Acts Review 1 Flashcards
Who wrote the book of Acts?
Luke wrote it
Luke 1:1-3 “former treatise”
What are the 3 levels of the Holy Spirit?
Law (Acts 7:51-53)
power (Acts 1:8)
wisdom (understanding) (WOS 9:17)
What is the power of the Holy Spirit?
Power to heal
Mark 3:14, 15
Who is the kingdom for?
Act 1:6
Kingdom on earth (1 Kings 2:11)
(1 kings 4:22)
which high holy days did the disciples keep in the book of Acts
Acts 2:1 - Feast of Pentecost
Acts 27:9 - Day of Atonement
Acts 12:3 - Passover
Which feast did Paul go to keep in Jerusalem?
Pentecost - (Acts 20:16)
Fake Christians say the Jews did not believe in Christ.
Show scriptures proving a number of Jews that did believe in Christ
Acts 2:41
Acts 4:4
acts 21:20
What scripture shows how Christ was taken up?
Acts 1:9
( a chariot took him up Psalms 104:3)
What scripture shows the vehicle in which Christ was taken up in?
Psalms 104:3
Chariots = clouds
Which Disciple replaced Judas Iscariot?
(Acts 1:24-26)
What are Speaking in tongues and what scriptures show what it is?
Tongues = another language
(Isaiah 28:11)
(1 Corinth 14:21)
What is the blessing of Abraham found in Genesis 18:18
Acts 3:25, 26
Who is unto you first referring to?
Southern Kingdom
What was Ananias and Sapphira’s put to death for? Give a scripture
Lying and covetousness
(Acts 5:1:5)
Who was Paul’s Teacher? Give a scripture
(Acts 22:3)
Give 2 scriptures showing who repentance is for?
Acts 5:29
Acts 13:24
Who are the Grecians found in Acts 6:1
Southern Kingdom Jews
(Acts 11:19)
What is the daily administration and its requirements found in Acts 6:1?
Show scripture
A widows fund
(1 Tim 5:9)
Give me scriptures showing who the Greeks are?
Acts 14:1
Acts 18:8
Who is the church
Church = Israel
(Acts 7:38)
When the scripture says whosoever, is it talking about everyone or a specific people?
A specific people
(Acts 2:21)
context starts at (Acts 2:1)
what scripture show you can’t learn the bible on your own?
Acts 8:30, 31
How do we know the Ethiopian is an Israelite?
Give Scripture.
He went to Jerusalem on one of the 3 times called to go.
(Deut 16:16)
(Isa 11:11) - Cush = Ethiopia
(Psalms 68:31)
What scripture shows Paul who is formerly known as Saul, was chosen by Christ?
Acts 9:15
Who gave Paul back his sight? Give scripture.
Ananias gave Paul his sight back
(Acts 9:9-15)