Acute Pancreatitis Flashcards
What are the two most common causes of acute pancreatitis?
Alcohol misuse and gallstones are the most common causes of acute pancreatitis.
Alcohol misuse and gallstones are responsible for upwards of 75% of cases of … …. Other important causes include ERCP and hyperlipidaemia (e.g. hypertriglyceridaemia).
Alcohol misuse and gallstones are responsible for upwards of 75% of cases of acute pancreatitis. Other important causes include ERCP and hyperlipidaemia (e.g. hypertriglyceridaemia).
The causes of acute pancreatitis may be remembered with the mnemonic I GET SMASHED.
… are the most common cause of acute pancreatitis, they are responsible for around 40-50% of cases.
Gallstones are the most common cause of acute pancreatitis, they are responsible for around 40-50% of cases.
… has toxic effects on the pancreas and is implicated in around 25-35% of cases of acute pancreatitis
Alcohol has toxic effects on the pancreas and is implicated in around 25-35% of cases.
Alcohol commonly causes chronic pancreatitis with alcoholics suffering … attacks. It may also induce acute pancreatitis without pre-existing disease following a significant binge.
Alcohol commonly causes chronic pancreatitis with alcoholics suffering … attacks. It may also induce acute pancreatitis without pre-existing disease following a significant binge.
Acute pancreatitis is a significant complication in those undergoing an … It is estimated 1-3% develop the condition following the procedure.
Acute pancreatitis is a significant complication in those undergoing an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). It is estimated 1-3% develop the condition following the procedure.
Pancreatitis is caused by the abnormal release and activation of enzymes, which cause … of pancreatic tissue.
Pancreatitis is caused by the abnormal release and activation of enzymes, which cause autodigestion of pancreatic tissue.
The pancreas has both endocrine and exocrine functions. Endocrine function is governed by the islets of … and the hormones produced include … and ….
The pancreas has both endocrine and exocrine functions. Endocrine function is governed by the islets of Langerhans and the hormones produced include insulin and glucagon.
The pancreatic ductal cells are responsible for the … function. They produce the ‘pancreatic juice’ composed of bicarbonate and digestive enzymes. One of these enzymes, trypsin (helps with the breakdown and digestion of proteins), is key to the development of pancreatitis.
The pancreatic ductal cells are responsible for the exocrine function. They produce the ‘pancreatic juice’ composed of bicarbonate and digestive enzymes. One of these enzymes, trypsin (helps with the breakdown and digestion of proteins), is key to the development of pancreatitis.
Under normal circumstances, the pancreas releases zymogens - inactive enzyme precursors (trypsinogen in the case of trypsin). In …, normal zymogen transport fails and trypsinogen is converted to trypsin within the pancreas leading to a cascade of zymogen activation. This triggers the recruitment of inflammatory cells and the release of inflammatory mediators.
Under normal circumstances, the pancreas releases zymogens - inactive enzyme precursors (trypsinogen in the case of trypsin). In pancreatitis, normal zymogen transport fails and trypsinogen is converted to trypsin within the pancreas leading to a cascade of zymogen activation. This triggers the recruitment of inflammatory cells and the release of inflammatory mediators.
The presentation of pancreatitis may range from mild abdominal pain to life-threatening …
The presentation of pancreatitis may range from mild abdominal pain to life-threatening shock.
Symptoms of pancreatitis
Abdominal pain (may radiate to the back) Nausea Vomiting Anorexia Diarrhoea
Signs of acute pancreatitis
Abdominal tenderness Abdominal distention Tachycardia Tachypnea Pyrexia
Cullen’s sign:
peri-umbilical bruising (first described in ruptured ectopic pregnancy)
Grey-Turner’s sign: … …
Grey-Turner’s sign: flank bruising
A serum … elevated 3 times above the reference range is considered diagnostic for acute pancreatitis
A serum amylase elevated 3 times above the reference range is considered diagnostic.
When do amylase levels fall in acute pancreatitis?
Levels rise acutely before falling after 3 days (urinary amylase may remain elevated for a longer period).
