Activity 1 - Jesus is my Sheperd Flashcards
Qualities of David found in 1 Samuel 16:18
Knows how to play a harp
A brave man
A warrior
Speaks well
A fine-looking man
In Christ
By whom and for whom were all things created? (John 1:2-3)
Jesus Christ
According to Isaiah 9:6, what are the attributes of Jesus?
Wonderful Counselor
Mighty God
Everlasting Father
Prince of Peace
Jesus’ attributes found in 1 Timothy 3:16
He appeared in a body
He was vindicated by the Spirit
He was seen by angels
He was preached among the nations
He was believed on in the world
He was taken up in glory
Jesus’ attributes found in John 1:14
Word became flesh
We have seen his glory
Full of grace and truth
Jesus’ attributes found in Collossians1:15
The image of the invisible God
The firstborn over all creation
According to Hebrews 4:14-15, how is Jesus different from any other person?
He was tempted in everything but did not sin.
According to Galatians 3:13, what did Jesus accomplish for us?
He became a curse
According to John 10:10, why did Jesus come into the world?
To have a life and have it to the full.
According to John 14:6, Jesus is:
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
According to John 7:38, how should we believe in Jesus
The streams of
living water will flow from within him.