Act I Flashcards
Streets of Rome - 44 B.C.
Feast of Luprical
When and what is the Feast of Luprical
February 15th
Promotes health and fertility for those in the city (for Calpurnia)
Mark Antony
Julius Caesar’s best friend
good friend of Julius caesar
Flavius and Marullus
government tribunes
stopping celebrations of Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
Emperor of Rome
Just defeated Pompey - gets their soldiers + more power
Cassius and Casca
joins conspiracy plotting
Julius Caesar’s wife
Man vs Man
Man vs Supernatural (Romans are very superstitious)
Man vs Society
warns of Idea of March (March 15)
famous senator
urges Cassius to have Brutus join the conspiracy
Plot 1-5
- Flavius and Marullus breaking up crowd - from Feast of Luprical and celebrating JC
- They’re removing the decorations off the statues
- JC won the war against Pompey and attends the Feast of Luprical with his wife Calpurnia - barren/infertile
- Soothsayer (oracle/fortune teller) warns JC of the Ides of March
- JC wants Mark Antony to “Shake of her sterile curse”
Plot 6-10
- Cassius starts to plan conspiracy against JC and reminds Brutus that JC is mortal
- Mark Antony tells JC that Cassius has a “mean and hungry look”
- Casca is making a plan to overthrow JC and tells Brutus and Cassiuc that JC refused the crown three times - JC has a seizure
- Casca and Cicero meet during a terrible storm and Cassius says the storm is a sign JC must be overthrown
- Threw letters in Brutu’s orchard to convince him to join because he’s wanted as a conspirator
How is Julius NOT untouchable
He has the falling sickness (epilepsy)
He can only hear in one ear
He almost drowned in the Tiber river
Letters to be planted at Brutus’s orchard
Other Information
Brutus hasn’t decided to join the conspiracy yet