action theory Flashcards
weber: social action theory - 2 levels of sociological explanation AO1
level of cause - explaining the structural factors that shape behaviour
level of meaning - understanding the subjective meanings that people attach to their actions
weber: social action theory - types of action
Weber classifies peoples actions into 4 categories
they include:
instrumentally rational action - actor calculates the most efficient means of achieving a goal.
affectual action - expresses emotion
value-rational action
traditional action
weber: social action theory - types of action - instrumentally rational AO2
a capitalist might calculate the most efficient way to maximise profit is to pay low wages
Weber social action theory AO1 overall
2 levels of sociological explanation:
1.) level of cause - explaining the structural factors that shape behaviour
2.) level of meaning - understanding the subjective meanings that people attach to their actions
Weber classifies peoples actions into 4 categories
they include:
instrumentally rational action - actor calculates the most efficient means of achieving a goal.
affectual action - expresses emotion
value-rational action
traditional action
verstehen = to fully understand the meaning behind an individual actions sociologist must get into their shoes and interpret the meaning behind the action
weber Ao3 - Schutz
social action theory is too individualistic and cannot explain the shared nature of meanings
weber Ao3 - problems with verstehen
we can never truly understand an individual’s actions so can never be sure we’ve understood their motives
weber social action theory AO1 - verstehen
to fully understand the meaning behind an individual actions sociologist must get into their shoes and interpret the meaning behind the action
symbolic interactionism - G.H Mead - symbols vs instincts
behaviour is not shaped by pre-determined instincts
instead we respond to the world by giving meanings and attaching symbols
we don’t respond to a stimulus in an automatic way we interpret it
symbolic interactionism - G.H Mead - understanding others
we interpret others meanings by putting ourselves in the place of the other - through shared symbols we become aware of the way we need to act
symbolic interactionism - Blumer’s 3 key principles include…
- our actions are based on the meanings we give to situations, people …
- these meanings are based on interactions we experience and are not fixed
symbolic interactionism AO1 overall
G.H Mead
- behaviour is not shaped by pre-determined instincts
instead we respond to the world by giving meanings and attaching symbols
- we don’t respond to a stimulus in an automatic way we interpret it
- we interpret others meanings by putting ourselves in the place of the other - through shared symbols we become aware of the way we need to act
Blumer’s 3 key principles include…
1. our actions are based on the meanings we give to situations, people …
2. these meanings are based on interactions we experience and are not fixed
3 key concepts that underpin labelling
1. definition of the situation - definition of something is its label, so if you label a situation as real its consequences will be real
2. looking glass self - the way we develop our self-concept. it arises out of our ability to take the role of the other - and we will then see ourselves how we see them. self-fulfilling prophecy occurs, we become what others see us as
Goffman’s dramaturgical model
we actively construct our ‘self’ by manipulating what others think of us
we are all actors with the aim of carrying a convincing performance
1. impression management - we seek to present a particular image of ourself - so we study our audience for reactions and adjust our performance to present the convincing image
- roles - there’s a gap between who we really are and the roles we play = ‘role distance’
symbolic interactionism - Blumer Ao3 - func
functionalists see the individual as a puppet. social control ensures the individual conforms to society’s norms in fixed predictable ways
symbolic interactionism - labelling - 3 key concepts that underpin labelling
- definition of the situation - definition of something is its label, so if you label a situation as real its consequences will be real
- looking glass self - the way we develop our self-concept. it arises out of our ability to take the role of the other - and we will then see ourselves how we see them. self-fulfilling prophecy occurs, we become what others see us as
symbolic interactionism - labelling - 3 key concepts that underpin labelling - definition of situation AO2
if a teacher labels a pupil as ‘troublesome’ the teacher will be more likely to act differently towards them (whether they were naughty or not)
symbolic interactionism - Goffman’s dramaturgical model AO1
we actively construct our ‘self’ by manipulating what others think of us
we are all actors with the aim of carrying a convincing performance
- impression management - we seek to present a particular image of ourself - so we study our audience for reactions and adjust our performance to present the convincing image
- roles - there’s a gap between who we really are and the roles we play = ‘role distance’
symbolic interactionism AO3 - labels
it fails to explain the origin of labels or the consistent patterns we see in people behaviour
symbolic interactionism AO3 - not all action is meaningful
like Weber’s traditional action (habitual routine) much is performed unconsciously or routinely and may have little meaning
interactionism lacks the means to explains this
symbolic interactionism AO3 - ethnomethodologists
say that interactionism fails to explain how actors create meanings but it is correct to focus on meanings