Acute Kidney Injury Flashcards
What tells you it is prerenal.
Urine osmolarity abover 500, Urine sodium below 20, BUN creatinine: over 20, FENa Less than 1% in pre-renal
What tells you it is ATN
FeNa over 2%,
FeNa is the best for ppl on diuretic therapy
If its below one, you know its pre-renal
What specific gravity is associated with ATN
What specific gravity is associated with prerenal
greater than 1.018
What defines acute kidney injury
Rapid deterioration of GFR (less than one month). It is a .5 mg/dl increase in creatinine or a greater than 50% increase from baseline
Oliguria is what?
less than 400 ml a day
Anuria is what >
less than 100 ml day
Three categories
Pre renal, intrinsic, post
Pre-renal urine osmolarity
Over 500
Intrinsic renal urine osmo
Less than half of prerenal. 250 or less
FeNa in prerenal
Less than 1%
FeNa in intrinsic renal
Greater than 2
Urine sediment in prerenal
Urine sediment in intrinsic
muddy brown granular casts
Postrenal AKI= what?
Causes of Prerenal
True volume loss (GI) etc CHF, Shock, Hepatorenal syndrome, NSAIDS, Renal artery stenosis
Three specific types of pre-renal AKI
hepatorenal syndrome, renal artery stenosis and angiotensin II blockers/ACE inhibitors,
Use of NSAIDs
What the hell is hepatorenal syndrome
It is caused by portal hypertension. Often associated with cirrhosis. The portal hypertension leads to splanchnic vasodilation and thus decreased circulatory volume as this blood tries to get back to the heart. Body reacts by increasing resistance through the RAAS system and you get ascites and renal vasoconstriction which causes teh renal failure
To rule out other things andinsure it is HRS
Test urine sodium…It will literally be below 10
Angiotensin II blockers cause pre-renal AKI how?
They block Angiotensin II production. AND when you you hear angiotensin you think what>….efferent constriction. So, if ANgiotensin is blocked, the problem is that you cant inc glomerular pressure.
ATN can be caused by what agents
Aminoglycosides and Ampho B
Acute Interstital nephritis
PCSN, Peniciline, cephalosporin, sulfonamides, NSAIDS
Aminoglycosides do what
inhibit normal lysosome function
How do you prevent aminoglycoside toxicity
Once daily dose and monitor
Contrasts agents are a problem why
vasoconstrictive effects
Acute interstitial nephritis- allergy
Fever, rash, eosinophils