Acute Heart Failure Flashcards
IABP Timing Errors

IABP Timing Errors

IABP Timing Errors

IABP Timing Errors

Contraindications to IABP?

IABP Indications for use?

After IABP is Placed:
- Cardiac Output
- Effective in two particular conditions
- Best survival after IABP is when?

After an IABP is placed?
- CO
- Myocardial O2 consumption
- Aortic pressures
- SVR (afterload)
- Coronary blood flow

Risk factors for low cardiac output syndrome?

Temporary mechanical support patient selection?

Life-threatening hypotension despite rapidly escalating inotropic support; critical organ hypoperfusion; often confirmed by worsening acidosis and/or lactate levels (“crash and burn”).
Profile 1: Critical cardiogenic shock

Declining function despite IV inotropic support; may manifest by worsening renal function; nutritional depletion; inability to restore volume balance (“sliding on inotropes”). Also describes declining status in patients unable to tolerate inotropic therapy.
Profile 2: Progressive decline

Stable blood pressure, organ function, nutrition, and symptoms with continuous IV inotropic support (or a temporary circulatory support device or both), but patient demonstrates repeated inability to wean from support due to recurrent symptomatic hypotension or renal dysfunction (“dependent stability”).
Profile 3: Stable but inotrope dependent

Stabilized close to normal volume status but daily symptoms of congestion at rest or during activities of daily living. Doses of diuretics generally fluctuate at very high levels. More intensive management and surveillance strategies should be considered, which may in some cases reveal poor compliance that would compromise outcomes with any therapy.
Profile 4: Resting symptoms

Patient is comfortable at rest and with activities of daily living but unable to engage in any other activity and lives predominantly within the house. Patient is comfortable at rest without congestive symptoms but may have underlying refractory elevated volume status, often with renal dysfunction. If underlying nutritional status and organ function are marginal, patient may be more at risk than INTERMACS Profile 4 and require definitive intervention.
Profile 5: Exertion intolerant

Patient without evidence of fluid overload is comfortable at rest and with activities of daily living and minor activities outside the home, but experiences fatigue after the first few minutes of any meaningful activity. Attribution to cardiac limitation requires careful measurement of peak oxygen consumption, in some cases with hemodynamic monitoring to confirm severity of cardiac impairment.
Profile 6: Exertion is limited

Patient had no current or recent episodes of unstable fluid balance and is living comfortably with meaningful activity limited to mild physical exertion.
Profile 7: Advanced New York Heart Association functional class III

UNOS Heart Transplant Statuses
Status 1 Criteria

UNOS Heart Transplant Statuses
Status two criteria

UNOS Heart Transplant Statuses
Status 3 criteria

UNOS Heart Transplant Statuses
Status 4 Criteria

UNOS Heart Transplant Statuses
Status 5 Criteria

UNOS Heart Transplant Statuses
Status 6 Criteria