Act 5 Flashcards
Define pun.
Pun is hte use of a word’s denotation alongside any suggested meaning from words similar or identical in sound.
Define dramatic irony.
Dramatic irony is an incongruity between what a character expects or knows and what the audience knows to be true.
Explain the difference between a metaphor and simile.
Metaphors make a comparison without using the words “like” or “as.” Similes compare two unlike things and do use “like” or “as.”
Explain the difference between paraphrasing and summarizing.
A paraphrase is a rewording that will end up at least as long as the original passage. A summary reduces a passage to its essential ideas.
Define extended metaphor.
An extended metaphor is a sustained comparison that becomes a controlling image for a passage.
democracy; the granting of rights
very sad; unhappy
to correct a wrong
boasting, making claims
“Two mighty eagles fell; and there they perch’d,
- Gorging and feeding from our soldiers’ hands, …*
- This morning are they fled away and gone.*” (5.1.80-81; 83)
“But this same day
- Must end that work the ides of march begun,*
- And whether we shall meet again I know not.*
- Therefore our everlasting farewell take:*
- For ever and for ever farewell”* (5.2.112-116)
“So, I am free; yet would not have been,
Durst I have done my will. O Cassius!” (5.3.47-48)
“Did I not meet thy friends, and did not they
- Put on my brows this wreath of victory,*
- And bid me give it thee? Dids though not hear their shouts?*
- Alas, thou hast misconstrued every thing!”* (5.3.81-84)
“O Julius Caesar, thou art might yet!
- Thy spirit walks abroad, and turns our swords*
- In our own proper entrails.”* (5.3.94-96)
“Give him all kindness. I had rather have
- Such men my friends than enemies. Go on,*
- And see whe’r Brutus be alive or dead.”* (5.4.28-30)