Act One Flashcards
They did win a double header
That’s right–they won both games
I know–I know. Stupid ball team–you can’t even count on them to lose.
You don’t understand, the score was 99 to 86
That’s ridiculous. Baseball scores are never– uh–oh….99?
Say–you’re a girl
You noticed
As a matter of fact….have you noticed any thing suspicious 99?
So many suspicious things, it’s making me, well, suspicious
Could you give that to me again 99?
It’s almost as if they’re wanting us to suspect
They’re beginning to slip up, that’s all. They’ve kidnapped too many blondes out of this one area
That’s what I mean
I better check in with 44 at the university, then get over to the hotel cramley before–hold it
What is it?
There is someone observing us. Take a look
Don’t turn around! Look in my mirror cuff links.
Who is he?
Probably part of a reception committee from KAOS
What are you going to do?
You divert him for just a moment. While I use my locker key.
Pardon me, sir, but could you tell me where I’ll find platform seven?
Okay, I think we better get going. There’s something veeeerrrryyy interesting I want to show you.
This way?
This way.
And you’ll show me something veeeerrrryyy interesting
I better dial again. There’s no answer from 44
44 must be there. He’s the only one on guard now at the laboratory!
If he’s allowed himself to be decoyed away from the inthermo, I’ll break him!
But you’re in charge. He’d never move–not without direct orders from you.
I wish I could change places with you, but I have to guard some blonde Scandinavian princess.
Warn him to be careful. I’m sure KAOS is planning something major.
Steady man, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Meanwhile, remember American secret agents don’t whimper! Excuse me.
Quite all right, 86––max
We’re on duty 99
Yes, 86. Of course 86. If you’d like to go to the university to help 44, I’m sure I can manage with princess Ingrid
The chief figures I’m the only one who can deal with the princess
He must have tremendous confidence in you
Lets get over to the cramley
I’ve had a hunch those four kidnapped blondes may still be in the vicinity.
The doors open
No security at all.