Classify what type of Acute HF
Signs and symptoms of AHF with relatively preserved left ventricular function, systolic blood pressure >140 mm Hg, typically with a chest radiograph compatible with pulmonary edema and symptom onset <48 h
Hypertensive AHF
Classify what type of Acute HF
High cardiac output, typically with tachycardia, warm extremities, and pulmonary congestion
Right HF
Classify what type of Acute HF
Signs and symptoms of AHF that are mild to moderate and do not meet criteria for hypertensive HF, pulmonary edema, or cardiogenic shock, systolic blood pressure <140 mm Hg and >90 mm Hg, typically associated with increased peripheral edema and symptom onset over several days
Acute on Chronic HF
Classify what type of Acute HF
Typically with tachycardia, warm extremities, and pulmonary congestion
High-output failure
Classify what type of Acute HF
Respiratory distress, rales on chest auscultation, reduced oxygen saturation from baseline, verified by chest radiograph findings
Cardiogenic Shock
Classify what type of Acute HF
Respiratory distress, rales on chest auscultation, reduced oxygen saturation from baseline, verified by chest radiograph findings
Pulmonary Edema
Management for Patients with pulmonary edema to decrease work of breathing
usual cause of High-output failure (2)
Anemia, Thyrotoxicosis
This results in a left ventricle that has difficulty RECEIVING blood.
Diastolic Dysfunction
- This results in a left ventricle that has difficulty EJECTING blood
- Which leads to (2)
- Systolic Dysfunction
- increased intracardiac volume; afterload sensitivity
POCUS: 3 questions to address
- signs of pulmonary congestion: ≥2 of the 8 thoracic zones with ≥3 B-lines OR B-line count in all 8 zones ≥10
- Are there signs of volume overload by measuring the size of the inferior vena cava and its collapsibility?
a. IVC >2 cm with less than 50% collapse
b. Evidence of acute RV strain - Is the left ventricular ejection fraction low or normal?
Medication use in Hypertensive AHF which decreases mean arterial pressure by reducing preload
at high doses initially, it reduces afterload, may have coronary vasodilatory effects, decreasing myocardial ischemia and improving cardiac function
After vasodilator use in Hypertensive AHF, this drug may be given for symptom control
Loop diuretics
Contraindication to start vasodilation (4)
- right ventricular infarction
- aortic stenosis
- hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
- hypotension: volume depletion increase the risk of vasodilator-associated hypotension
also anaphylaxis, sepsis, cardiogenic shock/MI
This provide rapid symptomatic relief of congestive symptoms and improve the effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors by decreasing intravascular volume.
Loop Diuretics