Acute responses to exercise Flashcards
Systolic & Diastolic Blood Pressure
Systolic blood pressure is the maximum blood pressure during contraction of the ventricles whereas diastolic blood pressure is the minimum pressure recorded just before the next contraction. The blood pressure is usually written as the systolic pressure over the diastolic pressure
Blood flow distribution at rest and during exercise
Blood flow distribution at rest is 20% to muscles and 80% to the organs, but during exercise, it is 80% to the muscles and 20% to the organs
Arterio-venous oxygen difference (a-V02 diff)
Arterio-venous oxygen difference or a-V02 diff measures the amount of oxygen taken from the blood by the issues. So the greater the amount of oxygen extracted by the tissues, the greater the arteriovenous oxygen difference. Physical exercise leads to an increase in the arteriovenous oxygen difference in all individuals. As exercise intensity increases, the muscles increase the amount of oxygen they extract from the blood, resulting in further increases in a-V02 diff. So at rest, a-V02 diff is low
Ventilation (V), tidal volume (TV) and Respiratory rate (RR)
Respiratory rate + tidal volume = ventilation
RR - The number of breaths per minute.
TV - The amount of air inhaled and exhaled per breath.
VE - Amount of air moved into and out of the respiratory tract each minute
Stroke volume (SV), Cardiac Output (Q) and Heart Rate (HR)
Heart rate + stroke volume = cardiac output
HR - Number of times the heart beats in one minute
SV - How much blood is squeezed out of the heart into the aorta each time it beats
Q - The amount of blood pumped out of the heart per minute
Blood lactate, Hydrodren Ions (H+) and metabolites (metabolic Byproducts)
Blood lactate and hydrogen ions (the process of glycolysis) - glycogen breaks down to glucose, then breaks down into pyuvic acid, then breaks down into lactic acid then lactate and/or hydrogen ions
so blood lactate is a metabolite or metabolic byproduct of anaerobic metabolism primarily produced in muscles during intense exercise or when oxygen supply is limited. It can serve as an energy source or be converted back to glucose in the liver through the Cori cycle. Elevated blood lactate levels can indicate increased anaerobic metabolism and may be associated with fatigue or muscle soreness
Acute muscular responses to exercise and how they contribute to increased/decreased performance - Cardiovascular
Heart rate - increases, 60-80BPM at resting, moderate 120-150BPM & intense 180-200BPM during exercise. HR increases to meet the demands of exercise and deliver more O2 to working muscles (physiology). Allowing us to work at a higher aerobic intensity (performance)
Redistribution of blood flow - increases, muscles 20% and organs 80% during rest, muscles 80% and organs 20% during exercise, vasoconstriction occurs in arterioles supplying oxygen to the inactive areas and vasodilation occurs in the arterioles supplying oxygen to the working muscles (physiology). So the working muscles can receive more oxygen therefore increasing energy exerted by the body to better performance (performance)
Plasma volume - decreases, higher during rest, and lower during exercise, due to sweating and fluid loss during exercise, the plasma (fluid component of the blood) will decrease (physiology) and the athlete will experience fatigue (performance)
Acute muscular responses to exercise and how they contribute to increased/decreased performance - Respiratory
Respiratory rate - increases, 12-16BPM during rest, moderate 20-30 BPM & intense 40-50BPM during exercise, BR increases to meet the energy demands of exercise and deliver more O2 to working muscles. (physiology) Allowing us to work at a higher aerobic intensity
Tidal volume - increases, 500ml/breath during rest, moderate 2.5L/breath & intense 3.0L/breath during exercise, TV increases to allow greater volumes of blood/O2 to be taken in per breath (physiology) Allowing us to work at a higher aerobic intensity (performance)
Ventilation - increases, 6L/min during rest, moderate 50-75L/min & intense 120L-150L/min during exercise, an increased rate and volume of our respiratory parameters leads to more O2-rich blood being distributed to the heart and through to the working muscles per minute. (physiology) Allowing us to work at a higher aerobic intensity (performance)
Acute muscular responses to exercise and how they contribute to increased/decreased performance - Muscular
Motor unit recruitment - increases, N/A at resting, N/A during exercise, by electrical impulse signals that are sent from the central nervous system to the motor neuron. This enables the correct number of muscle fibres to be recruited dependent on the intensity of activity (physiology). The higher the intensity the greater the motor unit recruitment (performance)
Enzyme activity, Increase, N/A at rest and during exercise. Enzyme activity speeds up chemical reactions, so the increased actions of enzymes such as Phosphofructokinase (PFK) will allow greater ATP production and resynthesis (physiology). We can therefore produce more energy at any given intensity (performance).
Energy substrates (FUEL) - decreases, triglycerides 1-2 days - glycogen 2 hrs - creatine phosphate 10secs during rest, the intensity of exercise will dictate which energy substrate will be contributing the most during exercise, Once ATP stores are depleted, PC, muscle glycogen and muscle triglycerides are all used to resynthesise ATP and so they are metabolized to create energy. All three energy systems work together to resynthesize ATP, so intensity will dictate which one we predominantly use, however we always use a mixture of all three fuels at any one time. (physiology) The higher the intensity and the longer the duration (I.D.) the greater amount of fuel we use (performance).
Vasoconstriction and Vasodilation
Vasoconstriction is the narrowing of blood vessels, and vasodilation is the widening of blood vessels
Normal resting HR values and how Aerobic fitness affects HR recovery
Resting HR values - 60-80BPM
Aerobic fitness affects HR recovery by improving our cardiac efficiency which means higher levels of aerobic fitness levels tend to have lower resting heart rates and means we can recover more quickly after exercise.
Improving our stroke volume which means having an higher aerobic fitness also mean the stroke volume is higher so more blood and O2 to getting delivered.
Decreased lactate accumulation which means athletes with higher aerobic fitness levels tend to produce less lactate during exercise because of improved metabolism and oxygen use.
This all means the an athletes heart rate will recovery and become steady quicker
Steady-state in relation to HR & RR and Lactate
Heart rate remains constant over time under stable physiological conditions
The respiratory rate remains constant over time under stable physiological conditions
Lactate levels stabilise under consistent exercise intensity in metabolic equilibrium
Calculating max HR
220 - your age
Relationship between HR and exercise intensity
As the exercise intensity increases, our heart rate also increases to keep up or equal the oxygen demand our body requires
Energy substrates within the muscles
Energy Substrates are another way of saying muscle fuels. This is the fuel we use to generate muscle contraction in order to move/run etc. The major fuel we need to know for now is Glycogen. In relation to glycogen, just know that it is the fuel we use to create energy and the byproduct of breaking it down is lactate. So, once we use glycogen to create energy and initiate muscle contraction we end up with lactate