Aside from pancreatitis, there are a number of causes of elevated amylase. These include …
Aside from pancreatitis, there are a number of causes of elevated amylase. These include parotitis, bowel obstruction, intestinal inflammation, trauma, numerous malignancies and ruptured ectopic pregnancies - however, levels tend to only be mildly elevated.
serum … is sometimes measured for suspected acute pancreatitis instead of amylase. Again, levels elevated 3 times above the reference range are indicative of pancreatitis. … has a longer half-life and as such levels remain elevated longer than amylase. Raised levels are also more specific for pancreatic disease than amylase.
Again, levels elevated 3 times above the reference range are indicative of pancreatitis. Lipase has a longer half-life and as such levels remain elevated longer than amylase. Raised levels are also more specific for pancreatic disease than amylase.
Bedside tests for suspected acute pancreatitis
Blood sugar
Pregnancy test
Bloods for suspected acute pancreatitis
LFTs (assess for any evidence of concomitant cholangitis)
Bone profile (hypocalcaemia is common, used in scoring)
LDH (used in scoring)
Serum glucose (particularly important in diabetics where blood glucose control often worsens, also used in scoring)
Lipids (hyperlipidaemia is a cause of pancreatitis)
Arterial blood gas (assess oxygenation and acid-base, pO2 is also used for scoring acute pancreatitis)
Imaging for acute pancreatitis
Ultrasound: used to demonstrate gallstones or a dilated common bile duct. The pancreas may be visualised.
Computed tomography: used to confirm diagnosis when uncertainty remains and to exclude complications of disease.
MRCP: most commonly indicated in suspected gallstone pancreatitis to help evaluate for CBD stones.
The … score, completed in the first 48hrs, helps to assess the severity of acute pancreatitis.
The Glasgow score, completed in the first 48hrs, helps to assess the severity of acute pancreatitis.
A score of … or greater (Glasgow score) indicates severe pancreatitis, these patients have a high mortality and should receive HDU/ITU review. It is normally completed at admission and repeated at 48 hours.
A score of 3 or greater (Glasgow score) indicates severe pancreatitis, these patients have a high mortality and should receive HDU/ITU review. It is normally completed at admission and repeated at 48 hours.
The majority of cases of acute pancreatitis are treated with supportive measures. This normally includes: (3)
IV fluids
Nutritional support
Supportive care for acute pancreatitis involves … management
Pain is the most common complaint and patients should receive adequate analgesia. Morphine can be used, but may lead to spasm of the sphincter of Oddi. Pethidine and buprenorphine are alternatives.
Acute pancreatitis - must monitor … balance
Patients require fluid resuscitation to compensate for third-space losses. They may need aggressive intravenous fluids, particularly in the first 24 hours. A careful fluid balance should be recorded and a urinary catheter is indicated in all but the mildest cases.
Nutrition - acute pancreatitis
Our understanding of how to best manage nutrition in patients with acute pancreatitis continues to evolve. In mild cases, a low-fat diet may be reintroduced once tolerated by the patient (i.e. the pain has settled and they have an appetite).
In patients with severe disease where a normal diet is not tolerated other options must be explored. As a general rule enteral feeding is preferred to total parenteral nutrition (TPN). It is thought enteral feeding helps maintain the mucosa and prevents translocation of bacteria. Nasojejunal feeding is commonly used.
TPN should be used in patients with ileus or where nutritional requirements are not being met.
Are antibiotics indicated in acute pancreatitis?
Antibiotics are not routinely indicated in acute pancreatitis and they should not be used prophylactically. Antibiotics should be commenced in patients with suspected/confirmed infected pancreatic necrosis, cholangitis or another infective source.
Patients with gallstone pancreatitis need supportive management, biliary decompression where indicated and … when appropriate.
Patients with gallstone pancreatitis need supportive management, biliary decompression where indicated and cholecystectomy when appropriate.
Following a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis an … is indicated in essentially all patients
Following a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis an USS is indicated in essentially all patients (may be omitted in those with an admission CT that is considered conclusive).
In those with signs or blood tests indicative of an obstructed biliary system, or an inconclusive USS, an … will normally be arranged to assess for CBD stones.
In those with signs or blood tests indicative of an obstructed biliary system, or an inconclusive USS, an MRCP will normally be arranged to assess for CBD stones.
General management of gallstone pancreatitis
The general management is as described above. Appropriate IV fluids, analgesia and nutritional support are key.
