Acute upper respiratory symptoms Flashcards
What are the differential diagnoses for acute upper Resp symptoms/ sore throat?
- Acute sore throat
- Acute pharyngitis (Most common cause of sore throat)
- acute tonsillitis
- common cold
- acute rhino- sinusistis
- acute cough
- acute bronchitis
Relevant anatomy to URTI/ sore throat:
What are the 4 paranasal sinuses?
What are they lined by and where do they drain?
Role of paranasal sinuses?
- Frontal, ethmoid, sphenoidal and maxillary
- Paranasal sinuses - lined by respiratory epithelium and all drain into the nasal cavity
- role is to warm & humidify air, and reduce the weight of the skull.
- Sphenoid sinus –> drains into the roof of the nasal cavity via sphenoethmoidal recess, pituitary gland can be accessed through nasal roof into sphenoid sinus and throught sphenoid bone
- Frontal sinus –> drains via frontonasal duct into middle meatus (at hiatus semilunaris)
- Ethmoidal sinus –> ethmoid air cells separated from orbit by thin layer of bone - lamina papyracea (infection can spread into orbit causing periorbital cellulitis). Drains via hiatus semilunaris in middle meatus.
- Maxillary sinus –> drains against gravity, again via hiatus semilunaris at middle meatus. Close relationship to maxillary teeth - inflammation of this sinus can present with toothache.

Differentail : Acute pharyngitis/ acute sore throat
Common causitive organisms?
Acute pharyngitis - infection & inflammation of the pharynx most commonly due to viral organisms or group A streptococcus.
Common viral causes:
- Epstein barr virus (mononucleosis) (do not miss) - often mild inflammation of mesenteric lymph nodes therefore abdo pain
- adenoviruses - high fever and non exudative pharyngo-conjunctival inflammation
- enteroviruses
- influenza A &B
- parainfluenza
Group A streptococcus - spread from person-person via resp droplets (only 1/3 cases). Can also be caused by other streptococci - B/C/G.
STI - HIV/chlamydia/ gonorrhoea may be implicated in sexually active adolescents
Candida - immunocompromised individuals
RF’s for acute pharyngitis?
Risk factors:
- Nasal colonisation w group A Streptococcus
- contact with a person with group A streptococcus
- sexual activity/ abuse
- ingestion of non domestic meats
- immunocompromisation/ inhaled steroids - candida pharyngitis
- lack of vaccination - diptheria or measles
Commonly affected:
- Age 5-15 yrs - Group A streptococcus common
- Winter or spring - Group A streptococcus common
- Summer or autumn - Enteroviral pharyngitis more common
Acute pharyngitis:
Key features on the history?
- Age - 5-15 yrs - acute GAS pharyngitis common in this age group
- GAS pharyngitis more common in winter or early spring
- Enteroviral more common in summer and autumn
- Sore throat
- pharyngeal exudate - common with GAS, other streptococci, EBV
- painful anterior cervical adenopathy (predict streptococcal)
- fever (temp > 37)
- headache
- N&V + abdominal pain common in children
- rhinorrhoea & nasal congestion + cough - typically present in viral pharyngitis ABSENT in bacterial pharyngitis
Acute pharyngitis:
Key features on examination?
Key signs of group A streptococcal pharyngitis:
- Pharyngeal exudate
- oedemtaous
- erythematous
- cervical adenopathy (painful anterior cervical adenopathy is common in GAS)
- Fever
- lack of cough or rhinorrhoea
Viral infection - presence of rhinorrhoea, nasal congestion and cough
Gonococcal infection also be anterior cervical lymphadenopathy
Rashes - scarlatinform rash can present in children, suggestive of GAS
Koplik spots - bluish-white raised lesion on red base on buccal mucosa (like grains of white sand surrounded by red ring) - measles. Plus maculopapular rash.

