Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Flashcards
What do the kidneys do?
- Water regulation
- Blood Pressure
- Acid base balance
- Wastes (urea, uric acid, drugs, toxins, etc.)
- Electrolyte balance
- Bones
β Healthy kidneys turn Vit. D into active hormone (calcitriol) which helps increase Ca absorption from intestines into blood - Blood
β Release erythropoietin which tells bone marrow to make RBCs
- Abrupt acute disruption in kidney function
- Impairs ability of body to maintain balance of fluid, electrolytes and acid-base status
- AKI can be reversible if treated quickly
- Goal: replace kidney function & minimize complications
- Rapid loss of kidney function
- May be reversible, may become chronic
- Will have:
β Increase in serum creatinine -50% or > above baseline
β Urine volume varies
β- Normal
β- nonoliguria (>800mL/day)
β- oliguria (<0.5mL/kg/hr)
β- anuria (<50mL/day)
*AKI categories
- Prerenal* most common cause in acute care
β Reduction in perfusion to kidney βbefore kidneyβ problem - Intrarenal (aka Intrinsic )
β Damage inside the kidney (to the kidney tissue) - Postrenal
β Urine flow obstruction
Causes of Prerenal failure
Hypoperfusion is occurring
- Volume depletion
β Excess vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, burns
- Cardiac issues leading to decreased C.O.
- Vasodilation
β Resulting from: Anaphylaxis, antihypertensive meds or other meds that cause vasodilation, sepsis
- Renal artery narrowing (renal stenosis)
Intrarenal causes
- Prolonged renal ischemia resulting from:
β Muscle trauma-injury
β Burns
β transfusion reactions - Infectious processes resulting from acute glomerulonephritis or acute pyelonephritis
- Nephrotoxic agents- Toxic meds (chemo drugs/antibiotics?)
Post-renal causes
Urinary Tract Obstruction
- Prostate cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer
- Kidney stones
- Blood clots in the urinary tract
What problems occur in pts at risk for AKI?
- Cardiac:
β erythropoietin low: anemia - Respiratory
- Fluid and Electrolytes
- Immune system
Stages/phases of renal failure
- Initiation: begins with initial injury and ends once oliguric phase begins
- Oliguric phase: increase in uric acid, Cr, Mag, Potassium (waste products)
β Starts 1-7 days after injury; can last up to 2 weeks
β min amount of urine to get rid of waste products: 400ml/24 hrs; 0.5 ml/kg/hr - Diuretic phase
β gradual increase in urine output
β lab values stabalize : GFR increases
β Risk for dehydration/ hypotension
β hypokalemia
β can last for up to 3 weeks (after oliguric phase - End phase/recovery (can be end stage kidney failure or recovery of kidney)
β Last up to 1 year
β full recovery may occur
Stages/phases of renal failure
Oliguric Phase
- Oliguric Phase- (Not always seen in AKI)
a decrease in urine volume (<400 mL/day; <0.5 mL/kg/hr) - Lasts approximately 1-2wks (want this stage as short as possible)
What will the nurse observe?
Oliguric phase
- Increased BUN & Cr= neuro findings (confused, tired, sluggish)
- Itching (waste (uric acid) build-up)
- F&E: mild hyponatremia (blood diluted from xs fluid), edema
- increased K levels: >5; EKG changes (tall peaked T waves, wide QRS, prolonged PR intervals)
- ABGs: risk for metabolic acidosis
- Concentrated urine: high specific gravity >1.020
Oliguric Phase- contin Nursing Interventions:
- Low protein diet because protein breakdown in the liver will increase urea levels
- Safety- from confusion
- Limit fluid intake, strict I&Os, daily wt-increased fluid in body
- Monitor resp. status- met. acidosis
- Treatment for oliguric stage= dialysis*
Stages/phases of renal failure
Diuretic Phase
- Diuretic Phase- nephrons starting to recover and filter blood. BUN/Cr begin to decrease. GFR begins to improve therefor mental status improves
- Lasts approx. 1-3 wks
- Kidneys can not concentrate urine
β Increased urine output (dilute urine) - 3-6L/day due to osmotic diuresis
- Hypovolemia & electrolyte loss are main problems
Diuretic Phase- contin Nursing Interventions:
- Strict I&Os
- Daily wts
- IV fluids
- Electrolyte supplements (F&E replacements)
- Dehydration s/s
- safety
Stages/phases of renal failure
Recovery Phase
- Recovery Phase
β Return to normal functions while healing takes place
β GFR returns to normal
β Urinary output returns to normal
β Labs stabilize (BUN/Cr, electrolytes)
β This stage can take a year or more - Depending on how much damage was done (esp during oliguric phase) & pt age Some may never make it to this stage
Nursing Interventions AKI
- Monitor MAP
- Pharm:
β Kayexalate: makes pt poop out potassium
β IV insulin: pushes potassium into cells
β diuretics (during oliguric phase)
β F&E replacement (diuretic phase)
β sodium bicarb therapy w/ severe acidosis
β phosphate-binding agents (calcium)
β- decreases the absorption of phosphate from the intestinal tract to prevent continued rise of phosphate levels - ABG monitoring
- Nutrition
β High-Carb Diet
β Avoid foods containing potassium or phosphorus: bananas, citrus fruits and juices, coffee