Acute Intestinal Obstruction Flashcards
Definition of Acute intestinal obstruction (AIO)
A disease, which is characterized by acute violation of the intestinal contents passage through the gastrointestinal tract.
Causes of acute intestinal obstruction:
Causes of acute intestinal obstruction:
А) Causes that contribute to the development of disease:
а) congenital:
- abnormalities of the intestines, mesenterial and peritoneal (dolichosigma, mobile cecum, developmental defects of the diaphragm and the peritoneum, which lead to the formation of hernial rings, fissures, pouches in abdominal cavity);
b) acquired:
- adhesions, scar tissue bands as a result of surgery and inflammatory processes;
- tumor, inflammatory infiltrates, hematomas;
- presence of foreign bodies in the intestinal lumen, gallstones and other formations that occlude the lumen.
B) Causes that lead to the development of disease:
- developing of the acute disturbances in motility of intestine as hyper or hypomotoric reactions;
- occurrence of spasms and paralysis in various parts of the intestines.
The main clinical signs of acute intestinal obstruction:
А) Complaints:
а) pain:
- suddenly arising;
- paroxysmal;
- increasing;
- nature of pain depends on the type of obstruction of the intestines;
- pain decreases by 2-3rd day, when intestinal peristalsis is depleted;
b) nausea, vomiting:
- variable sign;
- the presence and the frequency depends on the level of the intestinal obstruction, depending on the form and type of obstruction;
- in case of high obstruction repeated vomiting is early occured;
- with accession of peritonitis, vomiting is continuous and with no relief;
c) constipation and gas formation:
- frequent and important symptoms of acute obstruction of the intestines;
- in the initial stage of obstruction, especially at high location of the obstacles, in the first hours is possible the expectoration of gases and feces;
- during conservative therapy, can be achieved defecation and expectoration of gases;
d) abdominal distention - is characteristical for the mechanical and dynamic obstruction of the intestines.
B) Anamnesis:
- development of the disease in the timing aspect;
- previous surgery;
- the variation of the stool over the past months.
C) Objective manifestations:
а) visual inspection:
- general condition depends on the type of obstruction and on its intestinal level;
- the tongue is initially wet, with the development of dehydration becomes dry;
- abdomen is asymmetric, distended (form and asymmetry of the abdomen depends on the location and type of obstacles in the place of obstruction);
b) physical examination:
- hemodynamic parameters (pulse rate, BP) depend on the degree of dehydration and the degree of the circulating blood volume reduction;
- palpation of the anterior abdominal wall: the characteristic and location of pain, symptoms that correspond pathognomonically for intestinal obstruction are evaluated;
- percussion of anterior abdominal wall thympanitis across the whole surface of the abdominal wall;
- auscultation of the abdomen in a first stage of the obstruction, the high-pitched peristaltic sounds can heard due to the movement of fluid and gas in the loops of intestine;
- pathognomonic symptoms of acute obstruction of the intestines:
- Wahl’s sign - asymmetry of the abdomen, high tympanic sound over the distended bowel.
- Schlange’s sign - visible peristalsis.
- Sklyarov’s sign - splashing sounds in the small or large intestine during balloting palpation of anterior abdominal wall.
- Anschutz’s sign - pronounced flatulence in the right iliac area by obstruction of the colon.
- Kivul’s sign metallic sound over bloated intestinal loop by percussion of plessimetr.
- Spasokukotsky’s sign in auscultation ”noise of falling drop” above the stretched loops of intestine.
Formation of the preliminary diagnosis is based on clinical data.
(acute intestinal obstruction)
Preliminary diagnosis is formed on the basis of the patient’s complaints, anamnesis and objective manifestations of disease, confirmed by physical methods of investigation.
To confirm or clarify the diagnosis plain radiography abdominal is performed, in difficult diagnostic cases contrast study of small and large intestines, colonoscopy.
