Ad Placement & Effectiveness Flashcards
Media planning
After deciding how to convey the client’s consumer proposition, the advertiser works with media buyers and the client to develop a media plan for the campaign
How many people will it reach? How often do you want to reach them?
Choosing among media types– prime time, day time, live event, etc.
Percent of relevant population exposed to a particular media campaign at least once during a specified time period
The average number of exposures among those reached by the ad campaign
GRPs (gross rating points)
GRPs = total number of exposures = R × F
When is reach most important
when launching a new product or when going after a poorly defined target market
When is frequency most important
when there are strong competitors, a complex story to tell, or high consumer resistance
Bill Bernbach is pro-frequency
“Reach 100% of people and convince them 10% of the way, or reach 10% of people and convince them 100% of the way?”
make you think about the company more and prime your eyes to become familiar with it
high reach, high frequency
2020, Reagan Outdoor Advertising billboard experiment
People logged on to research high school basketball team, but the whole point of the billboard was to see if they work
When do ads increase sales?
when your close competitors are NOT advertising
Prisoner’s dilemma: both companies are better off if they stay silent
Nielsen’s names for ad avoidance
Zapping: changing channels
Multitasking: paying attention to people and other media
Physical zapping: leaving the room
Zippng: fast-forwarding
Commercial breaks
First slot within a commercial break is most valuable to advertisers
Factors that increase zapping
Actors older than 40
Negative messages
Depict scenes of frustration
Annoying stimuli
Media buying online
Algorithmic bids to show you ad first based on your click behavior