acting fundamentals (voice) Flashcards
position of a persons body or body parts
characteristics way of bearing ones body for purpose of communication
adaptable and healthy breathing support systems are an efficient way to potentially reach high quality voice and are an adaptable starting place for vocalisation
the rate if speed that an actor talks their dialogue suitable towards character aswell as making sure they are easily unstick and their clarity is identifiable by the audience
level of highness and lowness at which the voice is placed
a gap in vocal sound that the speaker plans or is unaware of. communications intended and non-imtended meaning
eg thinking and forgotten dialogue
utilising the breath support system to carry vocal sound across space. including variations in volume
the grouping of spoken words together, communications intended and unintended meaning
varying the space within the muscles and the mouth, nose and throat areas to add emotional characteristics to vocalisation
the way a group of people in a particular geography distinctly,consistently and collectively pronounce syllables, consonants and vowels
voice in representational drama
drama that imitates life as it explores human psychology by placing characters in life-like situations and relationships on stage. bc it’s an imitation of life the characters don’t know the audience is there
voice in realism
highly conversational
follows the basic rules of grammar
at times of increased emotion the conversation heightens