Activity rules Flashcards



  1. Use materials and possessions appropriately. The child uses materials and possessions for the purpose and in the manner for which they were designed and intended.
  2. Be responsible for your belongings. The child knows where his or her belongings are at all times and is in possession of his or her belongings when switching to another activity or area.
  3. Stay in the designated area. The child remains in the designated activity area until given permission to move to a different activity area.
  4. Be prepared for daily activities. The child arrives at the program in possession of all materials and possessions needed for participation in daily activities.
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  1. Use materials and possessions appropriately. The child uses materials and possessions for the purpose and in the manner for which they were designed and intended.
  2. Be responsible for your belongings. The child knows where his or her belongings are at all times and is in possession of his or her belongings when switching to another activity or area.
  3. Stay in the designated area. The child remains in the designated activity area until given permission to move to a different activity area.
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  1. Use materials and possessions appropriately. The child uses materials and possessions for the purpose and in the manner for which they were designed and intended.
  2. Be responsible for your belongings. The child knows where his or her belongings are at all times and is in possession of his or her belongings when switching to another activity or area.
  3. Stay in the designated area. The child remains in the designated activity area until given permission to move to a different activity area.
  4. Use good table manners. The child behaves in a manner that would typically be considered appropriate for mealtimes. Note: This rule applies specifically to behaviors that are directly related to food, utensils, or materials (e.g., playing with food, picking food out of teeth while talking), and to behaviors such as intentionally burping, spitting, or making inappropriate table conversation.
  5. Throw away all trash appropriately and leave your area clean. The child disposes of trash or unwanted food by placing it in the appropriate receptacle, in an appropriate manner. The child cleans up his or her trash, spills, or crumbs before leaving the area.
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Point checks

  1. Use materials and possessions appropriately. The child uses materials and possessions for the purpose and in the manner for which they were designed and intended.
  2. Be responsible for your belongings. The child knows where his or her belongings are at all times and is in possession of his or her belongings when switching to another activity or area.
  3. Stay in the designated area. The child remains in the designated activity area until given permission to move to a different activity area.
  4. Make initial eye contact with the counselor when being told about your points. When the Point Check Counselor calls the child’s name to inform the child about the points earned during the activity, the child looks up and makes eye contact with the counselor. Because the counselor will be reading from the point sheet, the child is not required to maintain eye contact during the entire feedback session.
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Group discussion

  1. Use materials and possessions appropriately. The child uses materials and possessions for the purpose and in the manner for which they were designed and intended.
  2. Be responsible for your belongings. The child knows where his or her belongings are at all times and is in possession of his or her belongings when switching to another activity or area.
  3. Stay in the designated area. The child remains in the designated activity area until given permission to move to a different activity area.
  4. Speak at an appropriate voice level. The child speaks at a voice level that is loud enough for all group members to hear, but is not inappropriately loud for the setting. Notes: Counselors should not inform a child of a point loss for Violating Activity Rules if the child is speaking in a normal voice level but it is not possible to hear the child because of an external noise such as a passing bus, ambulance, or helicopter. If a child makes an otherwise appropriate contribution but speaks too softly to be heard, counselors should inform the child of a point loss for Violating Activity Rules and should not award points for Contributing to a Group Discussion. If the child repeats the statement appropriately, counselors should award points for Contributing to a Group Discussion.
  5. Initiate appropriate eye contact when speaking and when being spoken to directly. When a child is speaking to an individual or group, he or she initiates appropriate eye contact. When another person addresses the child directly, the child initiates appropriate eye contact with the person who is speaking. Appropriate eye contact is defined as looking at the person who is talking using a series of long glances but without staring, breaking eye contact every 5-15 seconds, and shifting one’s gaze every few seconds when addressing a group. Note: If a child makes an otherwise appropriate contribution but does not initiate eye contact while speaking, counselors should inform the child of a point loss for Violating Activity Rules and should not award points for Contributing to a Group Discussion. If the child repeats the statement appropriately, counselors should award points for Contributing to a Group Discussion.
  6. Raise hand to speak. The child raises his or her hand and waits for acknowledgement from a staff member before speaking. Note: if a child speaks without raising his or her hand and makes a statement that meets the criteria for Interruption, counselors should inform the child of a point loss Violating Activity rules and for Interruption.
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Bathroom breaks

  1. Use materials and possessions appropriately. The child uses materials and possessions for the purpose and in the manner for which they were designed and intended.
  2. Be responsible for your belongings. The child knows where his or her belongings are at all times and is in possession of his or her belongings when switching to another activity or area.
  3. Stay in the designated area. The child remains in the designated activity area until given permission to move to a different activity area.
  4. Flush toilet after use. The child flushes the toilet immediately and appropriately after using it.
  5. Wash and dry your hands. The child washes hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after using the bathroom, and dries hands appropriately using an appropriate number of paper towels.
  6. Leave the area clean and dry. The child cleans his or her spills and disposes of his or her trash appropriately.
  7. Report any unclean conditions to a counselor immediately. If a child encounters a mess or spill when entering the bathroom, he or she should report the situation to a counselor immediately. If the child spills or creates a mess that he or she cannot clean, he or she should report the mess to a counselor immediately.
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  1. Use materials and possessions appropriately. The child uses materials and possessions for the purpose and in the manner for which they were designed and intended.
  2. Be responsible for your belongings. The child knows where his or her belongings are at all times and is in possession of his or her belongings when switching to another activity or area.
  3. Stay in the designated area. The child remains in the designated activity area until given permission to move to a different activity area.
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Time out