Acute pharyngitis:
- Rapid antigen detection tests for Group A Streptococcal infection / throat swab and culture
- Used in under 5’s only, not recommended above clinical criteria for older patients
- negative GAS rapid antigen test in children should be followed by throat swab and culture as increased risk rheumatic fever
- Monospot test - rapid identification test for EPV (infectious mononucleosis)
- Adults w pharyngitis:
- Use Centor criteria
- screen for hx of fever/ lack of cough/ tonsillar exudates/ tender anterior cervical adenopathy
- adults with none/ only 1 of these criteria should not be tested or treated for GAS
- Use Centor criteria
Management of acute pharyngitis?
- Analgesia / local anaesthetics/ salt water gargle for sx
- Avoid aspirin in children - associated with Reye’s syndrome
- Abx –> only for microbiologically confirmed (w +ve rapid antigen test or culture for group A streptocci)
- Group A streptococcus pharyngitis:
- Prevent acute rheumatic fever
- reduce severity and transmission
- Treatment of choice = penoxymethylpenicillin -10 days
- if penicillin allergy –> macrolide/ cephalosporin or clindamycin
- Retropharyngeal abscess –> surgical drainage, ABX,
Causes URTI/sore throat:
- Acute tonsillitis = acute infection of parenchyma of the palatine tonsils
- tonsilitis may occur in isolation or as part of generalised pharyngitis
- clinical distinction between acute tonsillitis and pharyngitis = unclear, often referred to as “acute sore throat”
Local inflammation results in oropharyngeal swelling, oedema, erythema and pain, swelling can progress to soft palate and uvular (uvulitis) or inferiorly to region of supraglottis ( this is rarer).

Relevant anatomy to tonsillitis:
Waldeyer’s ring is formed of that tissue collections?
- Tonsils = collections of lymphatic tissue located within the pharynx - collectively form ring arrangement called Waldeyer’s ring.
- Formed of:
- Pharyngeal tonsil
- Tubal tonsils x 2
- Palatine tonsils x 2
- Lingual tonsil
- Tonsils = MALT - mucosa associated lymphoid tissue- contain T cells/ B cells/ macrophages - first line of defence in pathogens entering nasopharynx or oropharynx.
- Lingual tonsil - numerous lymphoid nodules within submucose of posterior third of the tongue, inferior part of waldeyer’s ring
- Pharyngeal tonsil - collection of lymphoid tissue within mucosa of roof of nasopharynx - when enlarged known as the adenoids - forms superior aspect of waldeyer’s ring. Covered in ciliated pseudstratified epithelium,
- Tubal tonsils –> lymphoid tissue surrounding opening of eustachian tube in lateral wall of nasopharynx - forms lateral aspect of waldeyers ring - ciliated pseudostratified epithelium
- Palatine –> often referred to as “tonsils” - located within tonsillar bed lateral oropharynx wall between palatoglossal arch and palatopharyngeal arch - form lateral part of waldeyers ring.

Causative organisms for tonsillitis?
- Usually viral:
- Rhinovirus
- coronavirus
- adenovirus
- Less common:
- parainfluenza
- enterovirus
- herpes virus
- EBV - infectious mononucleosis
- Bacterial:
- beta haemolyti and other streptococci - most common Group A beta-haemolytic streptococci - more common in children
- Group C beta haemolytic streptococci less commn
- Mycoplasma pneumoniae
- neisseria gonorrhoea - sexually active adolescents
How can we differentiate between viral and bacterial aetiolology in Tonsillitis?
The Centor criteria: predicts likelihood of patient > 14 yrs having GABHS infection
- History of fever over 38
- tonsillar exudate
- absence of cough
- tender anterior cervical lymphadenopathy
If 3/4 of centor criteria are met - PPI of Group A beta haemolytic streptocci infection
If abscence of 3 met - highly unlikely group A beta haemolytic streptococci infection
Or FeverPAIN criteria: 1 point for each, higher score more likely streptococcal cause
- Fever - past 24 hrs
- Purulence - pus on tonsils
- attend rapidly - w/in 3 days onset of sx
- severely inflamed tonsils
- no cough or coryza

