Acute SIM Flashcards
ΔΔ + initial Tx? A - patent, altered mental state B - RR>24, O2 high flow needed C - BP<90, HR>100, ↑CRT, ↓urine output, vasodilated D - rigors, BM 6 E - infected line site
SEPSIS • broad spectrum Abx • fluid 500ml bolus, 15 mins • high flow O2 aim 94-84 • lactate • blood cultures • urine output
- escalate ITU/others if needed
- further Ix (swabs/samples, bloods, imaging of source)
ΔΔ + initial Tx? A - angioedema, snoring noise B - cyanosed, wheeze C - HR 110, BP<90 D - T' 36.5, BM 5 E - urticaria,
ANAPHYLAXIS • secure airway • high flow O2 +/- intubation • remove cause • IM 0.5mg adrenaline (0.5ml of 1:1000) • IV chlorphenamine 10mg • IV hydrocortisone 200mg • 500ml NaCl over 15 mins
ΔΔ + intial Tx? A - alert, central crushing chest pain B - RR 25, O2 sats 92 C - BP 130/80, HR 88, fourth heart sound D - GCS 15, T 37.5 E - pale, clammy
• ECG + bloods (FBC, U+E, glucose, lipids, troponin)
"MONAT" • morphine + metoclopramide 10mg IV • O2 if <95 • nitrates (if high BP) • aspirin 300mg • ticagrelor 180mg
- if STEMI, Sx <12hrs, and PCI available w/n 120mins - primary PCI
- if STEMI, Sx <12hrs, but would be >120mins - fibrinolysis
ΔΔ + initial Tx? A - alert, distressed, sitting forward B - RR 35, fine lung crackles, wheeze C - cyanosed, HR 112, pale, sweaty, ↑JVP, triple/gallop rhythm D - BM 6, T 36.8 E - pale, sweaty
PULMONARY OEDEMA (ΔΔ asthma, COPD, CAP) • sit upright • high flow O2 • diamorphine 2.5mg IV slowly • furosemide 40mg IV slowly • GTN spray 2 puffs SL • if BP>100, isosorbide dinitrate IV
ΔΔ + initial Tx? A - distressed, sweaty, panicked B - O2 sats 91, RR 23 C - ↓BP, ↑JVP, muffled heart sounds (Beck's triad), ↑JVP on inspiration (Kussmaul's sign), pulsus paradoxus (pulse fades on inspiration) D - T 37 E - scar from previous mastectomy
CARDIOGENIC SHOCK - cardiac tamponade
(ΔΔ MI, arrhythmias, PE, tension pneumothorax, endocarditis, myocarditis, etc)
• O2
• diamorphine 2.5mg IV
• if well filled heart, dobutamine 2.5mcg/kg/min IV
ΔΔ + initial Tx?
A - chest pain and palpitations, syncope
B - diffuse crackles heard throughout lungs, RR 21, O2 88
C - ↓BP 86/64, HR 120, ECG shows QRS>3 small sq
D - T 36.8, dropping GCS
E - n/a
BROAD COMPLEX TACHYCARDIA • O2 if <90 • DC cardioversion • check + correct K+, Mg++, Ca++ • amiodarone IV 300mg over >20mins
ΔΔ + initial Tx?
A - chest pain and palpitations
B - diffuse crackles heard, RR 28, O2 sats 89
C - HR 130, ischaemia on ECG and QRS<3 small sq
D - BM 6, T 37
E - n/a
• O2 if <90
• DC cardioversion
• then amiodarone 300mg IV over >10 mins
• if stable pt and irregular?
- vagal manouvres
- adenosine 6mg IV bolus, then 12
ΔΔ + initial Tx? A - fatigued and dizzy B - SOB, RR 24, O2 92 C - HR 38, BP 95/72 D - T 36.4 E - cold peripheries, pallor
BRADYCARDIA • atropine 500mcg IV • repeat as needed every 3-5mins \+/- • percutaneous pacing • isoprenaline IV • adrenaline 5mcg/min IV
ΔΔ + initial Tx? A - confused B - RR 16, feeble resp effort, almost silent chest with slight wheeze, O2 sats 89 C - HR 115, CRT >3, BP 86/64 D - T 36.9, BM 5, GCS 10 E - exhausted, cyanosed
"O SHIT ME" • O2 • salbutamol neb 5mg (repeat 15 mins) • hydrocortisone 100mg IV/pred 40mg PO • ipratropium 500mcg nebulised
- (theophylline IV)
- (magnesium sulphate IV 1.2g >20mins)
- escalate ^!
remember ABG, CXR, ECG
Sx of severe asthma attack?
