Activities Flashcards
Degree for middle school members. Must participate in at least one local FFA chapter activity outside of scheduled class time. Discovery Degree
“First level of high school degree. Must demonstrate a knowledge of the history of
the organization and have plans for SAE” Greenhand Degree
Highest degree during high school - must have invested at least $150.00 by their own effort or worked at least 45 hours outside of class time? Chapter Degree
“Degree above chapter level -
- need at least 25 hours community service
- either earned and productively invested at least $1,000 or worked at least 300 hours in excess of scheduled class time
- Have participated in at least five different FFA activities above the chapter level” State Degree
“Highest degree - must have invested at least $7,500.
- Earned at least $10,000 and productively invested at least $7,500; or
earned and productively invested $2,000 and worked 2,250 hours in
excess of scheduled class time
- participated in at least 50 hours of community service” American Degree
Which FFA Degree must you have at least 25 hours of community service? State FFA Degree
Which FFA Degree is awarded to FFA members who have invested at least $150.00 by their own effort or worked at least 45 hours outside of class time? Chapter
If you have worked in a Supervised Agricultural Experience program and invested in 1,500 or worked 600 hours, you could possibly receive this FFA degree? State FFA Degree
How many American FFA degrees is Wisconsin eligible to receive? No limit
How much money are you to have productively invested in order to receive the American FFA Degree? $7,500
The tool in agricultural education that helps students receive hands-on training in planning, record keeping, and reflects a possible career path is called what? SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience)
What does WLC stand for? Washington Leadership Conference
What tool is used to call the meeting to order? gavel
Two taps of the gavel means to. Call meeting to order
The first item on the agenda to begin an FFA meeting is what? Opening Ceremonies
If you would like to add or take out part of an a main motion which parliamentary procedure motion would you use? Amendment
How many taps of the gavel signals FFA members to stand during a meeting? 3
This CDE is for FFA members in 7,8,9 grade. It’s your chance to prove your ability to present the FFA creed from memory and to answer questions about its meaning and purpose. Creed Speaking
What are the first two words in every paragraph of the FFA creed? I Believe
In the FFA Creed contest, how many questions are asked of each contestant after they have recited the Creed? 3
How many members is the maximum for a team in the Junior High Quiz Bowl Contest? 5
How many teams can each chapter have at the district contest in the Junior High Quiz Bowl? 2
What speaking contest allows you to sit down with several other FFA members and try to find a solution to a selected topic presented by a moderator? Discussion Meet
What State FFA speaking contest allows members to compete with other individuals in a group to develop possible solutions to a specific topic? Discussion Meet
What leadership conferences are conducted in 10 locations by the Wisconsin State FFA Officers during the fall to help train FFA officers and other memvers for their duties and activities throughout the school year? Fall Leadership Workshop
Which FFA leadership conference is sponsored by the Wisconsin Farm Bureau? Farm Forum
You have served as a chapter president, chairperson of several committees and attended many state and National FFA leadership conferences, what proficiency award should you apply for? Agricultural Education
When an FFA meeting is over, a member needs to move to do what before anyone can leave? Adjourn
In using parliamentary procedure, if you felt that a voice vote was too close to tell if a motion failed or passed, you could use this motion to actually count the votes? Divison of the House
In using Parliamentary Procedure, if you felt it was too warm in the meeting room and wanted to open a window, you could used this motion to ask the chairperson for permission? Question of privilege
If you are interested in developing a scientific project which involves agriculture and writing a report describing your methods and technologies used, you could apply for this FFA award which began in 1988? Agriscience student award
What National FFA leadership conference is held in Washington, DC and is conducted several weeks throughout the summer? Washington Leadership Conference
In what month are the state Career Development Events held in Madison? April
Where are the State FFA Career Development Events Held? Madison
In what month are the State FFA Speaking Contests finals held in Madison? June
How many years can a Wisconsin FFA member officially participate in State FFA chorus or Band?