Key signs/ symptoms in hx of tonsillitis?
- pain on swallowing
- fever > 38
- tonsillar exudate/ erythema/enlargement
- Sudden onset sore throat
- headache
- abdo pain
- N&V
- presence of cough or runny nose –> suggest viral URTI
- enlarged painful anteriot cervical lymph nodes =–> common in group A beta haemolytic streptococcal tonsilitis
RF for tonsillitis?
- RF’s –> age between 5- 15 yrs (More likely to be streptococcal infection)
- contact w infected individuals in enclosed spaces - e.g. childcare centre/school/ prison
Examination in tonsillitis?
- Examination:
- tonsilar erythema/ enlargement/ purlent exudate
- enlarged anterior cervical lymph nodes
- fever > 38
- Investigation:
- usually based off clinical presentation
- if severe = rapid streptococcal Ag test +/- throat swab culture
- only in children > 3 yrs and adults w high probability of Strep infection
Management of tonsillitis?
- Analgesia –> paracetamol/NSAID/ local A spray/lozenges (Lidocaine)/ salt gargle
- Abx –> only in Group A beta haemolytic streptococci infections / indicated in critically unwell or from vulnerable population where rheumatic fever is high ( south adrica/ australian indiginous/maori/ developing country)
- Penicillin 10 day course 1st line
- Macrolide = erythromycin/ azithrpmycin/ clarithromycin
- cephalosporin or clindamycin
- Tonsillectomy –> patients w recurrent tonsillitis
What are the complications of bacterial tonsillitis?
Peritonsilar abscess = quinsy
- sx - dysphagia, worsened sore throat
- unilateral bulge with deviation of the uvula
- Robot voice - dont want to intonate properly
- degree of lock jaw
- IV abx - steroids - LA and needle aspiration or incision and drainage
Causes of acute URTI/ sore throat:
Common cold - define
Common cold = acute self limiting inflammation of mucus membranes of the upper resp tract - may involve all of nose/ throat/ sinuses/ pharynx
Common cold RF/ demographics?
- RF’s:
- exposure to affected individuals
- young age
- winter season
- day care attendance
- exposure to cigarette smoke
Common cold –> common organisms?
- 50% caused by rhinoviruses
- 15% coronavirus
- 15% influenza
- 5% parainfluenza
- 5% RSV - resp sycytial virus
- adenoviruses (pharyngitis) / enteroviruses
Pathophysiology: influx of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in nasal submucuosa within a few days of viral infection causes sx
Key features in the history for common cold?
- Onset 1/2 days
- fever
- rhinorrhoea - clear or purulent
- sneezing
- sore throat
- hoarseness
- decreased taste/ smell
- pressure in ears/ sinus
- coughing - day 4/5 due to PN drip
Common cold:
- exam:
- may have pharyngeal exudate
- check centor criteria to exclude bacterial cause
- Investigation:
- unnecessary - diagnosis supported by negative culture
- Management:
- symptomatic –> steam/ vapour rubs/ salt gargle/ lozenges
- Fluids, rest, avoid aspirin in children
- avoid abx –> self limiting
Causes of acute UR symptoms / sore throat:
Acute (rhino)sinusitis - define
- Acute rhinosinusitis = symptomatic inflammation of mucosal lining of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, clinical sx present for 4 weeks or less. Caused by either viral or bacterial infection.
Acute (rhino)sinusitis:
causative organisms?
Causative organisms:
- Viral most common: rhinovirus, influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus
- viral sinusitis often resolves within 10 days
- Bacterial less common: in small number of cases viral sinusitis will progress to bacterial (0.5-2%)
- streptococcus pneumoniae
- haemophilus influenzae
- moraxellla catarrhalis
- Bacterial sinusitis often more severe, takes > 10 days to resolve