ACT Vocab Flashcards
Ab-, a-, abs-
Away from
Ras: Ive:
Abrasive: Rough, coarse, harsh
Ras-: Scrape, shave Ive: like
EX - The wood should be rubbed down with fine abrasive paper.
Ab: ment:
Abasement: Humiliation, degradation
Ab: Away from ment: Act of, result
EX - My wife yelled at my abasement.
Ab: Rog: Ate:
Abrogate: Cancel, deny, repeal
Ab: Away from Rog: Ask Ate: To make
EX - I felt to abrogate doing my homework
Ab: St:
Abstain: To restrain oneself from doing something
Ab: Away From St: Stand
EX - I abstained from video games
Ab: ous:
Abstemious: Restrained from eating or drinking
Ab: Away from ous: Full of
EX - I’ve been abstemious about drinking alcohol.
ab: dict: ate:
Abdicate: To leave a position of a king or queen
ab: Away from dict: Say or speak ate: One acted upon distillate
EX - Queen Elizabeth was abdicated when she died.
Ab: duct: ion:
Abduction: Action of taking someone forcibly against their will
Ab: Away from duct: Lead ion: Going/action or condition
EX - The abduction was horrifying
Ab: jur:
Abjure: A belief, cause, or claim
Ab: Away from jur: Swear
EX - I abjure from eating meat.
Ab: rad:
Abrade: To rub hard or scrub
Ab: Away from rad: Scrape or shave
EX - The rock abraded my skin
Ab: ance:
Abeyance: State of temporary disuse or suspension
Ab: Away from ance: State or quality of
EX - The law is currently in abeyance.
Ab: al:
Abnormal: Not normal
Ab:Away from al: Relating to
EX - There is an abnormal amount of sunlight.
Manu: act:
Manufacture: To create/produce something
Manu: Hand act: To do or move
EX - Manufactured the phone
Act: ate:
Activate: To cause a function
Act: Away from ate: To make
EX - It activated with my touch
Aer: al:
Aerial: Things in the air
Aer: Air al: Relating to
EX - The plane was used for aerial mapping