Act Three Flashcards
Act 3 Scene 1: Claudio lamenting about his fate before he speaks with the disguised Duke
“The miserable have no other medicine / But only hope. / I have hope to live, and am prepar’d to die.”
Act 3 Scene 1: the disguised Duke attempts to prepare Claudio for death by reminding him that death is a part of life
“What’s yet this / That bears the name of life? Yet in this life / Lie hid moe thousand deaths; yet death we fear / That makes these odds all even.”
Act 3 Scene 1: Claudio accepting his fate and preparing to welcome death following the Duke’s speech
“To sue to live, I find I seek to die, / And seeking death, find life: let it come on.”
Act 3 Scene 1: Isabella informing Claudio that his death is inevitable
“Lord Angelo, having affairs to heaven, / Intends you for his swift ambassador, / Where you shall be an everlasting lieger”
Act 3 Scene 1: Isabella vaguely referring to Angelo’s proposal when explaining to Claudio how their meeting went
“There is a devilish mercy in the judge, / If you’ll implore it, that will free your life, / But fetter you till death.”
Act 3 Scene 1: Claudio reassuring Isabella that he is ready for death
“If I must die / I will encounter darkness as a bride / And hug it in mine arms.”
Act 3 Scene 1: Claudio’s reaction to hearing about Angelo’s proposal to Isabella
“Thou shalt not do’t.”
Act 3 Scene 1: An interaction between Claudio and Isabella in which they discuss death and living with shame
“Death is a fearful thing.”
“And a shamed life a hateful.”
Act 3 Scene 1: the disguised Duke revealing that Angelo made rumours about Mariana
“pretending in her discoveries of dishonour”
Act 3 Scene 2: Lucio arguing that the Duke would not have dealt out justice and punishment in the way Angelo does
“The duke would have dark deeds darkly answered, he would never bring them to the light”
Act 3 Scene 2: Lucio claiming the Duke acted in an immoral, promiscuous way behind closed doors in front of the disguised Duke
“The duke, I say to thee again, would eat mutton on Fridays.”