AD Flashcards
outline and describe the main histopathological features of AD
Severe atrophy of neurons. looking at a brain i postmortem it will have large sulci and enlarged lateral ventricle.
severe atrophy of the HPC is also a sign related to early spatial memory deficits
Extracellular depostions of amyloid beta plaques. Large insoluble aggregates fromed from the abberant proteolysis of precursor APP.
A-beta deposition is also visualised in cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) where plaques form in the walls of blood vessels.
Intracelular inclusions of NeuroFibillary Tangles. These consist of hyper phosphorylated microtuble associated protein Tau. (MAPT). look like Whispy Flames.
Neuroinflamation. This can be seen by the surrounding of plaques by microglia that have undergone hypertrophy to enter a Ramified state.
briefly outline the Thal phases of AD compare this to BRAAK staging of AD.
THAL phases tracks the progression of AD through the depostion of AMYLOID BETA. spread being anterograde transmission to regions innervated by infected regions.
1- neocortical depostion
2- inclusions of allocortical regions
3- involvement of striatum, cholinergic nuclei of basal forebrain, diencephallic nuclei
4- inclusion of several brain stem nuceli
5- the final phase with inclusion of the cerebellum.
Phases 1-3 are associated with the preclinical phases and phase 4+5 with the clinical symptoms.
Braak staging tracks the deposition of tau pathology (neuro fibilliary tangles)
1+2- these involve primarily the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus.
3+4- these involve the inclusion of limbic structures
5+6- nemerous regions of the cortex now included.
1+2 confer a non symptomatic stae with the onset of symptoms in stages 3+4 and 5+6 conferring severe stages of AD.
Tau progression has been shown to correlate with the progression of AD. However, Amyloid beta depostion has not with many dying with abundant amyloid beat deposits and no symptoms. Hence, Braak staging may be more reliable in AD.
provide a breif descripion of the clinical progression of AD and its correlation pathological changes.
The progression of AD follows a predictable pattern of atrophy.
atrophy can be visualised by MRI far before the symptomapric phase in a preclinical phase. early on here atrophy can be seen in the EC and HPC, are associated with spatial cognition, something that can be seen in ealry phase AD patients.
soon atrophy in limbic and later cortical areas is observed. conferring with the onset of symptoms like memory loss and later confusion, and the detrioation of intelectual capacity associated with dementia.
Although a hall mark of AD histopathology this does not correlate with the spread of AB pathology. However, it does correlate with the predictable spreading pattern of tau pathology described in Braak staging.
1+2- this being the preclinical phase where there is accumualtion in EC and HPC areas, confers with spatial cognition deficits.
3+4- There is inclusion of limbic areas and the onset of symptoms like memory loss confer with this.
5+6 this is where multiple cortical regiosn begin to be involved, this is seen in late stage AD and correlates with the progressive severity of dementia.
what are the main therapeutic targets in AD?
stop amyloid plaque formation
stop the formation of hyperphosphorylated Tau tangles
reduce neuroinflamation (thought to be a cause of issues with synaptic efficacy, a early contributon to neurodegenerative cascades)
modulate neurotransmission
use genetics to identify novel targets
what are the early behvaioural warning signs of AD?
memory loss, in particular issues with spatial memory as the hippocampus is degenerated early on, we can assess this through the 3 peaks study which test both spatial memory and perception (perception is normally fine)
changes in personality issues with pallning and decision making. misplacing things, change in mood disorientiation is space an time. difficutly performing familiar tasks.
what risk of bias can be associated with randomised studies of neruodegenrative disease like AD, what is the issue of the currently known markers?
In neruodegenrative conditions the rate of progression can vary alot.
Randomised smapling runs the risk of having fast progressor and slow porgressors dominantly in placebo vs test trials. this can cause false positive/negative results when analysing the progression od symptoms in tertiary studies or disease markers in secondar trials.
The issue with current biomarkers is there are alot of RETROSPECTIVE markers that provde inof on risk of onset but very few that tell uss how a disease will progress. making it hard to distinguish between fast and slow progressors.
Tertiary efficacy outline a test used to measure the change in AD patient cognition? Give an example of a clinically meaningful exam.
ADAS-COG (Alzheimers disease assessment scale cognitive subscale) this is used to assess the changes in cognitive symptoms. the score ranges between 1-70 with normally elderly individuals scoring 0-1 and AD patients score usually increasing yearly. (score is number of errors
A clinically meaniful exam would be the Clinical interview based impression of change with carer input (CBIC-plus). this is a score of improvement between 1-7
either halting of worsening or improvement is considered successful.
importance of placebo efficacy on AD trials for tertiary cures
Here improvement in test drug and decline in placebo is a sign of efficacy.
However, improvement with drug and no decline in placebo is not strng evidence of efficacy. as this could simply mean that trial drug is beinmg tested on slow progressors.
In secondary studies what is seen as a sign of effectiveness, what do you need to assess this.
Secondary studies a sign of effectiveness in the halting of progression of a dynamic biomarker (cannot uno damage)
In order to assess this you need a dynamic biomarker who changes correlate with the progression of symptoms. in PD this is MRI to investigate atrophy of neural tissue that racks decline in cognition.
Why is amyloid plaque accumualtion not a good biomarker of disease progression, How can we visualise it and what is it used for?
amyloid plaques do accumualte throughout the disease and indeed accumualtion can be seen even 15 years before onset as a toxic threshold is need for disease.
This can be visusalised using postiron emisiion tomography using a Amyloid specific radioactive marker.
Give the best cuurent exmaple of a dynamic marker that can be used to track changes in disease pogression for secondary trials of AD?
currently the best marker is magnetic resonance imaging of the brain.
There used to be some issues as movement of the head could make images appear to be shifted and the images never where done with the exact same point of reference.
Now days a computer program can precisely sperimpose several images alllwoing the visualisation and calculation of the prgressive atrophy. we now Know in a healthy 40 year old this is 0.2% a yar and rises to 2.8% a year in AD hence this is a rnage of reference for reductions in progression.
severe atrophy is is seen far before the onset of symptoms and Atrophy does correlate with the progression of cognitve deffiencies.
How do you overcome issues of bias in secondary efficacy trials?
In secondary trial the risk of fast and slow progressos still exists so instead STRATIFIED SAMPLES are used.
The take individuals once they have been analysed and are confirmed fast or slow progressors.
Although logic suggest using fast progressors as the change in disease progression will be most visible.
It is also importnat to test in slow progressors as fats progressors once identified may have already passed a irreversible threshold and thus may produce false negatives.
issues with using Event related pottentials (ERP) as a marker of impairment and progression in AD, equally wat are the weakness of EGG.
ERP work as declines have been both correlated with cognitve deffiencies and disease progression in AD. usually tested using a constat repeated tone with infrequent changes to investigate the neuronal reponse. this is reduced in amplitude and latency
Issue is this is aslo observed in PD, schizophrenia and dyslexia and so is not a specific AD test.
simmilarly testing for EEG in which in AD patients we observe a progressive INCREASE in slow wAVE THETA AND DELTA WAVE AND reduction IN FAST BETA AND ALPHA WAVES. this is also observed with normal aging in elederly and several othe rpathological isues.
Benefits of double blind
In these trial neither the patient o experimenter Know who has the placebo and who has the dru. ence, ths can reduce psychological or experimental bias, improving the validity of findings.
Can we diagnose AD in life?
NO given the biomarkers today we can predict the likelihood of AD onset and the probability that somebody has AD but we cannot diagnose it as AD until postmortem studes are done.