Diagnosis of acute obstruction of intestines:
А) Instrumental diagnosis:
а) plain radiography to identify the Kloiber’s cups and the Kerckring folds:
• bowls of Kloyberg (intestine loops filled with gas and liquid):
- in the small intestine they are low and wide, located closer to the spine;
- in the colon, they are arranged along the periphery of the abdominal cavity, their number is fewer, height of the bowls is bigger, than its width, and on the background gas in the loops of intestine mucosal folds are seen (Kerckring folds);
- with dynamic obstruction horizontal fluid levels are located at the same time in the loops
of the small and large intestines;
b) contrast study of small and large intestines:
- X-ray masses passage through the small and large intestine (determination of the enhanced bowel loops over the place obstacles);
- lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract radiography (helps to determine the location of the obstacles in the colon);
c) urgent endoscopic examination of the colon (sigmoidoscopy, fibrocolonoscopy).
B) Laboratory data:
а) CBC (leukocytosis with a shift to the left, toxic granularity of leukocytes);
b) urinalysis (the presence of protein, erythrocyte, casts);
c) biochemical blood analysis (determination of protein and electrolytes in the blood’s serum).
Differential diagnosis of acute obstruction of the intestines:
А) Stage of intestinal passage violations:
- acute pancreatitis;
- acute appendicitis complicated by peritonitis;
- renal colic.
B) Stage of violations of intramural intestinal blood circulation:
- acute pancreatitis complicated by pancreatogenic ascites;
- thromboembolism of the mesenteric vessels.
C) Stage of peritonitis:
- perforated ulcer in the stage of peritonitis;
- acute appendicitis complicated by peritonitis;
- acute pancreatitis complicated by purulent peritonitis
Clinic-statistical classification of acute intestine obstruction:
ICD10 Diagnosis Code K56 Paralytic ileus and intestinal obstruction without hernia
Layout of the clinical diagnosis: acute {EX}, {BX} obstruction of {LX} ({RX}), {FX stage}
Reason: E1 mechanical {XX}: (X1) obturative (X2) strangulation (X3) mixed
E2 dynamic {XX}:
(X1) paralytic
(X2) spastic
B1 low
B2 high
L1 small intestine
L2 colon
L3 small intestine and colon
Characteristic of the process:
R1 adhesive obstruction
R2 volvulus of the small intestine
R3 sigmoid volvulus
R4 cecal volvulus
R5 transverse colon volvulus
R6 formation of nodule in the small intestine
R7 intestinal obstruction by a gallstone
R8 intestinal obstruction by tangle of ascarids
R9 intussusception
Stage of the process:
F1 I stage (stage of the intestinal passage violations)
F2 II stage (stage of violation of intramural intestinal blood circulation)
F3 III stage (stage of peritonitis)
Organization of surgical care for patients with acute intestine obstruction
In case of suspicion of intestine obstruction, urgent consultation of surgeon and targeted examination is indicated.
General principles of the organization of medical care for acute obstruction of the intestines:
А) Preparation for the surgery (not more than 2 hours from the admission of the patient to the hospital time):
• the “rule of three catheters” is mandatory:
- a tube into the stomach;
- a catheter into the bladder (diuresis control);
- catheter into a central vein (for infusion therapy, taking into account the degree of dehydration, under the control of a central venous pressure).
B) Analgesia - endotracheal anesthesia.
C) General principles of the operative treatment:
- midline laparotomy;
- elimination of obstruction;
- determining the viability of colon:
• intestine color;
• intestine peristalsis;
• pulsation of the mesenteric vessels;
- tube decompression of the small intestine or colon;
- in case of intestine’s necrosis resection of the changed part of the colon with the retreat from the
border of necrosis in the proximal direction by 40 cm and in the distal direction 20-25 cm.
D) postoperative treatment in the ICU.
Definition of Dynamic Intestine Obstruction
Dynamic intestine obstruction is caused by dysfunction of tone of its muscular system (spastic) or it has a reflexive character due to irritation of the neuromuscular apparatus of the intestine (paralytic).
Types of dynamic intestine obstruction:
- paralytic intestine obstruction;
- spastic intestine obstruction.
Causes of dynamic intestine obstruction:
А) Paralytic intestine obstruction (paresis of the small and large intestines):
- after operations on the abdominal organs;
- due to inflammatory and destructive processes in the abdominal cavity;
- due to abdominal injuries as well as chest and spine.
