Act Three Flashcards
May they not be my oracles as well
and set me up in hope?
Thou play’st most foully for it
Thou hast it now, King, Cawdor, Glamis, all
As the weird women promis’d, and I fear
Banquo is criticizing Macbeth’s deeds, worried for his friend, referencing FIFAFIF again
my good lord.
BQ to MB - repeated as well - overly formal with his friend - lacking confrontation - juxtaposing his soliloquy
Our fears in Banquo
Stick deep, and in his royalty of nature
Reigns in that wich would be fear’d.
My genius is rebuk’d
fruitless crown
barren sceptre
wrench’d with an unlineal hand
Not rightly won, subversion of DROK, deteriorating, regret
It is concluded. Banquo, thy soul’s flight
If it find heaven, must find it out tonight.
Short sentence highlights bluntness
More respectful, as he doesn’t bring up hell whereas for Duncan he did mention the possibility of ending up in Hell.
Highlights how he cares more about Banquo than Duncan as a dear, valiant/honorable friend
O, full of scorpions
is my mind
Gentle, my lord
rugged looks, be bright and jovial
affliction of
these terrible dreams
Fly, good Fleance!
O treachery!
Fly, fly, fly!
This is the very painting of your fear:
air-drawn dagger
If I stand here,
I saw him.
Avaunt and quit my sight!
Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold
I am a man again.
broke the good meeting with most admir’d disorder
grows worse and worse. Question enrages him.
It will have blood they say:
blood will have blood.