Actions Vocabulary Flashcards
Gradually and favorably alter the condition of the blood. Aid the body in assimilating nutrients and eliminating metabolic waste products. Neutralize acidic conditions in the body, aid in protein assimilation. Generally extremely high in vitamins and minerals.
Analgesics or Anodynes
Used to reduce pain. Used internally and externally, depending on the herb. May also be antispasmodics, relieving pain by reducing cramping in muscles. Most affect the nerves directly by reducing pain signals to the brain.
Neutralize excess acids in the stomach and intestines. Most also contain demulcent properties to soothe, protect, and heal the stomach lining.
Antihelminthic or Parasiticides
Herbs that destroy or expel worms or parasites from the system.
Help relieve symptoms of asthma by dilating the bronchioles and breaking up mucus.
(As an herbalist, Rosemary prefers “biotics”). Some of these have direct germ killing abilities, but most work by direct stimulation of the body’s immune system. A healthy system supported by biotic herbs will fight off most infections.
Help eliminate and prevent excessive mucus buildup in the system.
Anti-lithic or Lithotriptic
Help prevent and eliminate urinary or biliary stones and gravel.
Antiseptic or Antimicrobial
Help prevent the growth of bacteria and resist Panthogenic micro-organisms.
Prevent or ease cramps in the body and muscle spasms.
Constrict tissue by precipitating proteins and thus reduces discharge and secretions. Most contain tannins.
Act as stimulating tonics for the digestive system through a reflex via the taste buds.
Rich in volatile oils, they stimulate the peristalsis of the digestive system and relax the stomach. They’re most known function is aiding the release of gas and griping on the bowels.
Increase secretion of milk.
Rich in mucilage. Soothing and healing to irritated and inflamed tissue. Important herbs in most formulas.