act one and two Flashcards
a figure of speech with contradictory terms
extended metaphor
a metaphor that is extended over multiple lines or the entire work
classical allusion
an indirect reference to Greek/Roman mythology
a self-contradictory statement, that can be proved when explained
archaic language
words that are familiar that contain different, out of date meanings
cutting out words or letters from a sentence
descriptive or figurative language
a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
a play on the sound of words
rearranging the word order
Petrarchan Love
- based on Petrarch’s feelings about Larua
- Lover is completely in love, sees the person as perfect and pure
- Lover is sad and wants to be alone bc love is unrequited
a poetic form consisting of 14 lines
Shakespearean Stanza
has 3 four line stanzas, and a final rhymed couplet
iambic pentameter
iam - the unit of speech for iambic pentameter
one unstressed, one stressed, starting from the second syllable
balcony scene
- Romeo compares Juliet to light/an angel
- She wants him to give up his name, but it is naive
- They barely know each other
- Romeo starts with desire, concern, desire
- Juliet starts with Concern/fear, then desire
- the balcony shows how even when they’re together they will be separate
Why Verona?
- Stereotypes about Italy still existed in the 16th century
- It was known as the land of love, and very romantic
- Italians males were known as quick tempered and hot blooded, macho
- They were very loyal to their families (important)
- beautiful setting
Function of feuding
- Helped show the rules of the social structure (servant v servant, cousin v cousin)
- Reinforced male identity
- Loyalty to a male’s ancestors
- Men share a debased attitude towards women
Lady Capulet view on marraige
- Really wants Juliet to marry Paris
- It is a norm for young girls to be married, wants that for her daughter
- Think Juliet is incomplete without a husband
Lord Capulet view on marraige
- More flexible and understanding
- View is against the typical patriarchal one
- Wants Paris to win her heart first, and wait two years
Figurative Language and characters
shows their intelligence, wit, and their views on love/the love they share w each other in comparison to others
Pilgrim and Saints sonnet
extended metaphor
biblical allusions
showing them having a conversation w both of them, feeding off of each other
religious terms show how he is devoted to her
Romeo’s cousin/peace keeper
Romeo’s best friend
Montague servant
Gregory and Sampson
Capulet servants
Lord and Lady Capulet’s nephew, very fiesty
Friar Lawrence
Priest/holy figure in Verona