Action plan Flashcards
What are the three coaching points?
- Reduce stride length
- Increase speed
- Improve strength of their posterior chain
How can success of the coaching points be measured?
Observation, timing and weight lifted
Describe the frequency of sessions
2-3 times a week
1/2 track and 1 gym
1 hour each
Mark scheme:
- Why will it take (1)?
- Justify (2) of sessions
- Range of (3)
- Detailed (4)
- Possible (5)
- C, E and M
1 - 10 weeks 2 - timescale, frequency and duration 3 - progressive practises 4 - coaching points 5 - adaptations Conclusions, evaluations and measure
What muscles are predominant in the posterior chain?
Abdominals, gluteus, latissimus dorsi, erector
spinae and tensor fasciae latae
What is the focus of week one and two?
Improve strength of the posterior chain
What is the track session focus in week one and two?
Cone run throughs and drill sessions e.g. inchworms, a-runs, straight leg drives and slalom
How can the week one and two track sessions be progressed?
- 2f 1b to 20m x2
- Extender cone runs to 30m with run off
- Slalom (sprint and high knees)
> Increase length, repetitions, introduce competition
Describe the week one and two gym sessions
Circuit: sumo-squat leg through, power jacks, burpees, grasshopper press-ups, frankenstein lunges and table-top turn overs (30s on and 15s rest x2)
Weights: squats and deadlift (6x3)
How can the week one and two gym sessions be progressed?
- Increased repetitions, weight, depth of squat, lift with intent
- Increase work time, decrease rest time, increase repetitions, encourage a faster pace or height of jumps
What is the focus of week three and four?
Improve strength of posterior chain and endurance
What is the track sessions for week three and four?
Oregon trail and 40m finishers
40/60 grass runs
What is the gym sessions for week three and four?
Pully runs and drills, battle ropes, wobble cushion holds and medball work
Justify the week three and four programme
- Week 1/2: identify technique weaknesses and aim to improve kinaesthetic awareness
- Week 3/4: assess success of skill transfer when working with effects of fatigue to improve endurance and buffering capacity to delay OBLA
- Subfocus to the main coaching point of improving their slow cadence to encourage habitual nature
What is the focus of week five and six?
Reduce slow cadence with maintenance of speed
Describe the track sessions of week five and six
100m broken runs and 60m looped runs
- Accelerate to 30, sustain to 80 ‘tall and floaty’ and accelerate to 100
Describe the gym session of week five and six
Weighted stability, pully runs and drills, deadlift jumps and one leg squat
Circuit: 10>1 sit up runs, frog squat squares, tricep dips, press ups off the bench, frankenstein lunges, bear crawl and spiderman footreach
How can the programme be progressed in weeks five and six?
2 x 1hr track sessions and 1 x 2hr gym session OR
2 x 1hr track sessions and 1 x 1.5 hr gym session OR
2 x 1hr gym sessions and 1 x 1hr track session
What’s the focus of weeks seven and eight?
Reduce slow cadence despite the effects of fatigue
Describe the track sessions of week 7 and 8
10x100m 1 minute runs
Describe the gym session in weeks 7/8
Pully runs, weighted stability and circuits including weights
What if the athlete hasn’t progressed as estimated by week 7/8?
Intended target: 10x100m 1 minute runs x2
If not: Sit out when they tire or lose technique and sit out until the second set, if they fail to complete this then they should have a three minute rest and then complete 3x40m finishers
What’s the focus of weeks nine and ten?
Apply learning to a competitive situation
What’s the aim of completion after weeks nine and ten?
Improved technique and reduce previous time for 100m sprint in competition