Acute Medicine Flashcards
Drugs given for bradycardia?
atropine, isoprenaline and adrenaline
Left Bundle branch block on ECG?
Broad QRS complexes
ECG abnormalities in PE?
Right bundle branch block
sinus tachycardia
ST segment depression or elevation
the classical S1Q3T3 pattern
ECG pericarditis?
Widespread ST elevation and PR depression
What is an escape rhythm on ECG?
Escape Rhythms. occurs when sinus node fails to produce an impulse, another focus in the heart takes over the duty and the ensueing rhyhtm is called escape rhythm.
e.g. ventricular escape rhythm
Why does complete heart block often have broad QRS complex?
because the ventricular escape rhythm is usually slower
ECG changes in hyperkalaemia?
starts with tenting of t waves progresses to extreme bradycardia with sinusoidal pattern where there is no atrial activity and the t wave and qrs are broad and both tall
How much adrenaline do you give in anaphylaxis?
500 micrograms IM for adults and children over 12
Management of anaphylaxis as well as adrenaline?
establish airway and give high flow O2
IV fluid challenge
Who should you consider anaphylaxis in?
Acute onset
Life threatening ABC issues
usually skin changes
Management of acute exacerbation of COPD?
Antibiotics (if purulent sputum or ?pneumonia)
O2 therapy - do an early ABG, usually give O2 through a venturi (titrated using ABG results - maximise without them retaining CO2) unless they are very acutely unwell
Nebulised salbutamol and ipratropium
Steroids - prednisolone 30mg for 5 days
iSOAP - ipratropium, salbutamol, oxygen, antibiotics if required, prednisolone
Investigations if COPD exacerbation?
ABG to allow O2 titration
CXR - rule out pneumonia and check they do not have a pneumothorax
Baseline bloods including a CRP - FBC UandEs
Consider throat swab and sputum sample
Explain the difference between NIV and CPAP?
this assists with ventilation (which is the whole process of breathing in O2 and breathing out CO2), it has two different pressures to allow this. You use this in type 2 resp failure as you are helping them both breathe in more O2 but also get rid of CO2.
CPAP: this only has one pressure and helps with oxygenation only, it is used in type 1 resp failure where only oxygen is an issue
Type 1 vs Type 2 respiratory failure?
type 1 failure is low O2
type 2 is low O2 and high CO2
Primary indication for NIV?
Acute exacerbation of COPD where they have not responded to medical therapy (dont use in end of life care though) - often used as last trial before intubating and ventilating someone