Antibiotics should be commenced in any patient with suspected cholangitis or other infective source.
ERCP - when is this indicated in pancreatitis?
In patients with gallstone pancreatitis, CBD stones and cholangitis urgent decompression is required. ERCP should also be promptly organised for those with stones obstructing the CBD. This can be achieved with ERCP and stone extraction (+/- sphincterotomy, +/- stent).
In patients with … pancreatitis, CBD stones and … urgent decompression is required. ERCP should also be promptly organised for those with stones obstructing the CBD. This can be achieved with ERCP and stone extraction (+/- sphincterotomy, +/- stent).
In patients with gallstone pancreatitis, CBD stones and cholangitis urgent decompression is required. ERCP should also be promptly organised for those with stones obstructing the CBD. This can be achieved with ERCP and stone extraction (+/- sphincterotomy, +/- stent).
… is recommended following recovery from gallstone pancreatitis. Ideally, in cases that are relatively mild, this can be completed during the index admission.
Cholecystectomy is recommended following recovery from gallstone pancreatitis. Ideally, in cases that are relatively mild, this can be completed during the index admission.
Local complications of acute pancreatitis include pancreatic … and pancreatic pseudocyst formation.
Local complications of acute pancreatitis include pancreatic necrosis and pancreatic pseudocyst formation.
Local complications of acute pancreatitis include pancreatic necrosis and pancreatic … formation.
Local complications of acute pancreatitis include pancreatic necrosis and pancreatic pseudocyst formation.
Pancreatic necrosis - what is this?
In certain cases, continued inflammation leads to localised thrombosis, haemorrhage and necrosis within the pancreas. Though initially sterile, there is a 30-70% chance of infection. This is a major cause of mortality in those with acute pancreatitis.
Patients with suspected infected necrosis should have a CT guided fine needle aspiration and culture. Culture positive patients are generally managed with appropriate antibiotics guided by microbiology. Drainage or surgical debridement may be required
Pancreatic pseudocyst - what is this?
These are organised peripancreatic collections of pancreatic fluid, normally defined as being present for four or more weeks after an acute episode. The term ‘pseudo’ reflects the absence of an epithelial lining around the cyst, instead being surrounded by fibrotic granulation tissue.
If small and asymptomatic these can be monitored, but they frequently cause pain and the feeling of fullness. In addition, they can be complicated by rupture, haemorrhage or cause bowel/gastric outlet obstruction. Pseudocysts that are symptomatic or large require endoscopic, radiological or surgical management.
What vascular complications may arise in acute pancreatitis?
Pseudoaneurysm: these are rare but when they occur life-threatening haemorrhages may result. It can affect any local vessel but it is often seen in the splenic and hepatic arteries. They normally occur in association with pancreatic pseudocysts. When haemorrhage occurs, interventional radiology intervention is normally the mainstay of management after appropriate resuscitation.
Venous thrombosis: a relatively common and likely under recognised complication, venous thrombosis may affect the portal, splenic and superior mesenteric veins. It is often diagnosed incidentally on repeat CT in patients with severe pancreatitis. Optimal management of the underlying pancreatitis is key, anticoagulation decisions should be made following discussion between surgeons and haematology.
Severe acute pancreatitis can result in A…, renal failure and distributive …
Severe acute pancreatitis can result in ARDS, renal failure and distributive shock.
Systemic complications of severe acute pancreatitis (3)
Severe acute pancreatitis can result in ARDS, renal failure and distributive shock.
In some individuals a cascade of inflammatory mediators leads to systemic complications including:
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Renal failure
Shock (multifactorial but often distributive in nature)
In those with single or multiple organ failure mortality is greatly increased. These patients need HDU/ITU care with organ support and close monitoring.
Patients with mild pancreatitis (no organ failure or complications) have a mortality of approximately …%. This rises significantly in those with severe pancreatitis:
Sterile pancreatic necrosis: …% mortality
Infected pancreatic necrosis: …% mortality
Patients with mild pancreatitis (no organ failure or complications) have a mortality of approximately 1%. This rises significantly in those with severe pancreatitis:
… pancreatic necrosis: 10% mortality
… pancreatic necrosis: 25% mortality
Sterile pancreatic necrosis: 10% mortality
Infected pancreatic necrosis: 25% mortality