ACTH and steroid hormones Flashcards
Dr Mohammad Saleh said mechanism of action, extremely important side effects and contraindications are what you should focus on for all his lectures.
What compound is the precursor for all adrenal hormones?
ask the doctor which corticosteroid drugs should we memorize
What is an example of a mineralocorticoid drug?
What is the use of fludrocortisone?
Used as a replacement therapy in Addison’s disease, replacing aldosterone in patients with primary adrenal insufficiency (Addison)
- Flud → fluid → aldosterone increases ECF know sth like that
When is fludrocortisone used?
In addison
What are the different uses of glucocorticoids?
Inflammation, allergy, autoimmune, and others
- Administered orally, parenterally, inhaled, or topical
What are the different classifications of glucocorticoids?
1) Low-potency, short-acting glucocorticoid
2) Medium-potency, intermediate-acting glucocorticoid
3) High-potency, long-acting glucocorticoid
What are the low-potency short-acting glucocorticoid drugs?
1) Hydrocortisone (pharmaceutical cortisol)
2) Cortisone
What is the use of the low-potency, short-acting glucocorticoid?
- Cortisone is rapidly metabolized to hydrocortisone by the liver after an oral administration
Hydrocortisone and cortisone are the preferred glucocorticoids when replacing them in adrenal insufficiency, they are used as anti-inflammatory, allergy, and autoimmune disorders
- In hepatic failure /dysfunction patients u should use cortisol , because cortisone “prodrug” need to be metabolized in the liver first
What are the uses of hydrocortisone and cortisone?
1) Replacement therapy
2) Inflammation
3) Allergy
4) Autoimmune disorders
- Can be used in emergency situation as an IV
What are the medium-potency (intermediate-acting) glucocorticoids?
1) Prednisone (prednisone is rapidly converted to prednisolone)
2) Prednisolone
3) Methylprednisolone
4) Triamcinolone
When are medium-potency glucocorticoids used?
- Most often for systemic treatment
- Their duration of action is 12-36 hours
1) Cancer
2) Inflammation
3) Allergy
4) Autoimmune disorders
What are the different high-potency glucocorticoids?
1) Betamethasone
2) Dexamethasone
3) Budesonide (inhaled)
- You inhale the fragrance of flower buds (budesonide is administered via inhalation)
- Dexnostic and diagnostic sound similar (dexamethasone is used for a diagnostic test)
When is betamethasone used?
- Systemic use
Topical use for skin disorders:
1) Psoriasis
2) Atopic dermatitis
3) Neurodermatitis
When is dexamethasone used?
1) Diagnostic dexamethasone for suppression tests
2) Neoplastic, infectious and other inflammatory conditions
Which drug is used in systemic lupus erythematosus?
Which drugs are used in multiple sclerosis?
1) Prednisone
2) Methyprednisolone
3) Dexamethasone
Which drugs are used in ulcerative colitis?
1) Methylprednisolone
2) Budesonide
Which drugs are available for nasal/oral inhalation to treat allergic rhinitis/asthma?
1) Beclomethasone
2) Mometasone
What is ciclesonide indicated for?
Fever/allergic rhinits
In what type of cancer is glucocorticoids used?
1) Lymphocytic leukemias
2) Lymphoma
- Dexamethasone can prevent emesis during chemotherapy (prevents vomiting)
Which glucocorticoid is used for respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants?
Betamethasone (promotes lung maturation as cortisol does)
- Treats RDS in premature infants
- Glucocorticoid isn’t recommended for pregnant ladies, however, it is given to the pregnant woman for 3 days before delivery if neonatal respiratory distress syndrome is suspected (as the drug is highly lipophilic and can cross the placental barrier)
- Betamethasone prevents NRDS in Bremature Babies
Which drug is used in primary adrenal insufficiency (addison)?
Fludrocortisone and hydrocortisone
- all regions of the adrenal cortex are destroyed. This gives rise to deficiencies in cortisol and aldosterone and to a reduction in androgen secretion