- unable to complete sentences in one breath
- RR >25
- HR > 110
- PEFR 33-50 percent predicted/best
Sx of life-threatening asthma attack?
• PEFR <33 percent predicted • silent chest, cyanosis, feeble resp effort • arrhythmia/hypotension • exhaustion, confusion, coma • ABG: - normal/high CO2 - low pH - O2 <8, or sats <92
ΔΔ + initial Tx? A - alert, unable to complete sentences B - widespread wheeze, RR 28, PEFR 45 percent predicted, O2 sats 94 C - HR 134 D - T 37.4, BM 5 E - accessory muscle use
"O SHIT ME" • O2 • salbutamol neb 5mg (repeat 15 mins) • hydrocortisone 100mg IV/pred 40mg PO • ipratropium 500mcg nebulised
- (theophylline IV)
- (magnesium sulphate IV 1.2g >20mins)
- escalate ^!
remember ABG, CXR, ECG
ΔΔ + initial Tx?
A - coughing, visibly SOB, accessory muscle use
B - RR 25, wheeze, hyperinflated chest, hyperresonant percussion, ↓expansion and cricosternal distance
C - ↑JVP, oedema, HR 98, BP 105/78
D - T 37.6
E - cyanosed
(ΔΔ asthma, pulmonary oedema, PE, anaphylaxis, URT obstruction)
• O2 24-28, aim sats 88-92
• salbutamol 5mg neb
• ipratropium 500mcg neb
• hydrocortisone IV 200mg and prednisolone 30mg PO
• Abx - amoxicillin 500mg PO/clarithro/doxy
• aminophylline IV
remember CXR, ABG, ECG, sputum culture, bloods +/- culture
ΔΔ + initial Tx? A - alert. distressed, SOB B - tracheal deviation to L, ↓expansion, hyperresonant percussion, ↓breath sounds on R side, O2 94 C - HR 133, BP 85/45 D - T 37.1, BM 6 E - distended neck veins,
TENSION PNEUMOTHORAX • large bore (14-16G) needle with syringe • partially filled with NaCl • 2nd intercostal interspace • midclavicular line (or use a venflon)
• CXR and chest drain
when to NIPPV in COPD?
• RR >30
• pH <7.35
• CO2 rising
despite best medical Tx
ΔΔ + initial Tx? A - pleuritic chest pain, confused B - RR 32, dull percussion note, ↑vocal resonance, bronchial breathing, pleural rub, O2 86 C - cyanosed, HR 110, BP 92/72 D - T 38.3 E - rigors
PNEUMONIA • O2 (<88) • 500ml fluid bolus NaCl • Abx + analgesia • CURB-65 score
Ix = CXR, ABG, bloods, cultures/swabs, urine pneumo and legionella antigen
ΔΔ + initial Tx? A - pleuritic chest pain B - RR 30, O2 sats 92 C - BP 86/58, HR 125, gallop rhythm, ↑JVP, loud P2, R ventricular heave, pleural rub, D - BM 6, T 37.5 E - cyanosed, red swollen left calf
• O2 15L
• 500ml fluid bolus NaCl
• LMWH/fondaparinux (eg 200units/kg dalteparin)
• morphine 10mg IV
• vasopressors (dobutamine 2.5mcg/kg/min IV or NA) if persistent BP<90
• thrombolysis if haemodynamically unstable (alteplase 10mg IV bolus)
Ix = Wells score, bloods, ECG, CXR, ABG, d-dimer, CTPA
ΔΔ + initial Tx? A - haematemesis, fainting B - RR 25, O2 sats 95 C - BP 86/58 (worse on standing), HR 125, ↓JVP, ↓urine output, CRT 3, D - ↓GCS. BM 6, T 36.5 E - cool and clammy, telangiectasia
ACUTE UPPER GI BLEED • protect airway + NBM • two large bore (14-16G) cannulae *• IV fluid bolus, repeat <2L *• +/- O Rh-ve blood transfusion • bloods, U+E, LFTs, clotting, crossmatch 4-6 units • correct clotting (vit K, FFP, plts) *• terlipressin IV 2mg *• broad spectrum Abx
• notify ICU and surgeons (endoscopy post resusc)
ΔΔ + initial Tx?
A - headache, getting sleepy
B - RR 19, O2 sats 95
C - CRT 4, ↓BP 90/76, HR 110
D - T 38.6, ↓GCS, photophobic on pupil test
E - cold hands, evolving petechial non-blanching rash
MENINGITIS (septicaemic bc CRT, BP, cold hands, DIC) • IV fluid NaCl 500ml bolus • O2 if requirement +/- airway support • blood cultures, lactate • IV ceftriaxone 2g/12hr • urine output (aim >30ml) • +/- inotropes and vasopressors
• LP when stable
ΔΔ + initial Tx?
