Action Flashcards
Locking mechanism
Medial rotation of tibia on femur
Lateral rotation of femur on tibia
Extend hip, flex knee, laterally rotate knee
Adduct the hip, medially rotate hip when knee is flexed
Biceps femoris-short head
Flex knee, laterally rotate knee
Biceps femoris- long head
Extend hip, flex knee, laterally rotate knee
Extend hip, flex knee, medially rotate knee
Extend hip, flex knee, medially rotate knee
Articularis genu
Tenses and pulls joint capsule proximal my during knee extension
*avoids pinching capsule in extension
Vastus medialis
Extend knee
Vastus intermedius
Extend lnee
Vastus lateralis
Extend knee
Rectus femoris
Extend knee
Tensor fascia latae
Flex, medically rotate hip, abduction
Flex hip, abduction, lateral rotation, knee flexion
Adductor Magnus
Adduct and extend the hip
Adductor brevis
Adduct and flex the hip
Adductor longus
Adduct and flex the hip
Flex hip
Psoas major
Flex hip
Psoas minor
Posterior pelvic Tilt
Pulls coccyx anteriorly, supports pelvic viscera
Levator ani
Support pelvic viscera, pulls anal canal upward
Lateral rotation of hip, abduction when hip is flexed
Obturator internus
Lateral rotation of hip, abduction when hip is flexed
Superior gemellus
Lateral rotation of hip & abduction when hip is flexed
Inferior gemellus
Lateral rotation of hip, abduction when hip is flexed
Obturator externus
Lateral rotation of hip
Quadratus femoris
Lateral rotation of hip, Adduction
Gluteus Maximus
Extend hip, lateral rotation, abduction (upper fibers)
Gluteus medius
Abduction of hip
Anterior fibers= medial rotation & hip flexion
Posterior fibers= lateral rotation & hip extension
Gluteus minimus
Abduction, medial rotation & hip flexion
Flex & Adduct hip