B) Spastic obstruction of the intestines (spasm of the intestinal wall):
- due to foreign body;
- due to increased general nervous excitability (hysteria);
- due to chronic or acute poisoning;
- reflex effect in hepatic and renal colic
Clinical manifestations of dynamic obstruction of intestines:
А) Spastic intestine obstruction:
- paroxysmal pain;
- vomiting;
- delay of flatus or bowel movements;
- possible contact with toxic substances in anamnesis ;
- during an objective examination spastic colon is palpated;
- radiologically hyperpneumatosis of the intestines.
B) Paralytic obstruction of the intestines:
- the patient’s condition is usually severe;
- severe intoxication due to the underlying disease (peritonitis) with the symptoms of paralytic intestine’s obstructions.
Diagnosis of dynamic obstruction of intestines:
• clinical examination:
- complains;
- anamnesis morbi;
- objective data;
- laboratory diagnostics;
- instrumental diagnostics:
- plain radiography of abdomen;
- contrast radiography of the small and large intestines
Therapeutic tactics in dynamic obstruction of intestines:
- preference is given to drug therapy;
- most importantly the treatment of the underlying disease, which led to the emergence of dynamic intestine obstruction.
Definition of Obturative obstruction
A disturbance of the passage of food and intestinal masses due to obstruction of the intestine lumen or due to pressure from the outside with no involvement in the pathological process of the mesenteric vessels.
Causes of obturative intestinal obstruction
А - intestine obstruction with a gallstone;
B - obturation of the intestine by a tumor;
C - compression of the intestine from outside;
D - deformation of the intestine due to adhesive process
Clinical manifestations of obturative intestinal obstruction:
- pain is less pronounced, than in mixed and strangulation obstruction;
- clinical signs of motorevacuation disorders of the passage of intestinal contents through the intestine slowly develop;
- symptoms of the acute intestinal obstruction depend on the location of obstruction;
- in the patients with the tumor obstruction in the anamnesis – small signs of the tumor process (loss of weight, appetite, anemia, etc.), patients with gallstone obturation – possible attacks of biliary colic.
Diagnosis of obturative intestinal obstruction:
- plain abdominal radiography;
- contrast study of the large intestine in case obstruction of the colon suspected.
Surgical tactics in obturative intestinal obstruction:
• tumor obstruction of the right half of the colon:
- right hemicolectomy in the absence of peritonitis;
- bypass with ileotransverse anastomosis when the tumor cannot be removed;
• tumor obstruction of the transverse colon:
- resection of the transverse colon;
- bypass anastomosis when the tumor cannot be removed;
• tumor obstruction of the left colon:
- left-sided hemicolectomy with a single-barrel outer stoma when the tumor can be removed;
- transversostoma when the tumor cannot be removed;
• tumor obstruction of the sigmoid colon:
- resection of the sigmoid with the formation of the outer single -or double barrel stoma;
- transversostoma when the tumor cannot be removed;
• tumor obstruction of the rectum:
- resection of the rectum with sigmoidostoma formation;
- only sigmoidostomy.
Definition of Strangulation Obstruction
A disturbance of the passage of food and intestinal masses due to obstruction of the lumen of the intestine and neurovascular bundles of the mesentery.
Types of strangulation obstruction of the intestine
А) impairment of intestine and its mesentery;
B) volvulus of the small intestine;
C) nodulus formation
Clinical manifestations of strangulation intestine obstruction:
А) I stage:
- severe pain, the pain is paroxysmal in its nature;
- nausea, vomiting, which does not bring relief;
- pale skin, cyanosis of the lips, fascial expression of pain;
- dry tongue;
- tachycardia, weak and soft pulse, reduced blood pressure;
- in early stages of the disease visually assessed hyperperistalsis;
- auscultation sounds of hyperperistalsis;
- positive pathognomonic symptoms of intestinal obstruction;
B) II stage:
- clinical manifestations become less pronounced;
- peristalsis of the intestines is reduced;
C) III stage:
- clinical signs of peritonitis (intoxication, belly’s bloating, positive symptoms which are pathognomonic for peritonitis).
