink - verb apestar, noun la peste
the empire/rule
The Roman Empire
el imperio
El imperio romano
the plagues that besieged Europe
las pestes/las plagas que asediaron Europa
asediar - think asses say DR