Acute Pancreatitis Flashcards
What is acute pancreatitis?
Inflammation of the pancreas due to acinar cell injury and necrosis.
What mneumonic details causes of acute pancreatitis?
- Gallstones
- Ethanol
- Trauma
- Steroids
- Mumps
- Autoimmune
- Scorpion bite
- Hyperlipidaemia, Hyperchylomicronaemia, Hypercalcaemia, Hypothermia
- Drugs
What are the 2 most common causes of acute pancreatitis?
- Gallstone
- Alcohol
What drugs are most commonly responsible for causing acut pancreatitis?
- Azathioprine
- Mesalazine
- Didanosine
- Bendroflumethiazide
- Furosemide
- Pentamidine
- Steroids
- Sodium valproate
What is the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis?
Autodigestion of pancreatic tissue by the pancreatic enzymes, leading to necrosis. Pancreatic enzymes also released into circulation causing autodigestion of blood vessels (leading to retroperitoneal abscess) and fat (leading to fat necrosis).
Why can hypocalcaemia develop in acute pancreatitis?
Fat necrosis causes the release of free fatty acids, that react with serum calcium to form chalky deposits in fatty tissue.
What is tetany?
- A sign of hypocalcaemia
- Sustained muscle contraction with periods of intermittent relaxation.
- Usually occurs in hands and feet
What are the features of acute pancreatitis?
- Severe epigastric pain radiating to back
- Association with vomiting
- Low grade fever
- Ileus
- History of gallstones / excessive alcohol consumption
What signs may be found on examination?
- Poorly localised tenderness
- +/- Guarding
- Haemodynamic instability (Severe cases)
- Cullen’s sign = Periumbilical discolouration
- Grey-Turner’s sign = Flank discolouration
- Tetany
- Indicates hypocalcaemia
- Jaundice
- Indicates obstructive cause (e.g. gallstones, mass)
What signs are seen here?
A = Cullen’s sign
B = Grey Turner’s sign
Why do Cullen’s & Grey Turner’s present in acute pancreatitis?
Due to retroperitoneal haemorrhage
Give some differential diagnoses
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm
- Chronic pancreatitis
- Aortic dissection
- Peptic ulcer disease
- Hepatitis
What bloods would you request?
- Serum amylase / lipase
- Looking for elevated infection markers & haematocrit
- To assess volaemic state and kidney function
- To investigate gallstones as a cause
Serum calcium
- Hypercalcaemia is a rare cause of AP
- Hypocalcaemia is a complication of AP
What imaging might you want to request when investigating a presentation of acute pancreatitis?
- To exclude/confirms differentials
Transabdominal USS of RUQ
- To investigate biliary pathology
What investigations do you need to diagnose acute pancreatitis?
- Serum Lipase / Amylase > 3 x upper limit
* Can also use urinary amylase as it is more accurate than serum amylase - CT abdo-pelvis (ONLY if amylase/lipase result inconclusive but acute pancreatitis still suspected)