A - Hx: headache, stiff neck, GCS dropping
B - RR 19, O2 sats 95
C - CRT<2, BP 101/86, HR 90
D - T 38, ↓GCS<12, photophobic, papilloedema, BM 5
E - seizures, focal neuro Sx, no rash
MENINGITIS (meningitic, not septic - neck stiffness, photophobia, no shock or DIC)
• sign of ↑ICP?
- papilloedema, seizures, focal Sx, GCS<12
- IV ceftriaxone 2g/12hr
- IV dexamethasone 10mg
- IVT, nurse at 30 degrees
- LP when stable
• sign of ↑ICP?
- LP <1hr
- THEN IV ceftriaxone
- IV dexamethasone 10mg
ΔΔ + initial Tx? A - confused, acting bizarrely, now GCS dropping B - RR 22, O2 sats 96 C - HR 95, CRT<2, BP 94/73 D - T 38.5, GCS 12, BM 5 E - seizures
• start aciclovir 10mg/8hr IV, within 30mins
• supportive Tx - O2, IVT, etc, if required
• phenytoin for seizures
• bloods - culture, viral PCR, throat swabs, MSU, toxoplasma IgM, malaria film, contrast CT THEN LP
ΔΔ + initial Tx? A - seizures B - O2<90, RR 26 C - CRT<2, HR 115, BP 104/76 D - BM 6 E - seizing for >30mins
STATUS EPILEPTICUS • open + secure airway +/- suction • high flow O2 • IV lorazepam 4mg slow bolus (repeat 10-20 mins) • OR buccal midazolam 10mg • IV phenytoin 15mg/kg if seizures continue \+/- • IV thiamine 250mg (alcoholism) • IV glucose (if low) • IV fluids (if hypotensive)
• pregnant? - BP, urine dip (PET)
• glucose, ABG, U+E, Ca++, FBC, ECG
+/- tox screen, LP, blood + urine cultures, EEC, CT, CO level
ΔΔ + initial Tx? A - alert, with headache and V B - RR 18, O2 sats 96 C - HR 88, BP 85/64 D - drowsy, irritable, pupil constriction then dilation +/-papilloedema E - n/a
RAISED ICP • IV fluid if hypotensive • if intubated, hyperventilate • IV mannitol 0.25g/kg over 20mins • if tumour - dexamethasone 10mg IV \+/- sedation, AEDs, hypothermia
ΔΔ + initial Tx? A - drowsy B - deep breathing, RR 24, O2 sats 91 C - BP 92/65, HR 108, CRT 3 D - BM 33, T 37.8, GCS dropping E - pear drop breath, recent V, abdo pain, reduced skin turgor
• IV fluid 500ml bolus (BP<90)
• 1 litre IV fluid over 1 hour
• tests - ketones, glucose, VBG (pH), U+E (K+), ECG
• 50 units insulin in 50ml NaCl 0.1 unit/kg/hr
• +/- K+ replacement
• 10 glucose when BM<14
ΔΔ + initial Tx? A - alert, aggressive B - RR 18, O2 sats 98 C - HR 128, BP 105/76, CRT<2 D - BM 2.6, T 36.9 E - sweaty
• alert? 10-20g glucose (gel, orange juice)
• unconscious? 200ml glucose IV 10 percent, 15 mins
- or, IM glucagon 1mg
ΔΔ + initial Tx? A - confusion B - RR 14, O2 91 C - HR 34, BP 85/64 D - BM 3, T 35.5, GCS dropping E - hyporeflexive, goitre, cyanosed,
MYXOEDEMA COMA • O2 • glucose 20 percent • T3 IV • 100mg hydrocortisone IV • IV Abx if infection preceded • blankets, etc
ΔΔ + initial Tx? A - agitated, confused, D+V B - RR 18, O2 sats 96 C - HR 140 irregular D - T 37.8, BM 7 E - goitre
THYROTOXIC STORM • IV fluids if dehydrated • chlorpromazine 50mg PO (sedation) • propanolol 60mg PO • carbimazole 15mg PO + hydrocortisone 100mg IV • IV Abx if needed
ΔΔ + initial Tx?
A - confused
B - RR 22, O2 94, crackles heard
C - HR 110, BP 82/65 on standing esp., CRT 3
D - T 38, BM 3
E - peripherally vasoconstricted, wearing medical alert bracelet
ADDISONIAN CRISIS (probs 2' to CAP) • IV hydrocortisone 100mg stat • IV fluid bolus 500ml • glucose IV if hypoglycaemic Ix • U+E (↑K+, ↓Na+) (Tx if needed) • culture • Tx infection