Actividades, Verbos/Activities, Verbs Flashcards
to learn to ride a bike
Aprender a montar en bici
To walk by yourself to a place
Caminar a solas por
To color
To share
To ask permission
conseguir el permiso
to construct/build
To have a birthday
Cumplir un año
Say your first word
Decir la primera palabra
First day of schools
el primer día de escuela
to take a nap
Echar una siesta
To have an emotion
to do your first communion
Hacer la primera comunión
To go to daycare
Ir a la casa de la niñera
To go to kindergarden
Ir al (pre)kinder
First date
La primera cita romántica
To wear prefered clothes
Llevar la ropa preferida
To ride a bike
Montar en bici
to be born
To comb
To fight
To lose your first tooth
Perderse el primer diente
To set/Place-Put something on
To practice writing
Practicar a escribir
To put on braces
Ponerse frenillos
To complain about something
Quejarse de algo
To pick up
To jump rope
Saltar la cuerda
To throw a fit
Tomarse una rabieta