Diagnosis of intestinal strangulation obstruction
Plain abdominal radiography.
Surgical tactics in strangulation intestinal obstruction:
- elimination of the adhesive process, which facilitate an acute obstruction of the intestine, volvulus, and nodulus formation;
- in case of intestinal necrosis its resection is recommended;
- in the presence of peritonitis and severe condition of the patient the formation of the outer intestinal stoma after the intestinal resection is recommended.
Definition of Mixed intestinal obstruction
A special kind of acute obstruction of the intestine is presented by an intestinal invagination, which leads to an intestinal obstruction and compression of vessels of the invaginated mesentery.
Diagnostics of mixed intestinal obstruction:
А) Clinical data:
а) complains;
b) anamnesis morbi;
c) objective data (detection by palpation some painful and round-shaped formations).
B) Instrumental methods:
а) plain abdominal radiography (Kloiber’s cups);
b) contrast study of the intestine (filling defect with clear contours, which has the form of cockade, bident or crescent).
Surgical tactics in a mixed intestine obstruction:
- disinvagination of the intestine;
- resection of intestine part with invagination.
Definition of thrombosis of mesenteric vessels
A pathological condition, which is accompanied by a complete or partial obstruction of the mesenteric vessels and leads to acute circulatory disorders of the small and large intestines.
Reasons mesenteric thrombosis and embolism:
А) Entry of the embolus into the lumen of the vessels, from the aorta in heart defects, arrhythmias, traumas, ischemic heart disease.
B) Mesenteric artery thrombosis due to atherosclerosis, abdominal aortic aneurysm, compression of blood vessels outside by the tumor, inflammatory infiltrate
Clinical manifestations of mesenteric thrombosis:
А) Complains:
- diffuse abdominal pain;
- nausea, vomiting;
- severe weakness;
- frequent stools with mucus and blood in the early stages of the disease;
- later delay of flatus or bowel movements.
B) Anamnesis morbi:
- acute beginning of the disease by development of the embolism and infarction of colon or slow, gradual development of the vessels’ compression;
- availability of concomitant severe cardiovascular diseases.
C) Objective manifestations:
а) visual assessment:
- general condition is severe;
- facial features are sharp;
- cyanosis of the skin;
- reduced blood pressure;
- dry tongue;
- distended belly, abdominal wall is involved in the act of breathing;
b) palpation - widespread abdominal pain, slight abdominal straining, splashing sounds are determined;
c) percussion - dullness in sloping areas of the abdominal cavity;
d) auscultation - reduction of the peristaltic sounds;
e) rectally - presence of mucus and blood in the feces.
N.B.! For 6-12 hours the patient’s condition progressively worsens, intoxication increases
(BP decreasing, tachycardia, dyspnea, cyanosis, increased body temperature), belly gets bloated; it becomes tense, painful, signs of peritoneal irritation are increases as well as a splashing sound in the loops of intestines.
Diagnosis of mesenteric thrombosis:
А) Clinical manifestations:
- complains;
- anamnesis morbi;
- results of physical examination.
B) Laboratory data:
а) CBC (leukocytosis with a shift to the left, leukocyte toxic granulation, anemia);
b) urinalysis (the presence of protein, erythrocytes, casts);
c) biochemical blood analysis (nitrogenaemia, increased ALT, AST, LF, hypercoagulation).
C) Instrumental diagnostics:
а) plain abdominal radiography (Kloiber’s cups);
b) doppler ultrasound (narrowing of the vessel);
c) selective mesenteric angiography.
Differential diagnosis of mesenteric thrombosis:
А) In the initial stages of ischemia and infarction (pain, vomiting):
- perforated ulcer;
- acute cholecystitis;
- acute pancreatitis;
- strangulation form of acute intestine obstruction;
- myocardial infarction.
