Acts Flashcards
Acts 1
The Ascension of Christ
Acts 2
Day of Pentecost
Acts 3
Peter and John heal lame man and preach
Acts 4
Apostles arrested
Acts 5
Ananias and Sapphira lie and die
Acts 6
Deacons appointed
Acts 7
Stephen Martyred
Acts 8
Philip evangelizes Samaria & Ethiopian Eunuch
Acts 9
Saul Converted
Acts 10-11
Cornelius (first gentile) Converted
Acts 12
James martyred & Peter released
Acts 13-14
First Missionary Journey
Acts 15
Jerusalem Council
Acts 16-18
Second Missionary Journey
Acts 19-21
Third Missionary Journey
Acts 22-28
Paul’s Imprisonment & Voyage to Rome
1st Missionary Journey
a) Paphos on Cyprus
b) Perga of Pamphylia
c) Antioch of Pisidia
d) Iconium
e) Lystra
f) Derbe
g) Antioch of Syria
a) Serjius Paulus is saved and Bar-Jesus is blinded
b) John Mark leaves
c) Paul preaches his first recorded sermon. The mad Jews reject and the glad Gentiles accept the Gospel.
d) Many believe, but again the Jews oppose the Gospel
e) Paul heals a cripple and the crowds attempt to worship and then stone the missionaries.
f) The teach and preach and return edifying and organizing the churches
g) The first Mission report and the writing of Galatians
2nd Missionary Journey
a) Lystra
b) Troas
c) Philippi
d) Thessalonica
e) Berea
f) Athens
g) Corinth
h) Ephesus
a) Timothy joins the team
b) Paul receives his Macedonian call and Luke joins the team
c) The conversion of Lydia, the Demoniac Girl, and the Philippian Jailer (Gospel reaches Europe)
d) Paul preaches 3 Sabbaths in the synagogue, but unbelieving Jews assault Jason’s house where Paul is staying.
e) This group studied the Scriptures, to see whether these things were so, but Paul is forced to flee by trouble making Jews from Thessalonica.
f) Paul preaches his famous sermon on Mars Hill.
g) Paul meets Aquila and Priscilla, sees Crispus converted, a vision from God, his case dismissed by Gallio, and Sosthenes beaten. He also writes 1 & 2 Thessalonica.
h) He makes a brief preaching stop and leaves Aquila and Priscilla here.
3rd Missionary Journey
a) Ephesus
b) Philippi
c) Corinth
d) Troas
e) Miletus
f) Tyre
g) Caesarea
a) (3 years) Paul encounters: Some disciples of John the Baptist, the failed exorcism attempt by the sons of Sceva, the burning of occult objects, and the riot by the defenders of Diana. He writes 1 Corinthians.
b) (1 year) Paul preaches throughout Macedonia and writes 2 Corinthians.
c) (3 months) Paul writes Romans.
d) Paul preaches all night, Eutychus falls asleep, falls down to his death, and is raised up by Paul.
e) Paul preaches a tearful farewell to the Ephesian Elders.
f) Paul is warned about Danger in Jerusalem.
g) Paul visits Philip and is warned by Agabus of Danger in Jerusalem.