act5 Flashcards
the thane of fife had a wife. where is she now
what will these hands never be clean?
out damned spot
out I say!
yet who would have thought
the old man to have so much blood in him/?
here’s the smell of blood still;
all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. o,o,o
fear not Macbeth no man that’s born of woman
shall ever have power upon thee
I’ll fight till
from my bones my flesh be hack’s
hang those
that talk of fear
I will not be afraid of death and bane
till Birnam forest come to Duns inane.
the water of my land’ find her disease
and purge it to a sound and pristine health
our castle’s strength will
laugh a siege to scorn
it is the cry
of women’ my good lord
I have almost forgot
the taste of fears
out, out, brief candle
life’s but a walking shadow
do we but find the tyrants power tonight
let us be beaten if we cannot fight
what’s he that was not born of woman
such a one am I to fear or none
the devil himself could not pronounce
a title more hateful to mine ear.
the tyrants people on
both sides do fight