  1. Use materials and possessions appropriately. The child uses materials and possessions for the purpose and in the manner for which they were designed and intended. Note: See procedures regarding children’s possessions during time out in Chapter 4, section 4.8.
  2. Be responsible for your belongings. The child knows where his or her belongings are at all times and is in possession of his or her belongings when switching to another activity or area.
  3. Stay in the designated area. The child remains in the designated time-out area.
  4. Do not exhibit negative behavior during the time out. The child does not exhibit any behavior that meets the criteria for a negative point-system behavior during the time out.
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Point store

  1. Use materials and possessions appropriately. The child uses materials and possessions for the purpose and in the manner for which they were designed and intended.
  2. Be responsible for your belongings. The child knows where his or her belongings are at all times and is in possession of his or her belongings when switching to another activity or area.
  3. Stay in the designated area. The child remains in the designated activity area until given permission to move to a different activity area. While waiting, the designated area is at the child’s assigned seat. While shopping, the designated area is the store shelves or at the checkout table.
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Recreational activities (all sports)

  1. Use materials and possessions appropriately. The child uses materials and possessions for the purpose and in the manner for which they were designed and intended.
  2. Be responsible for your belongings. The child knows where his or her belongings are at all times and is in possession of his or her belongings when switching to another activity or area.
  3. Stay in the designated area. The child remains in the designated activity area until given permission to move to a different activity area.
  4. Follow the rules of the sport. The child plays according to all designated rules of the sport. Note: this violation applies to all designated rules, even if counselors have not yet taught the rules during group discussions. Note: lists of sport-specific rules may be found in Chapter 6.
  5. Participate in the game. The child is actively involved in the game and makes appropriate effort.. Note: This rule applies specifically to engagement in the ongoing game and effort exhibited during the game. Behaviors such as the following violate this rule: sitting down in the soccer field, spinning in circles in the outfield, and not making an appropriate effort to make a play. Most negative point system behaviors do not violate this activity rule. However, if a child is exhibiting a negative behavior such that his or her effort or engagement in the game is compromised, counselors should inform the child of applicable point losses and a rule violation. For example, if a child is repeatedly turning around and making faces at a child who is serving a time out, a counselor should inform the child of a point loss for Teasing and a point loss for Violating Activity Rules for not participating.
  6. Play your assigned position. The child plays the position that is assigned, without inappropriately playing another person’s position. Note: Counselors should not inform a child of a point loss for Violating Activity Rules when the child is appropriately covering another child’s position as part of an appropriate play.
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Skill drills

  1. Use materials and possessions appropriately. The child uses materials and possessions for the purpose and in the manner for which they were designed and intended.
  2. Be responsible for your belongings. The child knows where his or her belongings are at all times and is in possession of his or her belongings when switching to another activity or area.
  3. Stay in the designated area. The child remains in the designated activity area until given permission to move to a different activity area.
  4. Follow the rules of the sport. Counselors should evaluate all applicable sport rules during skill drills. For example, if a child double-dribbles during a dribbling drill, the counselor who is running the drill should inform the child of a point loss for Violating Activity Rules.
  5. Follow the directions for the drill. The child completes the drill according to the directions established by the Sport Leader. Note: Counselors should review directions with the children prior to the drill. For advanced drills, counselors may designate a “practice run” to ensure that children understand the instructions prior to enforcing this rule.
  6. Participate in the drill. The child is actively involved in the drill and makes appropriate effort. Note: This rule applies specifically to engagement in the ongoing drill and effort exhibited during the drill. Behaviors such as the following violate this rule: sitting down in the soccer field and not being ready for a play, not making an appropriate effort during the drill, and not being ready for a turn. Most negative point system behaviors do not violate this activity rule. However, if a child is exhibiting a negative behavior such that his or her effort or engagement in the drill is compromised, counselors should inform the child of applicable point losses and a rule violation. For example, if a child is repeatedly turning around and making faces at a child who is serving a time out, a counselor should inform the child of a point loss for Teasing and a point loss for Violating Activity Rules for not participating.
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Board games/indoor games

  1. Use materials and possessions appropriately. The child uses materials and possessions for the purpose and in the manner for which they were designed and intended.
  2. Be responsible for your belongings. The child knows where his or her belongings are at all times and is in possession of his or her belongings when switching to another activity or area.
  3. Stay in the designated area. The child remains in the designated activity area until given permission to move to a different activity area.
  4. Follow the rules of the game. The child plays the game according to the designated rules. Note: Counselors should review the rules of the game prior to beginning play. If games allow for variations, counselors should clarify variations prior to beginning play.
  5. Participate in the game. The child is actively involved in the game and makes appropriate effort..
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Locker room

  1. Use materials and possessions appropriately. The child uses materials and possessions for the purpose and in the manner for which they were designed and intended.
  2. Be responsible for your belongings. The child knows where his or her belongings are at all times and is in possession of his or her belongings when switching to another activity or area.
  3. Stay in the designated area. The child remains in the designated activity area until given permission to move to a different activity area.
  4. Change into bathing suit or dry clothing within the time limit set by the counselors. Note: Counselors should not evaluate this rule if a child does not change clothing because he or she is ill, injured, or will be serving a time out for the duration of the swimming period.
  5. Walk at all times in the locker room and bathroom. The child walks carefully at all times in the locker room and bathroom.
  6. Shower before swimming. Note: Counselors should not evaluate this rule if a child does not change clothing because he or she is ill, injured, or was unprepared with a bathing suit.
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