Acts Flashcards
Acts Chapter 1
1) Jesus taken up to heaven
2) Matthias chosen to replace Judas
Acts Chapter 2
1) The Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost
2) Peter addresses the crowd
3) The fellowship of the believers
Acts Chapter 3
1) Peter heals a lame beggar
2) Peter speaks to the onlookers
Acts Chapter 4
1) Peter and John before the Sanhedrin
2) The believers pray
3) The believers share their possessions
Acts Chapter 5
1) Ananias and Sapphira
2) The Apostles heal many
3) The Apostles persecuted
Acts Chapter 6
1) The choosing of the seven
2) Stephen seized
Acts Chapter 7
1) Stephen’s speech to the Sanhedrin
2) The stoning of Stephen
Acts Chapter 8
1) The church persecuted and scattered
2) Philip in Samaria
3) Simon the sorcerer
4) Philip and the Ethiopian
Acts Chapter 9
1) Saul’s conversion
2) Saul in Damascus and Jerusalem
3) Aeneas and Dorcas
Acts Chapter 10
1) Cornelius calls for Peter
2) Peter’s vision
3) Peter at Cornelius’s house
Acts Chapter 11
1) Peter explains his actions
2) The church in Antioch
Acts Chapter 12
1) Peter’s miraculous escape from prison
2) Herod’s death
Acts Chapter 13
1) Barnabas and Saul sent off
2) On Cyprus
3) In Pisidian Antioch
Acts Chapter 14
1) In Iconium
2) In Lystra and Derbe
3) The return to Antioch in Syria
Acts Chapter 15
1) The council at Jerusalem
2) The council’s letter to Gentile believers
3) Disagreement between Paul and Barnabas
Acts Chapter 16
1) Timothy joins Paul and Silas
2) Paul’s vision of the Man of Macedonia
3) Lydia’s conversion in Philippi
4) Paul and Silas in prison
Acts Chapter 17
1) In Thessalonica
2) In Berea
3) In Athens
Acts Chapter 18
1) In Corinth
2) Priscilla, Aquila and Apollos
Acts Chapter 19
1) Paul in Ephesus
2) The riot in Ephesus
Acts Chapter 20
1) Through Macedonia and Greece
2) Eutychus raised from the dead at Troas
3) Paul’s farewell to the Ephesian elders
Acts Chapter 21
1) On to Jerusalem
2) Paul’s arrival at Jerusalem
3) Paul arrested
4) Paul speaks to the crowd
Acts Chapter 22
1) Paul continues to speak to the crowd
2) Paul the Roman citizen
Acts Chapter 23
1) Paul before the Sanhedrin
2) The plot to kill Paul
3) Paul transferred to Caesarea
Acts Chapter 24
1) Paul trials before Felix
Acts Chapter 25
1) Paul’s trials before Festus
2) Festus consults king Agrippa
3) Paul before Agrippa
Acts Chapter 26
1) Paul before Agrippa continued
Acts Chapter 27
1) Paul sails for Rome
2) The Storm
3) The shipwreck
Acts Chapter 28
1) Paul ashore on Malta
2) Paul’s arrival at Rome
3) Paul preaches at Rome under guard