B) In the stage of peritonitis:
- deep studies and differential diagnosis are not held
Clinic-statistical classification of thrombosis of mesenteric vessels:
ICD10 Diagnosis Code К55.0 Acute vascular disorders of intestine
Layout of the clinical diagnosis: Acute {ВX,} vascular disorders {of LX} deu to {ЕX}
{in the stage of FX}, {with QX of the mesenteric circulation
Type of vascular disorder:
B1 occlusive
B2 non occlusive
L1 small intestine
L2 large intestine
L3 small and large intestine
Cause: E1 arterial thrombosis E2 venous thrombosis E3 embolism E4 vascular injury
Stage of the process:
F1 intestine ischemia
F2 infarction and necrosis of the intestine
F3 peritonitis
Clinical manifestations:
Q1 compensation
Q2 subcompensation
Q3 decompensation
Treatment of mesenteric thrombosis:
А) Conservative therapy (efficiency is low and, as a rule, is a preparation for surgery):
- pain relief;
- anticoagulants and fibrinolytics;
- improve of blood rheology conditions;
- cardiotonic therapy;
- replenishment of the circulating blood volume;
- detoxication therapy;
- antiinflammatory therapy.
B) Indications for surgery:
- peritonitis;
- ineffectiveness of conservative therapy;
- paralytic obstruction of the intestine.
C) Surgical tactics:
- in fatal intestinal ischemia or necrosis resection of the intestine;
- in total necrosis operation that ends with diagnostic laparotomy.
Syndrome of acute disorders of the passage of intestinal contents
A violation of its passage through the gastrointestinal tract with a damage of the blood circulation in the intestinal wall and development of a cascade of volemic disturbances and peritonitis, which lead to multiple organ failure.
The most common causes of acute disorders of the passage of intestinal contents
the adhesions in the abdominal cavity, thrombosis of mesenteric vessels and a tumor of the colon or small intestine.
Type of acute AIO:
А) Type of acute AIO:
а) mechanical bowel obstruction:
- simple (obturative) obstruction of the bowel lumen or compression from the outside without disrupting the blood circulation in the mesentery;
- strangulation obstruction - full or partial compression of the mesenteric vessels, which leads to a disruption of blood circulation in the intestinal wall;
- mixed intestinal obstruction - combination of obturative and strangulation obstruction, occurs with bowel invagination, when a part of intestine, overlaps lumen by invagination, and squeezes the mesenteric vessels , causing ischemic disorder in the intestinal wall;
b) dynamic intestinal obstruction:
- paralytic intestinal obstruction;
- spastic intestinal obstruction.
Location of obstruction:
B) Location of obstruction:
- small intestine;
- large intestine;
- small and large intestine.
Levels of obstruction:
C) Levels of obstruction:
а) low obstruction (colon and rectum):
- disturbances develop slowly;
- the main reason for the pathological changes intoxication;
b) high obstruction (duodenum and small intestine):
- disturbances develop rapidly;
- the main reason for the pathological changes - hypovolemic disorders due to vomiting.
Stages of acute intestinal obstruction
D) Stages of acute intestinal obstruction:
а) stage of the intestinal passage violation (12-16 hours from the beginning of the disease):
- depends on the type of the intestinal obstruction;
- more pronounced with high obstruction and strangulation of intestine;
b) stage of acute intramural intestine hemodynamics disorders (16-36 hours from the beginning of
the disease):
- stretching intestinal loops proximally the obstacles;
- microcirculation and venous drainage disturbance in the stretched parts of intestine;
c) stage of peritonitis (more than 36 hours from the beginning of the disease):
- extravasation of fluid into the lumen proximally the obstacles;
- extravasation of the fluid from the intestine into the peritoneal cavity;
- development of peritonitis.
Complications of acute intestinal obstruction:
E) Complications of acute intestinal obstruction:
а) complications of abdominal cavity:
- peritonitis;
- intestine necrosis;
b) complications of the cardiovascular system:
- thromboembolic complications;
c) lung complications:
- pneumonia.
The clinical picture of AIO depends on:
А) Type of acute AIO
B) Location of obstruction
C) Levels of obstruction
D) Stages of acute intestinal obstruction
E) Complications of acute intestinal obstruction