ACT Vocab Flashcards
Abrasive- rough, coarse, harsh
Ras: scrape, shave
Ive: like
Abasement- humiliation, degradation
Ab: away
Ment: act of, result
Abrogate- cancel, deny, repeal
Ab: away
Rog: ask
Ate: cause, make
Abstain- restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something
Ab: away
St: stand
Abstemious- not self- indulgent
Ab: away
Ous: full of, having
Abdicate- renounce
Ab: away
Dict: say, speak
ate: cause, make
Abduction- forcibly taking someone against their will
Ab: away
Duct: lead
Ion: action
Abjure- solemnly renounce
Ab: away
jure: swear
Abrade- scrape or wear away by friction
Ab: away
Rad: of, relate
Abeyance- disuse, suspension
Ab: away
Ance: quality, state of
Abnormal- deviating from what is normal or usual
Ab: away
Al: relating to
Manufacture- making something on a large scale using machinery
Manu: hand
Act: do
Activate- cause to function
Act: do
Ate: cause, make
Aerial- existing, happen
Aer: air, oxygen, gas
Al: relating to
Aeronaut- traveler in a hot air balloon
Aer: air, oxygen, gas
Naut: Sailor
Aeronautics- science or practice of travel through the air
Aer: air, oxygen, gas
Stat: stand: remain
Agrarian- relating to cultivated land
Agr: farming
Ian: form, related to, like
Ambidextrous- able to use right and left hand equally
Ambi: both, on both sides, around
Dextr: on, to the right
Ous: full of, having
Ambiguous- having a double meaning
Ambi: both, on both sides, around
Ous: full of, having
Amphibious- relating to, living in
Amphi: both, on both sides, around
Bi: two
Ous: full of, having
Perambulate- walk or travel through
Per: through
Ambul: walk, move
Ate: make, cause
Ambulate- move about
Ambul: walk, move
Ate: cause, make
Amicable- without serious disagreement or rancor
Ami: love
Able: fitting, suitable
Amify- friendly friendship
Ami: love
Ity: condition, quality of being
Pusillanimous- timid
Sil: containing, derived
Amin: spirit, mind
Ous: full of, having