Acts 29 Final Flashcards
In each of the first 10 chapters of the book of acts it is recorded that people prayed. (T or F)
The first commandment in the book of Acts is Jesus commanding the disciples to wait for the promise of the Holy Ghost (T or F)
What is the purpose for receiving the Holy Ghost according to Acts 1:8?
To receive power to be a witness
In chapter 2 after the 3,000 were baptized what 4 things did the early church steadfastly continue in?
Fellowship, Breaking Of Bread, Prayer, Doctrine
In chapter 3 where were Peter and John going to when they met the lame man asking for alms
Gate Beautiful
What was the lame man expecting when Peter said “look on us”?
In chapter 4 after being arrested, questioned and let go what besides signs and wonders what did the apostles pray for?
In chapter 4 of Acts Peter and John were threatened and commanded not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus to which they responded…
By responding its better to obey God than man
What was the root sin of Ananias and Sapphira that they were judged for.
In chapter 5 when released from jail by the Angel where did the Angel tell them to go?
Go to the temple
In Acts chapter 6 why did the Grecians murmur against the Hebrews?
Their widows were neglected
In chapter 6 how many Deacons were appointed to daily administration so the Apostles could continually pray and minister the word?
In chapter 7 what was Stephen’s last prayer
For His persecutors
In chapter 8 what caused the early Christian church to scatter everywhere preaching the word?
Because Christians were being persecuted
In chapter 8 what led Philip to go to the desert so that he could meet the Ethiopian eunuch?
An angel
In chapter 9 in what way did God speak to Ananias to instruct him to witness to Saul?
In a vision
What convinced Saul to stop persecuting Christians?
In chapter 9 when Saul came to Jerusalem after being baptized how was he first received by the disciples?
They didn’t believe his conversion
In chapter 10 how did the Jews know the Gentiles received the Holy Ghost?
They spoke in tongues
Why did Peter go to preach to Cornelius at his house?
The spirit said arise and go
Why did Cornelius invite Peter to his house?
An angel said to invite him
Cornelius was baptized first and then received the Holy Ghost
In Acts 13:2 what were the people doing when the Holy Ghost called Barnabas and Saul?
They were ministering to the Lord
In verse 3 what did they do before sending them away.
They prayed and fasted
What problems did they have in Paphos?
Sorcerer, False prophet, Jew, Bar-Jesus (S,F, J, BJ)
How many people came to hear Paul in Acts 13:44?
Almost the whole city
What was the response of the city of Iconium to Pauls preaching?
The multitude of the city was divided
What was the response of the people to the healing of the lame man in Lystra?
They thought they were gods
What cause Paul to depart from Lystra?
he was stoned
In Acts 15:1 & 2 what was the big dispute about?
If noncircumcised can be saved
To resolve the dispute what did they do?
They prayed
In the answer that James gave he quotes the prophets that God would once again build what?
The tabernacle of David
In conclusion to James’s sentence what four things did he say the Gentiles should abstain from which of the following?
blood, idols, fornication, things strangled
How was this decision communicated to the other churches?
wrote letters
In the last part of Acts 15 what caused Paul and Barnabas to split up?
Paul didn’t think it was god to bring John (Mark)
In Acts chapter 16 who was added to the traveling team of Paul?
What happened when Paul tried to travel to Bithynia?
Paul had a vision to go to Macedonia
The first sabbath in Philippi where did they meet for prayer?
By a river
who was converted at that prayer meeting
What was it that caused Paul and Silas to be brought before the magistrates?
They had commanded a Spirit to leave a women causing a scene
After the magistrates sent serjeants to have Paul released what did Paul do?
Paul spoke to them, revealing they were Romans
In what city were the Apostles accused of “These that have tuned the world upside down”
What two reason are given why the people of Berea were more noble than those of Thessalonica? ( You should mark two boxes for full credit. )
Searched the scriptures daily, received the word with readiness of mind
In what city did Paul find an altar with the inscription “ To the unknown God”?
Aquila and Priscilla had what occupation?
What message did the Lord give Paul in a vision while he was at Corinth?
( Acts 18:9-10) write it out
“Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace: For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee for I have much people in this city.”
In chapter 18 who came to Ephesus teaching the things of the Lord but knowing only the baptism of John?
Who expounded the way of the Lord more perfectly to Apollos?
Aquila and Priscilla
According to Acts 19 what two questions did Paul ask the disciples he met in Ephesus
Unto what were you baptized? Have you received the Holy Ghost since you’ve believed?
How were the disciples of John baptized?
The baptism of Repentance
According to Acts 19 how did all which dwelt in Asia hear the word of the Lord in only two years?
Because Paul disputed daily in the school of tyrannus
Why do you think the seven sons of Sceva were not able to cast out the spirit?
Because they were not submitted to the Lordship of Jesus
In chapter 19 what did the Ephesians believers destroy that was worth fifty thousands pieces of silver that afterwards cause the word of God to grow and prevail?
books about curious arts
How long did the people chant “ Great is Diana of the Ephesians”?
2 hours
Who fell to his death as Paul was preaching?
In chapter 20 what did the holy Ghost witness in every city about Paul?
The bonds and afflictions abided him
In chapter 21 what got Paul in trouble that the chief captain had to send soldiers in to save him from the people?
He was being falsely accused
When Paul made his defense in chapter 22 at what part did the Jews cry out, throw dust in the air and cast off their clothes?
When God said he would send him to the Gentiles
Why was the Chief Captain afraid?
Because he put Paul in bonds
Paul was hit in the mouth because he said “ I have lived in all good conscience before God…”
Why did the Lord tell Paul to “Be of good cheer”?
Because he would go to Rome
Who discovered the plot of 40 conspirators to kill Paul?
Paul’s Nephew
How many soldiers took Paul to Felix.
In chapter 24 who was the spokes person in the court room that accused Paul of wrong doing?f
Paul reasoned with Felix about temperance, righteousness and coming judgment.
When Festus became the new governor Paul refused to go to Jerusalem.
Agrippa who agreed to hear Paul’s case was the king.
KIng Agrippa was an expert in all customs of the Jews.
Which of the following statements is false.
Agrippa sent Paul to Rome because he felt Paul was worthy of death.
The Centurion soldier in charge of prisoners allowed Paul freedom to visit his friends.
Paul warned everyone before they set sail that there would be much hurt and damage.
An Angel told Paul during the storm that no lives would be lost.
The storm lasted a total of…
14 nights
Which of the following statements is not true. Just before the ship wrecked…
The boat wrecked in the night
The scripture records that when Paul was bit by a snake…
The people accused Paul of being a murderer
Publius the chief man of the island was sick of a bloody flux.
Paul took courage when he met brethren from the three taverns.
Paul was kept in prison while in Rome.
In Paul’s last years he preached and taught in his own home.