ACT 5 Flashcards
MAGIC AND ILLUSION/GENDER AND POWER: The Masque, the goddesses and Miranda
POWER/MAGIC AND ILLUSION: Alonso when he realises son is alive
“The affliction of my mind amends”
- Prospero and the text giving Alonso the gift of comfort
- shift from tragedy to comedy
- tragedy is irrevocable
- Macbeth “WHAT’S DONE CANNOT BE UNDONE” (in rough wording)
Renunciation speech: MORALITY: Violent imagery - Prospero
“Mutinous winds (…) roaring war (…) dread rattling thunder (…) waked their sleepers”
Misuse of magic - wrong doings
GENDER/EDUCATION - Miranda sees men
Act 5.1
“How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,
That has such people in’t!”
Idealism, innocent, naive
Contrast to darker reality of events that have taken place, illusion vs reality
ACT 5.1
“The rarer action is in virtue rather than in vengeance.”
P’s shift from desire to forgiveness - redemption and moral superiority of mercy over vengeance